I'm using the following packages:
base64, tdom, http, sqlite3, mysqltcl
Tcllib 1.2, tcl 8.5.9 and 8.5.8
Eggdrop 1.6.8+sockfix svn snapshot and Eggdrop 1.6.20.
These are two distinct builds running the same script on two sep. servers and having the same weirdness.
In several places, I have statements where only PART of the code
In the following example:
Code: Select all
set auth "Basic [base64::encode [CoreDB_iceCastUserName]:[CoreDB_iceCastPassWord]]"
set headerl [list Authorization $auth]
if { [catch { set tok [http::geturl "http://[CoreDB_iceCastHost]:[CoreDB_iceCastPort]/admin/stats" -headers $headerl] } errmsg] } {
putlog "icecastproc: Fetching of icecast XML failled with error: $errmsg : Delaying run.";
dputs "icecastproc: Finnished With Errors";
utimer 30 icecastproc
return 1
I have sim issues in a few places and am at a utter loss as to why.
Anyone have an Ideal whats going on ?