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Post by samhain »

I saw the banmask.tcl, but I don't understand how it's going to work can anyone give me an example for it please.

I do not understand these settings...
# n!u@h masks that will be get a *!*@host ban
set banmask "*!*someuserid@* *somenick*!*@1.2.3.*"

# The channels you want this active on
set bmask_chans "#channel_1 #channel_2"

# Ban duration in minutes
set bmask_time 15

# Ban reason
set bmask_reason "Sample ban reason"

# Handle of the bot user that shoud be sent a note
set bmask_notify "somehandle"
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:40 pm

Post by Mabus4444 »

You just need to understand the format for these bans. Basically there are three parts seperated by two modifiers ! and @

irc nickname ! ident @ isp

Idents are a setting you configure in your irc client running off your computer, so they can be a very useful thing to ban if you want to target a specific user

That's it really. The * acts as a wildcard, like a joker. It just means (any text).

So for example a ban on *!*@* will ban ANY nickname, using any ident on any account using

Here's another, *!*@*.jp will ban any user using any ident on any connection from the entire country of japan.

Here's one that bans a specific nickname john123!*@* will ban any user on any ident, using any isp, using the nickname john123

So lets say john123 is wise to you banning him, and changes nicknames frequently, you can instead ban his ident and make it that much more difficult for him to enter the channel (most users have no idea how to change this setting or won't bother)

So to ban john123 for example, even if he changes nickname, you could do *!lizard12@*

Using the above banmask you'd ban his ident and keep him out whatever nickname or isp he used

You can mix and match using the * modifier to ban all sorts of combinations which can involve banning a particularly nickname variation, ident.

Most bans tend to ban a combination of things, for example an ident and an isp like *!lizard12@* will ban any nickname with lizard12 in the ident field using any account on The reason for this is that most users have what is called a "dynamic" ip. That means that every time they disconnect from the internet and reconnect, the numbers between the @ and the will change.

If it's now, it may be the next time for example. Thats because every time the user connects to his isp, he goes to a random connection on his isp, onto the internet.

Some users have what is called a "static" ip (never changes) and those are much easier to ban more specifically. In other words, every time they connect the will always be exactly the same. Anyway, it varies from user to user.

For the second example with the numbers, it's pretty much the same thing except that, instead of letters and numbers (alphanumeric) for the isp, it's all numbers.
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:40 pm

Post by Mabus4444 »

set bmask_chans "#channel_1 #channel_2"

change #channel_1 and #channel_2 to the channels you want the bot to set bans on #yourchannelname

# Ban duration in minutes
set bmask_time 15

duration you want the ban to last

# Ban reason
set bmask_reason "Sample ban reason"

the stated reason, you want the ban to give to banned users (the bot will message the user with the text you put in between the " "

# Handle of the bot user that shoud be sent a note
set bmask_notify "somehandle"

Who do you want the bot to notify with a note (inside the bot) when it sets a ban. Usually this would be the bot owner (yourself usually)
Posts: 77
Joined: Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:19 am

Post by samhain »

You explained to me, what I already understand, I know what are nicks, ban formats, and that's why I picked this TCL, but I want to know how to use this TCL, Just give me an example of what this TCL would do? and How...

For example I have a person


If I want to ban anyone who matches this user's ident, and nick. For example A person joins the channel

Who is
Then it should place the ban on *!* not Homie!*@*
And I know this TCL works like that. but I want to know how?
Posts: 51
Joined: Mon Oct 30, 2006 7:40 pm

Post by Mabus4444 »

# set banmask "*!*someuserid@* *somenick*!*@1.2.3.*"
set banmask "*!*someuserid@* *somenick*!*@1.2.3.*"


To ban the nick Homie22 you'd need to change it to;
set banmask "Homie22!*@* Homie22!*@*"

To ban the ident Homie you'd need to change it to;
set banmask "*!Homie22@* *!Homie22@*"

Hope this helps
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