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Help with a deop script

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Help with a deop script

Post by Football »

Can anyone please modify the following script so it will not deop certain hosts?

i.e. if I add *!*@*, it won't deop anyone matching that.


Code: Select all

# Channel
variable opchan "#EPL" 

# Idle time in minutes
variable idletime 60

bind time - "* * * *" deop_user
if {![info exists oplist]} { set oplist "" }

proc deop_user {a b c d e} {
    global opchan idletime oplist
    set users [lrange [chanlist $opchan] 1 end]

    foreach user $users {
        if {[getchanidle $user $opchan] >= $idletime && [isop $user $opchan] && ![isbotnick $user]} {

            # Oprotate exemption: check if the user is a qualified op. If he/she is then check if without them there
            # would be any qualified ops left. If not, then do not deop the user (requires oprotate.tcl to be loaded)

            if {[namespace exists oprotate] && [channel get $opchan oprotate] && [oprotate::user_is_qualified_op $opchan $user] && [oprotate::find_best_qualified_op $opchan $user] == ""} {
                # You can remove the line below (the putlog, not the return!) if this message is too spammy ;)
                putlog "oprotate/deop: Not going to deop $user in $opchan because they are the only qualified op left."

            pushmode $opchan "-o" $user
            lappend oplist [getchanhost $user $opchan]

        } elseif {[getchanidle $user $opchan] < $idletime && ![isop $user $opchan] && [lsearch -exact $oplist [getchanhost $user $opchan]] != -1} {
            pushmode $opchan "+o" $user
Idling at #Football, Quakenet.
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Mint Rubber
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Post by caesar »


won't it be easier to have a 'excepts' user where you will be adding what hosts you wish rather than having to edit the tcl file every time you want to make a change?
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
Posts: 205
Joined: Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:08 pm
Location: Quakenet, #Football

Post by Football »

yeah thats true, that would be better..
Idling at #Football, Quakenet.
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