# table-color and fade-table-color are hex numbers which represent a rgb color.
# If you do not know how to use this format, either use the default or ask
# someone who knows it. (it's the HTML-standard-format)
# the background color of your table
set table-color 0x7f0000
# fade table color to another color
set fade-table-to 0x00004f
# border width of the table (0 == no border, which is probably the best)
set table-border 0
You DO NOT load the module itself, you source the stats.conf in your scripts section and it in turn, loads the stats mod.
### General Settings
# the file where the data is stored
# WARNING: Always set this var _before_ the module is loaded, or it won't
# find your stats.
set statsfile "statsmod.dat"
# load the module itself
loadmodule stats