Hey Guys im looking to get a script that will send a whois request to my eggdrop it has opers status so recieves all the infos a normal user wouldnt get
Im looking for it to do the following if a user of my eggy types /msg botnick uwhois nickname the eggy will send to the server /whois username it will then private message the user that has done the initial command with the output of the whois details it has recieved
Also looking for a seen script that will do the following my eggdrop recieves connection notices so i need for it to log all nicknames and the ips of the users connecting into a text file of some sort this would then need to beable to run a command such as /msg botnick nicklink username this will then find the username and possibly all other nicks and ips that have been linked to that same nickname it will then notice the user that has executed the command all the info available on that nickname and other possible nicknames that user has used
it recieves in fo in this form
*** Notice -- Client connecting on port 6667: scrawl32 (scrawl@data.searchirc.org) [clients]
the info i want it to log is example Nickname scrawl32 connection info (scrawl@data.searchirc.org) and also possibly log the date and time the user was logged on with this info
Thanks in advance