He/she/you would like to know how to solve this problem:
expected integer but got " 08 " (looks like invalid octal number)
This is a script that calculates time hour of the last command
given in the channel.
Plus when it arrives some mainly schedule 08, 09 him of the
this mistake expected integer but got " 08 " (looks like invalid octal number)
Part of the Code is this:
Code: Select all
set horaam "00"
set minam "00"
set segam "00"
set am "$horaam:$minam:$segam"
set horasave "00"
set minsave "00"
set segsave "00"
set saves "$horasave:$minsave:$segsave"
proc salvar {nick uhost hand chan rest} {
global topico
global shard
global news
global am
global saves
global horasave
global minsave
global segsave
global statTS
global statMAP
set horaant "$horasave"
set minant "$minsave"
set segant "$segsave"
set horasave "[strftime %H]"
set minsave "[strftime %M]"
set segsave "[strftime %S]"
set saves "$horasave:$minsave:$segsave"
set math "((($horasave * 60) * 60) + ($minsave * 60) + $segsave ) - ((($horaant * 60) * 60) + ($minant * 60) + $segant)"
set amaux [expr $math]
if {$amaux < 0} {
set math "((($horasave * 60) * 60) + ($minsave * 60) + $segsave ) + (84600 - ((($horaant * 60) * 60) + ($minant * 60) + $segant))"
set amaux [expr $math]
set math "(($amaux / 60) / 60)"
set horaant [expr $math]
set math "$amaux - (($horaant * 60) * 60)"
set amaux [expr $math]
set math "$amaux / 60"
set minant [expr $math]
set math "$amaux - ($minant * 60)"
set segant [expr $math]
set mensagem "^C7,1Já se passaram^C9,1 $horaant ^C7,1hora(s)^C9,1 $minant ^C7,1minutos e^C9,1 $segant ^C7,1segundos desde o último save!"
# putchan $chan $mensagem
puthelp "PRIVMSG $chan :$mensagem"
putserv "TOPIC $chan :^B^_^C4,1\[^_^B^C4,1^BE^B^C0,1mpires ^C4,1^BB^B^C0,1lasters^B^_^C4,1\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C7,1Shard:^C9,1 $shard ^C4,1^B^_\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C7,1TS:^C9,1 $statTS ^C4,1^B^_\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C7,1MAP:^C9,1 $statMAP ^C4,1^B^_\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C8,1 $topico ^C4,1^B^_\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C7,1AM:^C9,1 $am ^C4,1^B^_\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C7,1Save:^C9,1 $saves ^C4,1^B^_\]^_^B ^B^_\[^_^B^C7,1News:^C11,1 $news ^C4,1^B^_\]^O"
putlog "\002\[Mv\]\002 <<$nick>> !$hand! topic $rest"
return 1
08:10:00 or 09:00:00 if he/she has 09 08 in any to call
he doesn't print, more he/she makes him/it I calculate everything it carries the variable
more in the hour of printing of giving the topic and the putserv he/she doesn't do
anything. and of the the mistake in the bot
expected integer but got " 08 " (looks like invalid octal number)
If somebody can me to help I am I thank.
At once I Thank.
He/she/you excuses English I used a translator.
Thank you.