I was quite cool, and quite done.nml375 wrote:It is hard for me to moderate this topic as I'm involved myself, but I believe it is time for all to chill down a little.
Until somebody came in with foul language and name calling directed at me.
Scroll to the top and read down again, and notice where the name calling and foul language were introduced. Notice it wasn't by me?
The first time I read the post, I overlooked that language, and had decided to just not reply at all.
But when I saw the name calling and foul language, I was not about to let that go un-answered.
I did a very good job of not replying in kind, which would be perfectly acceptable.
It is not according to the docs. ... sigh....I hardly believe anyone is here with the sole intent of arguing. There have been a few misunderstandings along the thread, but I'm sure we're all adults enough to look beyond that.
I now believe you look at the issue of revengebot and revenge-mode solely for the bot itself, whereas I look at any known bot amongst the channel members. Given my point of view and experience using eggdrops, I do not see that behaviour as a bug, but just normal behaviour and according to the documentations.
I simply did a .help chaninfo, and read what it said.
Exception when the bot is the victim?? hehehe... the bot being the victim is the very topic, and what IS described in the docs.With your point of view, I can admit the documentation may be ambiguos or misdirecting, as it makes no explicit exception in the special case of bot itself being the victim.
Thanks for addressing that question though.Thinking back, I believe there was a documentation bug on this back in 1.6.10 or so, where the helptext for revengebot actually specified "the bot" rather than "a bot", later on fixed. Unfortunately, some helpsites still use these old docs adding to the confusion.
As for your initial query, which got lost in the thread, "Does anyone have any solutions?", I would have to say this would have to be solved using scripting.
I can't think of any specific one at the moment,
The bot being the target is the ONLY consideration, for this thread, and has been all along.but the basics would be to track all deops and kicks, and see if the bot itself was the target.
This is what I was thinking too.It would then have to store the channel name and nickname of the event in some variable, to be used once your eggdrop regains op (thus your eggdrop would also have to track itself being opped).
Thank you for your time with the above code. However it is probably beyond me. I've only just begun... total beginner with tcl.A rough skeleton code would look something like this:You'd probably like to add some code to restrict whom your bot will revenge though.Code: Select all
bind kick - * checkKickRevenge bind mode "% -o" checkDeopRevenge bind mode "% +o" exertRevenge proc checkKickRevenge {nick host handle channel target reason} { if {[isbotnick $target]} { lappend $::revengeList([string tolower $channel]) $nick } } proc checkDeopRevenge {nick host handle channel mode target} { if {[isbotnick $target]} { lappend $::revengeList([string tolower $channel]) $nick } } proc exertRevenge {nick host handle channel mode target} { if {[isbotnick $target] && [info exists ::revengeList([string tolower $channel])]} { putkick $channel [join $::revengeList([string tolower $channel]) ","] unset ::revengeList([string tolower $channel]) } }