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Problems with NickServ identify on IRCNet

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Problems with NickServ identify on IRCNet

Post by deejayb »

I've set my eggdrop for enter into my Irc Chat but I've a problem with the /ns identify password command....
I've set the eggdrop.con in this way:
1) I've add :

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
set init-server { putserv "PRIVMSG nickserv :identify montagna" }

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"

2)I've add (into "SCRIPTS")
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/identify.tcl

3)I've add:

source scripts/userinfo.tcl
source scripts/identify.tcl

And into the identify.tcl file I've write:
variable nickservpassword "montagna"

bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
putquick "MODE $::botnick +iR-ws"
putquick "nickserv identify $::nickservpassword"

Now...after connected, the BOT (on telnet) said this:

NickServ (services@test.irc) -please choose a different nick - has me i-lined (jumping)
Ident listening on port 113, Replyng as SitProperl***
Tryng Server
Failed to connect to (DNS lookup failed)
Identd was already ON, listening on port 113, Replyng as SitProperl***

What can I do?
Tnx so much for the help.
Best Regards.
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

check wot u have in your servers block, from looking at the
Tryng Server
you have as a server, did u mean ?
As for the error has me i-lined (jumping)
thats causing your bot to disconnect, check the following settings in eggdrop.conf file:
set bounce-modes 0 - Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server modes.
set bounce-invites 0 - Set this to 1 if you want to bounce all server invitations (+I modes). This is disabled if use-invites is disabled.
As for anything in relation to identifying to NickServ i cant see, from what you have posted. I'd recommend you maybe try using the notc* something like

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bind notc - "*please choose a different nick*" the:name:of:my:ns:id:proc
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Post by nml375 »

The i-line jump is actually related to the check-mode-r setting, which tells whether eggdrop should try to get a non-restricted connection (aka I-line), or be satisfied with a restricted one (aka +r or i-line).
These are in no way related to the channel I modes.

The "bogus" server connection is as described by TCL_no_TK, most likely a typo in your servers list.

Nickserv: different server software implement nickserv differently; some expect you to send a privmsg to ns, or nickserv, some require full or similar, others expect you to use the non-standard command ns or nickserv. Make sure you've got the right one for your server.. Using the server-init event should work fine, as long as you are sending the proper commands.
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Post by TCL_no_TK »

nml375 wrote:The i-line jump is actually related to the check-mode-r setting, which tells whether eggdrop should try to get a non-restricted connection (aka I-line), or be satisfied with a restricted one (aka +r or i-line).
These are in no way related to the channel I modes.
Thanks :D never ran across this with my own, and was wondering about it. :arrow: wont have to guess at it anymore too lol :oops:
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Post by deejayb »

Hi again....
Unfortunately my bot can't identify to NickServ (ns)
I've try another script but still continue to give me problems....
Here the script identify.tcl script:
# Set the password into the variable identify(pass) (see GLOBALS)
# This script is think for Azzurra but, with some little modify, can run
# also in other Network

### GLOBALS ###
set identify(pass) "montagna"
set identify(ns) "NickServ!service@test.irc"
set identify(cs) "ChanServ!service@test.irc"

### BINDS ###
bind evnt - init-server identify:identify
bind notc - *nick*registred*to*another*user* identify:notice
bind notc - *remain*seconds*change*automatically* identify:notice
### END BINDS ###

### PROCS ###
proc identify:identify { type } {
set ns [ lindex [ split $::identify(ns) "!" ] 0 ]
putserv "PRIVMSG $ns :IDENTIFY $::identify(pass)"

proc identify:notice { nick host handle text dest } {
set ns [ lindex [ split $::identify(ns) "!" ] 0 ]
putserv "PRIVMSG $ns :IDENTIFY $::identify(pass)"
### END PROCS ###

### INITIAL ###
if { ! [ validuser [ finduser $::identify(ns) ] ] } {
adduser NS [ lindex [ split $::identify(ns) "!" ] 1 ]
chattr NS +f
if { ! [ validuser [ finduser $::identify(cs) ] ] } {
adduser CS [ lindex [ split $::identify(cs) "!" ] 1 ]
chattr CS +f

What I must change for make run correctly the command /ns identify (pass) ?!?!?

I've put the scipt only into the folder "scripts". it's ok?
into the "eggdrop.conf" file I've put the command "source scripts/identify.tcl" only into: ##### WINDROP SCRIPTS ##### and ##### SCRIPTS #####. It's ok?

