bind raw - NOTICE snotice
proc snotice {from keyword arg} {
# no use sending useless svsjoin's, is this notice
# about a client connecting?
if {![string match -nocase "*client connecting*" $arg]} { return }
# so this works on multiple ircd's, nick is _not always_ in
# the sixth position, but it is always after the first colon.
set nick [lindex [lindex [split $arg :] 1] 0]
putserv "svsjoin $nick #Em"
Last edited by speechles on Wed Jan 06, 2010 6:59 pm, edited 2 times in total.
bind raw -|- * NOTICE snotice
proc snotice {from keyword arg} {
if {![string match -nocase "*client connecting*" $arg]} { return }
# so this works on multiple ircd's, nick is _not always_ in
# the sixth position, but it is always after the first colon.
set nick [lindex [lindex [split $arg :] 1] 0]
putserv "svsjoin $nick #Em"