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New BogusTrivia Released

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New BogusTrivia Released

Post by SpiKe^^ »

The new version of BogusTrivia has just been released. Get your copy today at the egghelp script archive.

Code: Select all

#                                                                 #
#  Version Release Notes:                                #
#                                                                 #
#  Bug Fix:    (New: t-2.tcl)                                     #
#  Fixed an issue where the information displayed for public      #
#  stats & auto-voice was not always reset properly at midnight.  #
#                                                                 #
#  Bug Fix:    (New: t-2.html.tcl)                                #
#  Fixed an issue that was keeping BogusHTML 2.06.2.beta3         #
#  from running at all with BogusTrivia 2.06.4                    #
#  NOTE: Use the included t-2.html.tcl to patch an existing       #
#        install of BogusHTML 2.06.2 beta3 to run with this       #
#        version of BogusTrivia.                                  #
#                                                                 #
#  No Other Files were Changed from the 2.06.4 Release!           #
#  No New Options or Settings were Added to this patch release.   #
#                                                                 #
#  Version 2.06.4 Release Notes:                                  #
#                                                                 #
#  Bug Fix:                                                       #
#  Game Play timings should now update and change with a .rehash  #
#  of the bot.                                                    #
#                                                                 #
# -> New in v2.06.4 <-                                            #
# 1. Point Matching System On or Off (stops points theft abuse)   #
# 2. Show or Hide Answers for Questions & Kaos                    #
# 3. Channel Greet System with Flood Control                      #
# 4. Auto Voice Top Players with Exempts                          #
# 5. On-Join Flood Settings                                       #
# 6. Game Can Stop When No One Is Playing                         #
# 7. Auto Start Game On-Join with Exempts                         #
# 8. Public Commands to View Stats                                #
# 9. Custom OnJoin Greet Colors                                   #
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Post by Razor »

This is indeed the neatest Trivia script I used on my Eggdrop bot.

However, I am having some difficulty setting up the bogus HTML script.
Ok, the trivia script is running well, however when I visit my html page

It shows in this format:
Trivia Statistics for %c on %n
# Play 24/7 Trivia with %b
# Our Trivia Database Contains %q Standard Questions & %k Kaos Questions.
# Player Scores last updated %f%m/%d/%Y at %I:%M %p%i
Which means its my end-problem, but I am not sure where or what I am doing wrong.

I uploaded the HTML files to "../public_html/trivia" and moved t.2.html.tcl to "../eggdrop/scripts":

Here is my .config file:

Code: Select all

## Turn this page maker on or off ##
set thtm(html) "1"  ;# make html pages ??  (0=no | 1=yes)

## Set the directory where the updated html pages go!! ##
set thtm(output) "/home/u/user/eggdrop/scripts/"  ;# route from the eggdrop exe folder

## Set the IRC Network ##
set thtm(network) "OFTC"  ;# irc network the bot is running on #

## Make an html index page, with links to all the other stats pages ?? ##
set thtm(shoin) ""   ;# make an updated index page ??  (0=no | 1=yes) #
set thtm(index) "1"    ;# name the output index page this  ("" = index.html) #
# Note: Requires Template File:  index.html #

#### Active Stats Pages:  Recent top players for today, this week, this month, & ever ####
###  if you are manually uploading these pages to a web server,  set     ###
###  this to make an updated top players ever page once or twice a day.  ###

# update active page stats this often.  (pages only made if stats change:) #
#  1= make active pages once a day   (at midnight)                         #
#  2= make active pages twice a day  (noon & midnight)                     #
#  3+ = make updated active pages every "x" minutes (any number 3 or more) #
set thtm(activ) "1"

# show a top players ever page ??  (0=no ever.html page) #
set thtm(shoev) "20"   ;# number of players to show for top players ever #
# Note: Requires Template File:  ever.html #

# show a top players this month page ??  (0=no tmonth.html page) #
set thtm(shotmo) "50"   ;# number of players to show for top players this month #
# Note: Requires Template File:  active.html #

# show a top players this week page ??  (0=no tweek.html page) #
set thtm(shotwe) "50"   ;# number of players to show for top players this week #
# Note: Requires Template File:  active.html #

# show a top players today page ??  (0=no today.html page) #
set thtm(shotda) "50"   ;# number of players to show for top players today #
# Note: All today stats disabled if thtm(activ) above is set to "1" or "2" #
# Note: Requires Template File:  active.html #

