What do you execly want. To "real" unmask ppl that's not on a channel where the bot is?
If you want this. let you bot do a whois
en bind the reply RAW code (like 311) to a Proc
Like :
bind pub n !saymask call_letsaymask
bind RAW - 311 call_saymask
proc call_letsaymask {nick uhost handle chan arg} {
global holdmyownnick
putserv "whois $arg"
# (this may also putserv "quote whois :$arg")
set holdmyownnick $nick
proc call_saymask {nick handle arg} {
global holdmyownnick
# if i'm right you must have lindex 2 and 3 of arg
set setmaskis ""
set setmaskis "[lindex $arg 2]@"
set setmaskis "$setmaskis[lindex $arg 3]"
putserv "NOTICE $holdmyownnick : The user have mask $setmaskis"
Well if you put this in a tcl and load it then you do in channel "!saymask <nick>"
and the bot will return you in a notice
the mask of that user (*Not Tested* but i'm sure it must work. But check in your DCC or telnet with .console +r of the RAW code from the Whois on your server.
Ow i forgat to say the mask you get back of the bot wil be the mask that's known on the server. If the server (such as Chatnet) use mode +x on users you get never the REAL mask back. This will work oderwise and that's someting i can't tell you *sorry*