I did a fresh install.
I installed tcl8.5.4, seems to work correct.
The problem starts with mysqltcl 3.05.
So with fedora 6, I started my bot and it all worked,
the script haves the code:
Code: Select all
package require mysqltcl
When I change the code into:can't find package mysqltcl
Code: Select all
load /usr/local/lib/mysqltcl3.05/libmysqltcl.so
Now according to this threath:
Someone says mysqltcl is probably installed in a location where tcl does not look for packages.
So I probably need to install it to my tcl8.5.4 folder, which is:
So if the above is right, my question is, how can I install it to that folder?/usr/local/lib/tcl8.5.4