i have a precompiled bot from a shell provider and after setting up the settings and starting my bot i get channel mode and info spam every 5 minutes through the partyline. it looks like...
<eggdropbot> [21:20] @#channel (+tnkl password 14) : [m/10 o/10 h/0 v/0 n/0 b/0 e/0 I/0]
i have looked all through the config file for timers based on a 5 min setting, and i do not have much other tcl scripts. if anyone would help to get rid of this, i would greatly appreciate it.
i hadn't been able to get my bot into a pass protected channel until i posted the ".chanset #dmitb chanmode +k password" command, and ever since i did that, the spam has occured.
so i figure that it must be something to do with chanmodes, is there a way to clear the channel modes from my bots registry somehow? i can't -set a mode because the bot gets in fights with the other bots ...
-k etc.
but if there was a way to neutralize or clear out the modes... i would greatly appreciate it. then again i would be back to trying to join a pass protected channel, but im sure i can find an alternate way. the 5min spam is just really irritating.