Hi, I have a Debian-Linux machine where I host my eggdrop IRC Bot, and I was wondering if I could download eggdrop again, and reconfigure another bot to connect to a different network using different scripts and nickname. Can I do that, or will it mess up with my bot?
It's just because someone asked me to build an eggdrop for support in another network different from the one where I use to be, and I need to host that bot temporarily to test the scripts and connection to the other network. So, can I download eggdrop again, configure and compile it in a different directory from my original bot and run it without any problems?
All you need, is pretty much one config-file (along with separate settings for user file, channels file, listening ports and such) per eggie. You do not need multiple binaries or such.
Oh, I see. So if I have a different config file which doesn't have conflictuous settings with the other conf, I can run multiple eggies from the same installation??
How would I start each one? ./eggdrop -m <conf file> ?