P.S.: When I log myself with TELNET into the BOT, after few seconds I can see the error:

Identd: Listening On Port 113, Replyng as SitProperl***
Tryng server
-NOTICE- *** Looking up for your hostname...
-NOTICE- *** Found ypur hostname (catched)
Identd: Disabled.
Flood from @test.irc! Placing on ignore! has me i-lined (jumping)

Tnx so much for the help!!!!!!!!!!!
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Post by speechles »

set init-server { putserv "ns identify <password_here>" }

nml375 already said this awhile ago, some use the non-standard command "ns". Your also using this non-standard command in your question. So why not simply use the command?

adduser services *!*services@test.irc
chattr services +f

According to your text, the above would put an end to the flooding message and subsequent ignores issued when connecting to the ircd. Change them of course to what should really be there.
Last edited by speechles on Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:48 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by deejayb »

speechles wrote:set init-server { putserv "ns identify <password_here>" }

nml375 already said this awhile ago, some use the non-standard command "ns". Your also using this non-standard command in your question. So why not simply use the command?
But where I must put it into the identify.tcl file?!?!?
Tnx so much!!!!!!
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Post by speechles »

deejayb wrote:
speechles wrote:set init-server { putserv "ns identify <password_here>" }

nml375 already said this awhile ago, some use the non-standard command "ns". Your also using this non-standard command in your question. So why not simply use the command?
But where I must put it into the identify.tcl file?!?!?
Tnx so much!!!!!!
Nowhere, that script is bloated, remove it. Just read the above reply by me again, and put these into your eggdrop.conf where they belong. The key to this is that you understand common sense. Do you?
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Post by deejayb »

Same thing....
services continue to placing the BOT on ignore.....

Here is where I've put the script into the "eggdrop.conf" file:

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server
set init-server { putserv "ns identify montagna" }

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
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Post by speechles »

Code: Select all

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
  global botnick
  adduser services *!*services@test.irc
  chattr services +f 
  putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
  putserv "ns identify montagna"
Change services@test.irc to the actual unique host (ident@host) that your services are actually using. Leave the *!* preceeding this in the adduser. This is all you should need to do.
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Post by deejayb »

Now I don't receive any sort of errors....
But when my BOT enter into the Chan where is addes as Op, ChanServ don't op it....where can be the error?

# This is a Tcl script to be run immediately after connecting to a server.
bind evnt - init-server evnt:init_server

proc evnt:init_server {type} {
global botnick
adduser services *!*services@test.irc
chattr services +f
putquick "MODE $botnick +i-ws"
putserv "/msg ns identify montagna" (I've change this)

Tnx too much for the help that you give me!!!!!!!!
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Post by arfer »

I don't know whether I am addressing your problem but I also used to identify my bots by this method. If services are a little lagged then the bot can enter its channels before services have reacted to the identify command and hence will not be op'd even if they are on the channels access list.

I now use a script that waits for nickserv to say something like 'this nick belongs to someone else etc etc' and sends the appropriate response. Then depending whether it is one of a preconfigured list of channels sends an OP command after a finite delay.
I must have had nothing to do
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Post by speechles »

deejayb wrote: putserv "/msg ns identify montagna" (I've change this)
Why? msg is an internal mIRC alias. You can tell by the / preceeding the command. Which in turn calls the proper "privmsg $target". Which in this case will actually be converted into "PRIVMSG NS :identify <password>". Now you have already said this wouldn't work and the proper way to do it was /ns identify password.

The problem now is eggdrop is not mIRC. /msg to it will actually go out to the ircd as "/msg" so what your doing of course will just go to oblivion/outerspace/hell/you-name-it it won't do anything. Eggdrop doesn't use / to preceed commands as mIRC does. Put it back to the way I had it for you and it should work as intended. If it doesn't, you may need to change this:

Code: Select all

putserv "ns identify montagna"
to this:

Code: Select all

utimer 8 [list putserv "ns identify montagna"]
utimer 9 [list putserv "privmsg chanserv :op #mychan"]
This will give an 8 second delay which should be enough for your bot to join channels. Then it will attempt to authenticate itself which in turn should give you ownership of the nickname. After which 1 second later, at 9 seconds the bot will now msg chanserv to give it operator rights for #mychan.
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Post by deejayb »

None with this command exit.....
home.test.irc- *** Notice -- Client exiting: SitProperly (Bot@localhost) [Quit: i-lines suck]

I've try to put off the [ ] and now don't give me the error....but some problem.... when enter into the chan, Chanserv set it -o
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Post by nml375 »

See the "check-mode-r" configuration setting. I believe your nickserv solution sets the usermode +r for registered nicks, which on most networks actually means "restricted connection". If this setting is set to 1, eggdrop will change the server whenever it detects usermode +r on itself to avoid "i-lines" (restricted connections).

As such, I would say that at least one of your scripts work (the one generating the Quit's).
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