Short answer:
Long answer:
Windrop 1.6.20 is compiled with Cygwin 1.7 which has a problem with it's resolver implementation. By default, it won't provide the list of system dns servers in the _res structure. Eggdrop relies on this information, as it communnicates with the dns server directly.
I tried to submit a patch to the Cygwin developers, but they didn't apply it. Instead they made some changes which only solved half of the problem I reported. You can see my letter here: ... 00028.html
To provide a solution for windrop users, I added a new config variable in 1.8cvs -
dns-servers, which allows users to specify the dns servers themselves. You can set it to your system dns servers, or to any public dns servers, as in the example above.
New settings I added: ... 1.3&r2=1.4
As you might have noticed, the version of the .20 windrop is +dnssettings, to indicate that Kirben backported this patch to .20.