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Vhost Script

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Vhost Script

Post by CyberWar »

Hi all i've downloaded a vhost script and i've included that one, but how works this script? :? i try to type: !vhost but the bot doesnt write back. Can some one tell me that command?

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# vHost Relay - Get_A_Fix (ashnet/abjects)

setudef flag vhost

set debugnick "Global"
set vhostchan "#vhost"

bind pub - !vhost chanset:vhost
proc chanset:vhost {n u h c t} {
  if {[matchattr $h o]} {

    if {[lindex $t 0] == "on"} {
      channel set $c +vhost
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $c :Enabled Vhost Relay."

    if {[lindex $t 0] == "off"} {
      channel set $c -vhost
      puthelp "PRIVMSG $c :Disabled Vhost Relay."

bind pubm - * vhost:output
proc vhost:output {nick uhost hand chan text} {
  global vhostchan debugnick
  if {[lsearch -exact [split [string tolower $debugnick]] [string tolower $nick]] != -1} {
    if {[lsearch -exact [channel info $chan] +vhost] != -1} {

      if {([string match -nocase "*vhost*" $text]) && ([string match -nocase "*requested*" $text])} {
        set requester [lrange $text 2 end]
        putquick "PRIVMSG $vhostchan :\002New vHost\002: $requester"

      if {([string match -nocase "*request*" $text]) && ([string match -nocase "*activated*" $text])} {
        set requester [lindex $text 3]
        set activeoper [lindex $text 6]
        putquick "PRIVMSG $vhostchan :\002vHost Activation\002: $requester - Activated by: $activeoper - $requester, please type: /hostserv on"

      if {([string match -nocase "*request*" $text]) && ([string match -nocase "*rejected*" $text])} {
        set requester [lindex $text 3]
        set requested [lrange $text 4 end]
        putquick "PRIVMSG $vhostchan :\002vHost Rejected\002: $requester - $requested"

putlog "Loaded: vHost Relay.."
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Post by uffs »

on DCC :

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 .chanset #channel +vhost 
did you ?
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Post by CyberWar »

doesnt work
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Post by Alchera »

CyberWar wrote:doesnt work
Paste the result(s) of:

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.set errorInfo
Add [SOLVED] to the thread title if your issue has been.
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Post by CyberWar »

That was all

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.set errorInfo
He dont write more
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

ummm, This script explains what to do...

You type; !vhost on <- inside your #services channel, which should have logchan on - /operserv set logchan on

Then, it will pipe whatever Global output is sent to #services.

That is all the script does, relay the function that vhost has been requested/activated/rejected. I have since updated this version, my current one does a bit more.

If you want a script that does !vhost .... then try a different script.
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Post by caesar »

It's actually:

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.set $errorInfo
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