Code: Select all
if {![isop $nick $pvchan2] || ![isvoice $nick $pvchan2]} {
Code: Select all
if {![ischanban $pvmask2 $pvchan2] || [botisop $pvchan2]} {
Code: Select all
if {[regexp -nocase "#" $text] || [regexp -nocase "join" $text] || [regexp -nocase "channel" $text] || [regexp -nocase "klik" $text] || [regexp -nocase "www" $text] || [regexp -nocase "pussy" $text] || [regexp -nocase "http" $text] || [regexp -nocase "server" $text] || [regexp -nocase "click" $text] > 0} {
Code: Select all
#Antispam With cycle command
# -> bantime
set bantime 30
# -> banned words
set bannedwords "# join channel klik www pussy http"
# -> minutes bot should cycle channels
set timecycle 1
bind msgm - "*" pv_kick2
# kick
proc pv_kick2 {nick uhost hand text} {
foreach word [split $text] {
if {[lsearch -exact [split [$::bannedwords]] $word}{
set banthisguy 1
if {[info exists $banthisguy]} {
foreach pvchan2 [channels] {
if {![isop $nick $pvchan2] && ![isvoice $nick $pvchan2] && [onchan $nick $pvchan2]} {
set pvmask2 "*!*$uhost"
if {![ischanban $pvmask2 $pvchan2] && [botisop $pvchan2]} {
set pvkickmsg2 "\002Msg Spam 30min. Ban!"
putquick "kick $pvchan2 $nick :$pvkickmsg2"
putquick "mode $pvchan2 +b $pvmask2 $::bantime"
# cycle
timer $timecycle part_chan
proc part_chan {} {
global timecycle
foreach chancycle [channels] {
putserv "PART $chancycle :\037Spam Check!\037"
timer $timecycle part_chan
Although this would appear somewhat misleading, it is not causing the script to fail. The simple form of regexp returns 1 for a match, and 0 for no match. In tcl, 1 is true while 0 is false, hence "[regexp pattern string]" and "[regexp pattern string] > 0" has the same logics-table. Hence either works...speechles wrote:Here is your problem, and it isn't those or's (||) this time. It's the fact you have that greater than sign and a 0 on the end. Matter of fact, why do you use regexp to do this? Why not a simple lsearch, it would save you time, and the bot wouldn't need to cycle through all those regexp's. ...Code: Select all
if {[regexp -nocase "#" $text] || [regexp -nocase "join" $text] || [regexp -nocase "channel" $text] || [regexp -nocase "klik" $text] || [regexp -nocase "www" $text] || [regexp -nocase "pussy" $text] || [regexp -nocase "http" $text] || [regexp -nocase "server" $text] || [regexp -nocase "click" $text] > 0} {
But if we compound those or's and then provide a single evaluation of greater than comparing to zero. Wont the interpreter instead, do as every other language would, and using a binary-OR operation on each of the results, which is basically an x0r... 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 and then is it greater than 0? no it equals it. This is how many programming languages behave without strict use of parenthesis to stop it.nml375 wrote:Although this would appear somewhat misleading, it is not causing the script to fail. The simple form of regexp returns 1 for a match, and 0 for no match. In tcl, 1 is true while 0 is false, hence "[regexp pattern string]" and "[regexp pattern string] > 0" has the same logics-table. Hence either works...
Here is your problem. The bot is not getting opped fast enough. It is spammed before it is opped. It will not do anything when spammed if not opped.* Parts: gather-lv (~gather@ (Spam Check!)
* Joins: gather-lv (~gather@
* ChanServ sets mode: +o gather-lv
Code: Select all
#Antispam With cycle command
# -> bantime
set bantime 30
# -> banned words
set bannedwords "# join channel klik www pussy http"
# -> minutes bot should cycle channels
set timecycle 1
bind msgm - "*" pv_kick2
# kick
proc pv_kick2 {nick uhost hand text} {
foreach word [split $text] {
if {[lsearch -nocase -exact [split [$::bannedwords]] $word]}{
set banthisguy 1
if {[info exists $banthisguy]} {
foreach pvchan2 [channels] {
if {![isop $nick $pvchan2] && ![isvoice $nick $pvchan2] && [onchan $nick $pvchan2]} {
set pvmask2 "*!*$uhost"
#set pvmask "*!*@[lindex [split $uhost @] 1]"
if {![ischanban $pvmask2 $pvchan2]} {
set pvkickmsg2 "\002Msg Spam 30min. Ban!"
newchanban $pvchan2 $pvmask2 "Anti-Spam" $::pvkickmsg2 "%0d0h30m"
# cycle
timer $timecycle part_chan
proc part_chan {} {
global timecycle
foreach chancycle [channels] {
putserv "PART $chancycle :\037Spam Check!\037"
timer $timecycle part_chan
Binary OR is not the same as XOR (exclusive or)... The fundamental difference is when both expr1 and expr2 is true, with OR, this evaluates to True, while for XOR this evaluates to False. No language I've ever used does any kind of "magic" switch to XOR from OR...speechles wrote:But if we compound those or's and then provide a single evaluation of greater than comparing to zero. Wont the interpreter instead, do as every other language would, and using a binary-OR operation on each of the results, which is basically an x0r... 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 to 1 to 0 and then is it greater than 0? no it equals it. This is how many programming languages behave without strict use of parenthesis to stop it.nml375 wrote:Although this would appear somewhat misleading, it is not causing the script to fail. The simple form of regexp returns 1 for a match, and 0 for no match. In tcl, 1 is true while 0 is false, hence "[regexp pattern string]" and "[regexp pattern string] > 0" has the same logics-table. Hence either works...
How do you gather that from this limited output? (that the bot is opped too slow) All I see is the bot parting (stating the custom reason "Spam Check!", rejoining, and being opped by chanserv... I do agree that the bot will do nothing if not opped, but I can see other reasons for this happening aswell..Speechles wrote:Here is your problem. The bot is not getting opped fast enough. It is spammed before it is opped. It will not do anything when spammed if not opped.* Parts: gather-lv (~gather@ (Spam Check!)
* Joins: gather-lv (~gather@
* ChanServ sets mode: +o gather-lv
Does your testing-client have ops or voice on the channels?asdd1 wrote:Same, no changes.
To check i'm using this mIRC Script:
<05.07 19:01:00> <gather-lv> [19:01] Tcl error [pv_kick2]: extra characters after close-braceCode: Select all
on 1:JOIN:#:/msg $nick join #test
<05.07 19:01:00> <gather-lv> [19:01] [user01!test@] join #test