Send a notice to the user it ignores. (With the ability to change the message via a small config at the top of the script)
Make the time for the ignore to be kept in place configurable.
And NOT ignore the bot master. (Configurable?)
are you talking about eggdrop's commands? like the dcc/msg commands. eggdrop.conf has settings that prevent flooding of these commands and settings to ignore users/people that do. As for the sending a notice for this, you could use the flud bind and creat a proc to do this
Description: any floods detected through the flood control settings (like 'flood-ctcp') are sent here before processing. If the proc returns 1, no further action is taken on the flood; if the proc returns 0, the bot will do its normal "punishment" for the flood. The flood types are: pub, msg, join, or ctcp (and can be masked to "*" for the bind); flags are ignored.
Module: server
set dcc-flood-thr 3 - Specify here the number of lines to accept from a user on the partyline within 1 second before they are considered to be flooding and therefore get booted. (for dcc flood control) set flood-msg 5:60 - Set here how many msgs in how many seconds from one host constitutes a flood. If you set this to 0:0, msg flood protection will be disabled. (message flood control) set trigger-on-ignore 0 - If you want Eggdrop to trigger binds for ignored users, set this to 1. (to enable ignoring flooders)
One of them for example is a counter join script. This counts how many joins there has been and sents a notice to the user telling them they are X person to join.
If someone keeps cycling the channel this will flood the bot and lag it, I want to prevent this from happening...
Other commands are !8ball and .dwhois ect...
Basically ignore ANY commands that are flooded... So after 4 times of ANY of the commands the bot will ignore all commands for about 30 seconds and message the channel with a configurable message.
In that case, refer to my first post (of this link). If you dont want to take the time to add the "throttle" proc to your scripts, you can try using something like this
set tf_commands ".dwhois,!dwhois,.8ball,!8ball"
set tf_throttle "30"
set tf_ignoretime "5"
set tf_warning "command/trigger flood detected! You are not being ignored."
proc tf_check:pubm {nick host handle channel text} {
global tf_commands tf_ignoretime tf_throttle tf_warning botnick
foreach command [split $tf_commands ,] {
if {[string match [string tolower [lindex [split $text] 0]] $command]} {
if {[throttled $host,$channel $tf_throttle]} {
if {$tf_warning != ""} {
puthelp "PRIVMSG $channel :$tf_warning"
newignore [maskhost $host] $botnick "command/trigger flood detected" $tf_ignoretime
proc throttled {id time} {
global throttled
if {[info exists throttled($id)]} {
return 1
} {
set throttled($id) [clock sec]
utimer $time [list unset throttled($id)]
return 0
bind pubm -|- "*" tf_check:pubm
As for
One of them for example is a counter join script. This counts how many joins there has been and sents a notice to the user telling them they are X person to join.
If someone keeps cycling the channel this will flood the bot and lag it, I want to prevent this from happening...
I would contact the owner of the script and ask them to add a feature to prevent this, or look for a fly-by/join-part flooding script in the TCL Archive.