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Eggdrop don't reply to /msg botnick hello

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:13 pm

Eggdrop don't reply to /msg botnick hello

Post by deejayb »

After started my eggdrop with command eggdrop -m , I try to connect myself to the bot with command /msg botnick hello into the Irc chat , but my eggdrop don't reply to me.
Can anyone help me to undesrtand why?
Here some settings that I've made into eggdrop.conf file :

Code: Select all

set learn-users 0

unbind msg - hello *msg:Hello
bind msg - Hi *msg:Hello

set open-telnets 0
(all of these are not commented)

Tnx so much for the help!!!!!!!!!!!
Best Regards.
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Joined: Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:52 am
Location: Bulgaria

Re: Eggdrop don't reply to /msg botnick hello

Post by pseudo »

deejayb wrote:Hi.
After started my eggdrop with command eggdrop -m , I try to connect myself to the bot with command /msg botnick hello into the Irc chat , but my eggdrop don't reply to me.
deejayb wrote: unbind msg - hello *msg:Hello
bind msg - Hi *msg:Hello
This looks obvious to me. You changed the hello word to "Hi", but are still messaging your bot with "hello". Try /msg botnick Hi and don't change settings before you understand them.
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Jul 27, 2009 5:13 pm

Post by deejayb »

Hi again!!!!!
Now I've commented

#unbind msg - hello *msg:Hello
#bind msg - Hi *msg:Hello

but after have use command /msg botnick hello and have setted the password...... well..... I use command /msg botnick ident pass and bot don't anser......also when I use command /msg botnick help ........ same things......
I've received also a message from the bot that said: Your nick was too long and therefore it was truncated to '^^King^Ar'. Can influence this fact that bot have truncate the nick?!?!?
What can I do?!?!?!?
Tnx so much for the answers!!!!!!!!
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