my bot pings out after connecting to a proxy. here is the ouput.
[02:53] Trying server
[02:53] Connected to
[02:53] -NOTICE- *** Looking up your hostname
[02:53] -NOTICE- *** Checking Ident
[02:53] -NOTICE- *** Found your hostname
[02:53] -NOTICE- *** No ident response
[02:54] -ERROR from server- Closing Link: by (Ping timeout)
i have tried other proxys and every undernet server there is with no luck.
indeed.. but i could modify the source myself if i knew where in the source it looks for a "PING :2345245???". i know the net.c controls most of this. and if it's been flakey for years and i just happen to get it working good.. it will be not-so flakey
found the code i was looking for! i added 2 lines and changed 1 (in various sections) and got it to work! it is linked on my botnet and sharing userfiles! damn this is nice.
i would really be scared to post that here.. or even have it "fixed". reason being is that now i can connect to ANY 1080 proxy (1080 is the only one that works right now). 3128 proxys *may* work. these, as you know, are a dime a dozen. i am only afraid that some lame kiddie will load 100 eggs and use some evil tcl for very bad things
but, if you feel this actually should be included, i will gladly tell you how i did it.. just not here. i hang in #w00t on undernet. my nick is ravenous.
There are many sites on the net that provide that sort of information gregul.
As for the changes you made, like it would stop a packet kiddy anyway.
Soon (beleive it or not), eggdrop will have better proxy support (if memory serves me corectly). When I say soon, I mean when the total re-write (as good as) that is underway is completed.