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Need help with crontab and modified eggdrop.conf

General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
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Need help with crontab and modified eggdrop.conf

Post by Fraud »

Hello. i wanted to start a crontab for an eggdrop but when i enter
./autobotchk eggdrop.conf -dir /home/to/my/eggdrop/root/dir -noemail
I do get this error
autobotchk 1.10, (C) 2003 Jeff Fisher (

Opening 'eggdrop.conf' for processing ... done
Scanning the config file .. done
Defaulting $pidfile to "pid.mybot"
*** ERROR: could not find either $userfile or $botnet-nick

Are you sure this is a valid eggdrop config file?
My config looks this one

Code: Select all

#! /path/to/executable/eggdrop
# ^- set that to the directory eggdrop is in ie "#! /home/lamest/egg/eggdrop"
# $Id: eggdrop.simple.conf,v 1.3 2001/07/18 06:20:55 tothwolf Exp $
# This is a sample configuration file for your bot.  You will definitely
# want to edit this, to set up your bot.  Right now it creates a bot called
# "LamestBot" which sits on channel #lamest.
# more options can be found in files in doc/settings/
# IMPORTANT: Remember to make install and cd to the directory it created
# (~/eggdrop by default) before you continue, running the bot from
# eggdrop1.6.x/ will not work.

# don't edit those 9 lines now!!
set mod-path "modules/"
set help-path "help/"
set text-path "text/"
loadmodule dns
loadmodule channels
loadmodule server
loadmodule ctcp
loadmodule irc
#loadmodule notes
loadmodule console
loadmodule share
loadmodule transfer
checkmodule blowfish

# start configuring here!

##### variables:
set nick NICKNAME
set username USERNAME
set botnet-nick BOTNETNICK
# the nick of the bot, that which it uses on IRC, and on the botnet
# unless you specify a sperate botnet-nick

set altnick "ALTNICK"
# an alternative nick to use if the nick specified by 'set nick' is
# unavailable. All '?' characters will be replaced by a random number.

set realname "another realname"
# what to display in the real-name field for the bot

set servers {
# the server list -- the bot will start at the first server listed, and cycle
# through them whenever it's disconnected
# (please note: you need to change these servers to YOUR network's servers)

channel add #mychan

set global-flood-chan 0:0
set global-flood-deop 0:0
set global-flood-kick 0:0
set global-flood-join 0:0
set global-flood-ctcp 0:0
set global-flood-nick 0:0

set global-chanmode ""
set global-stopnethack-mode 0
set global-revenge-mode 0
set global-ban-time 0
set global-exempt-time 0
set global-invite-time 0

set global-chanset {
-dynamicbans +userbans
-dynamicexempts +userexempts
-dynamicinvites +userinvites
-autoop -autohalfop -autovoice
-bitch -protectops -protecthalfops -protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
-greet -statuslog
-secret +shared
-cycle -inactive

set net-type 0
# set here your network
# [0/1/2/3/4/5] What is your network?
# 0 = Efnet (non +e/+I hybrid), 1 = IRCnet, 2 = Undernet, 3 = Dalnet,
# 4 = Efnet +e/+I hybrid, 5 = Others

# log files

      set max-logs 5
      set max-logsize 0
      set quick-logs 0
      set raw-log 0

logfile jpk * logs/${username}.log

      set log-time 1
      set keep-all-logs 0

      set logfile-suffix .%d%b%Y
      set switch-logfiles-at 300

      set quiet-save 1

# Eggdrop Telnet Port & Connection IP
listen 2211 all
set my-ip 123.321.456.654

# User Settings
set owner OWNER
set admin ADMIN
addlang "english"

# files & directories

      if {![file isdirectory system]} {
        file mkdir system

      	set pidfile  system/pid.${username}
      	set userfile system/${username}.user
	set chanfile system/${username}.chan

set ident "IDENT"
bind evnt -|- connect-server evnt:connect_server
proc evnt:connect_server { type } {
    global ident
    set file [open ~/.oidentd.conf "w"]
    puts $file "global { reply \"$ident\" }"
    close $file

# default console flags
set console "mkcobxs"

# you have to remove this line to make your bot work
#die "you didn't edit your config file! that's a NO NO"

##### SCRIPTS #####

# these are some commonly loaded (and needed) scripts.
source scripts/alltools.tcl
source scripts/action.fix.tcl
source scripts/compat.tcl
#source scripts/userinfo.tcl

Hope that anyone can help me. Thanks a lot
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Re: Need help with crontab andmodified eggdrop.conf

Post by willyw »

Fraud wrote:Hello. i wanted to start a crontab for an eggdrop but when i enter
./autobotchk eggdrop.conf -dir /home/to/my/eggdrop/root/dir -noemail

Just curious - what directory are you running autobotchk in?

Some time ago, I found that to get it to work, that I had to copy autobotchk from the scripts dir, up one dir, to the bot's main dir - and run it there.

Give it a try.

I hope this helps.
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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 7:57 am

Post by Fraud »

well autobotchk is in scripts folder. the problem is not that it will not work. the problem is that the chan ans userfiles are not in the root Folder of the bot, they are in a new Folder, calles system. So its a bit better sorted.

If i move the autobotchk into the root folder of my eggdrop and use the command line i posted before.....
*** ERROR: could not find either $userfile or $botnet-nick

I think the problem is the system folder....

edit: from what i can see (im no tcl Coder) i have to rewrite the autobotchk to point it to the correct folder. in my case /system/
but i have no clue what to write....
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Post by willyw »

Fraud wrote:well autobotchk is in scripts folder. the problem is not that it will not work. the problem is that the chan ans userfiles are not in the root Folder of the bot, they are in a new Folder, calles system. So its a bit better sorted.
edit: from what i can see (im no tcl Coder) i have to rewrite the autobotchk to point it to the correct folder. in my case /system/
but i have no clue what to write....

All autobotchk does, is create a botchk file for you, and create the entry to run it in crontab.
Thus, at this point, I'm thinking that it might be easier for you to NOT use autobotchk at all, and just create your own botchk file, and crontab entry.
That way, you can manually enter the paths and filenames yourself, in the new botchk file that you create.

Have a look in your scripts dir, for
and make a copy of it, to work with, keeping the original as-is, for reference.

The file is well commented with instructions.

Also, there are some brief instructions on editing the botchk file here:
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Location: emerald triangle, california (coastal redwoods)

Post by speechles »

# $Id: eggdrop.simple.conf,v 1.3 2001/07/18 06:20:55 tothwolf Exp $
Why anyone would use such an ancient config is beyond me. Use the .conf that COMES with eggdrop. Don't use some simplifier, or some .conf generator as they are all incomplete, lacking, redundant, insert other synonym here. Read each #comment and do what they say, implicitly. This isn't rocket science, if you make a mistake you don't risk catastrophic explosions or fires. The biggest risk is you crash your eggdrop, big whoop.
Posts: 7
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Post by SIrJoKer »

After i type the command i get this:

Code: Select all

autobotchk 1.10, (C) 2003 Jeff Fisher (

Opening 'botnick.conf' for processing ... done
Scanning the config file . done
  Defaulting $pidfile to "pid.iB0t"
  *** ERROR: could not find either $userfile or $botnet-nick

  Are you sure this is a valid eggdrop config file?
How can i fix this error ?
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