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bot helper

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:11 pm

bot helper

Post by irclove »

Could anyone be nice. please excuse my English: (
I need to do this my bot:
in chan #123
andrec has joined #123
<andrec> !helpme
// in private msg //
<bothelper> Please describe your problem, in a single line:
<andrec> my pc has virus.

in chan #help
<bothelper> <andrec> has the following problem: my pc has virus.
<bothelper> If you want to help <andrec> write !Helper <andrec>
<@othernick> !helper andrec
<bothelper> notifying <andrec>...

in chan #123 Private msg <andrec>.
<bothelper> <@othernick> will help in seconds.
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Re: bot helper

Post by willyw »

Find this:
# set main channel here
set mainchan "#123"

# set help channel here
set helpchan "#help"
in the below, and edit to reflect your actual channel names.
Edit only those two things.

Then load the script, and test it.
(If you need help with loading scripts, see: )

I tested, and compared to your request, it seemed to do what you asked.

Code: Select all

### begin configuration ####

# set main channel here
set mainchan "#123"

# set help channel here
set helpchan "#help"

# set time window here ( in seconds )
# this is the amount of time that a user has, after sending !helpme, to then reply to the /msg sent to user by the bot
set timewindow "45"

# set repy window time here ( in seconds )
# this is the amount of time that a helper has in which to send !helper <nick>
set replywindow "120"

#### end configuration ###

###  script starts here

bind pub - "!helpme" do:helpme
bind msgm - * do:prob
bind pub - "!helper" do:helpchanreply

set nick2help "0"
set replytime "0"

proc do:helpme {nick uhost handle chan text} {
global nick2help timewindow mainchan replywindow replytime helpchan

  if {![botonchan $helpchan]} {
	putserv "privmsg $chan : Sorry, help function is temporarily Off"
	return 0

  if {"$chan"=="$mainchan"} {
	putserv "privmsg $nick :Please describe your problem, in a single line:"
	set nick2help $nick
	set replytime $replywindow
	utimer $timewindow [list set nick2help 0]
	utimer $replywindow [list set replytime 0]

proc do:prob {nick uhost handle text} {
global nick2help helpchan mainchan

	if {![botonchan $helpchan]} {
		putserv "privmsg $nick :Sorry, help function is temporarily Off"
		return 0

	if {"$nick"=="$nick2help"} {
		putserv "privmsg $helpchan :$nick has the following problem: $text "
		putserv "privmsg $helpchan : If you want to help $nick write !Helper $nick"

		putserv "privmsg $nick :Your text describing your problem has been sent"
		putserv "privmsg $nick :Please stand by a few minutes. If help is available now, you will be notified shortly."

		return 0
         } else {
		putserv "privmsg $nick :To enable a short window of time for you to send help requests via /msg to the bot, you must first send   !helpme       in $mainchan "

proc do:helpchanreply {nick uhost handle chan text} {
global helpchan mainchan nick2help replytime

	if {![botonchan $mainchan]} {
		putserv "privmsg $chan :Sorry, bot is not in $mainchan"

	if {"$replytime"=="0"} {
		putserv "privmsg $chan :Sorry, no one has recently asked for help"

	if {"$chan"=="$helpchan"} {
	 	putserv "privmsg $chan :notifying $text"
		putserv "privmsg $mainchan :$nick will help in seconds"

Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2010 3:11 pm

Re: bot helper

Post by irclove »

thank you thank you very much friend
is there any way of knowing if $ nick already helped
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