I know this topic has been brought up a few times before. I looked at each of them and none helped. My bot starts up perfectly fine but refuses to create a userfile.
Telnet to the bot and enter 'NEW' as your nickname.
OR go to IRC and type: /msg Herbert hello
This will make the bot recognize you as the master.
[04:56] === Herbert: 1 channels, 0 users.
* Warning! Could not write pid.Herbert file!
Launched into the background (pid: 16140)
That is what it tells me. When I try .save in DCC Chat, it refuses.
# Specify here the filename your userfile should be saved as.
set userfile "Herbert.user"
# Specify here the filename Eggdrop will save its pid to. If no pidfile is
# specified, pid.(botnet-nick) will be used.
set pidfile "pid.Herbert"
That is what is written in my .conf file.
Please help the best you can. I really do not feel like having to restart my bot and his entire memory everytime I use him.
Thanks in advance.
I got some help from someone and I now get this error:
[20:08] * Old userfile, use 'tclsh scripts/weed <userfile> c' to convert
I have googled it a few times and I can't follow the instructions. Please help me.