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vBullutin search script

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vBullutin search script

Post by bro0 »

I want to create a script, which response on the command !board <keyword> to search in a vBulletin board..

i modify the Youtube searching script
(but i would say my script is crap :x )

The problem: you have to enter captchas and copy a code to search something...

The answer: if you are registred -> the simple search and a link with keywords work

The second problem: cookies @ eggdrop?

It should work..

So.. so I'm just a damn noob @ TCL and dont know about anything.
I just started to view // take a look at TCL 2 days ago..
so it's very difficult for me.. this project is "to big" for me...

and it's would be realy bad if i invest more and more time in this project and the result is: nothing//bullshit//crap..

First of all i want to talk with you about it.. so if you can fix it or get some time for me, it would be great.. i have some "extra wishes" if it works... like:

<user> !board keyword

<Bot> Title: blabla --- Link: thelink
<Bot> Title: blabla2 --- Link: thelink
<Bot> Title: blabla3 --- Link: thelink
<Bot> Full results --- Link: thelink

<Bot> search results for keyword were send privat to <user>.
// or maybe with the link for the full results? mh..

Greetings and wishes,

example links:
clean main

clean search link

"modified" search link with the keyword "test"..
//normal are search ids...

The first result "line" of searching "test"..

<a href="showthread.php?t=212&highlight=test" id="thread_title_212" style="font-weight:bold">Problem with Megaupload</a>

i hope some pros can help me.. and the links + examples can help you :roll:
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Post by speechles »

How would you interpret that captcha with an eggdrop bot? Something (a browser, etc) would need to visit the site first, enter the required captcha to generate the cookies (all on the same machine the eggdrop is on) and then in theory (haven't tested it), these cookies could then be used to bypass the captcha with eggdrop.
Last edited by speechles on Fri Apr 03, 2009 7:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by bro0 »

if you are logged in, you dont have to enter captchas... thats the answer on that problem..

i have created an account for the eggdrop

// if you want the login data - PM me
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Post by speechles »

with the amount of work required for this script it's unlikely it will get very far unless you post some trial code of your own. I don't need the login data as this doesn't interest me in the least... ;)
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Post by bro0 »

maybe if you want to check the script?! :p

the account was only created for this topic..

i have another account for support + my own eggdrop.. :P


i don't know if it's possibe.. because of the captchas and all those problems..

is its correct, that an eggdrop is able to login to websites or not?
that was the part what i meaned with "set cookies"...

that he is already login (i dont know if the eggdrop use a normal installed browser in the background or what ever.. I'm a noob).. so maybe it's possible to create cookies by a script or if he use the normal browser it will work with my cookies..

i don't know -> posted here to get answers of some pros ...
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