D3matt wrote:I run an eggdrop on an ubuntu shell, and it says "launching into background (pid: xxx)" after it finishes its startup process. But the jobs command lists nothing. Is this some other kind of background? How can I get it into my console?
./eggdrop -h
to get brief help and list of command line options.
Code: Select all
./eggdrop -h
Eggdrop v1.6.20 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2010 Eggheads
Usage: eggdrop [options] [config-file]
-h help
-n Don't background; send all log entries to console.
-nc Don't background; display channel stats every 10 seconds.
-nt Don't background; use terminal to simulate DCC chat.
-m Create userfile.
-h Show this help.
-v Show version info, then quit.
EDIT: I guess I don't really need this, I can always use dcc chat. But it would be nice to know anyway.
If I recall, the "console" you get with -n allows you do do very little. It can be handy though, if you need to observe errors.
You're on the right track.... use DCC chat.