I did actually try this already but it is not working.speechles wrote: This should work... The problem with adding wikimedia sites, is the entire site becomes your 'country'. So to add say, 'thissite.com/wiki' to the encode strings with utf-8 encoding is as simple as adding the below to encode_strings:
Using it with wiki.theppn.org - try searching for Utada Hikaru for example. Its still giving me gibberish for the Japanese name in the output.
Oh gawd, haha, I feel pretty stupid now. I've been actually using this since some time then... lol. Thought it was done by some older script that i still have running, didn't realize that it was actually your script doing this... haha. Well thanks for clearing that up for me then. xDspeechles wrote: You will be suprised to know, it already does this. You have !translate (google's version of it) included with this script. Type !help translate in a channel where the script is running.<speechles> !help translate
-sp33chy- --> Bot triggers available:
-sp33chy- !tr,!trans,!translate region@region <text> with 1 results.
<speechles> !tr en@fr hello france, this is english translated to french.
<sp33chy> Google says: (en->fr) bonjour la France, c'est Anglais traduit en français.