#### History Stats Pages:  stats for last 7 days, last 4 weeks and last 4 months ####
###  these pages are updated just after midnight as required.  ###

# show a top players monthly history page ??  (0=no month.html page) #
set thtm(shomo) "4"   ;# show monthly history page ??  (0=no | 1+ = number of months to show) #
set thtm(musrs) "30"  ;# number of players to show for each month #
# Note: Requires Template File:  history.html #

# show a top players weekly history page ??  (0=no week.html page) #
set thtm(showe) "4"   ;# show weekly history page ??  (0=no | 1+ = number of weeks to show) #
set thtm(wusrs) "30"  ;# number of players to show for each week #
# Note: Requires Template File:  history.html #

# show a top players daily history page ??  (0=no day.html page) #
set thtm(shoda) "7"   ;# show daily history page ??  (0=no | 1+ = number of days to show) #
set thtm(dusrs) "30"  ;# number of players to show for each day #
# Note: Requires Template File:  history.html #

#### Extended Stats Pages:  stats for any number of past days, weeks and months ####
### Make a more complet stats page,  one day, week or month per html page.      ###
### Can keep and link any number of extended history pages!                     ###
### Example:  thtm(xda) "30"     (keep 30 daily history pages)                  ###
### Example:  thtm(xwe) "52 50"  (keep 52 weekly pages, each with 50 players)   ###
### Example:  thtm(xmo) "12 *"   (keep 12 monthly pages, and show all players)  ###

# show extended daily history pages ??  (0=no extended daily pages) #
set thtm(xda) "30 *"
# Note: Requires Template File:  xhistory.html #

# show extended weekly history pages ??  (0=no extended weekly pages) #
set thtm(xwe) "52 *"
# Note: Requires Template File:  xhistory.html #

# show extended monthly history pages ??  (0=no extended monthly pages) #
set thtm(xmo) "12 *"
# Note: Requires Template File:  xhistory.html #

####  BogusHTML Advanced Settings  ####  BogusHTML Advanced Settings  ####

#### Advanced Settings  (for all stats tables on all pages) ####

# minimum points to show in all stats # 0=all with any points # 1+= all with x+ points #
set thtm(shomin) "0"

# maximum number of players to show on any 'show all players' stats
# must be a number 10 or more.   examples: 50, 30, 75  etc.
set thtm(shomax) "20"

# apply classes to the column heads <th> tags ?? #
# will use the classes:  th1 th2 th3 ...etc.
# 0 = no
# 1 or more = number of col heads to assign classes to  (ex. 2 = first 2 col heads)
set thtm(stych) "0"

# apply classes to the stats data <td> tags ?? #
# will use the classes:  td1 td2 td3 ...etc.
set thtm(stytd) "1"

#### !! END SETTINGS !! #### !! END SETTINGS !! #### !! END SETTINGS !! ####
#### !! END SETTINGS !! #### !! END SETTINGS !! #### !! END SETTINGS !! ####
I would certainly appreciate if someone could take time out to help me. Thank you.
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

The included template files dont go in the public html folder.
Put the included template files in the bot's /scripts/t2/template folder and rehash the bot.
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is it bogus trivia by spike^ ?

Post by jurist111 »

hello spike
There is a trivia on #triviaholic on dalnet which i really lyk if any1 help me find this trivia and the char/sec i ll b thankful
Holic is the bot whoz running trivia and the Score bot gives char/sec etc so they r 2 diff bots...

holic> That's the way JuRiSt! The answer was red. You got it in 11.105 seconds.
<holic> The scores: Frapps007 505101, donna2 289601, JuRiSt 279201,
<ScoreBot> Your speed is 0.29 chars/second, your average is now 1.3 CPS

<holic> Well done JuRiSt! The answer was petty. You got it in 28.38 seconds.
<holic> The scores: Frapps007 505101, donna2 289701, JuRiSt 279601,
<ScoreBot> Your speed is 0.181 chars/second, your average is now 1.3 CPS
<ScoreBot> ALL TIME FASTEST FINGERS: TheSainT 11.94, TheSainT 10.782, Archi` 10.279, TheSainT 10, Archi` 9.43, TheSainT 9.346, TheSainT 9.281, Archi` 9.115, TheSainT 9.112, Drainplug 9.091 chars/second

<holic> BlueIce [React Fast!]: What color is this word written? purple
<holic> [React Fast!]: name the colours
it also gives colors questions lyk above..i really wants this tcl
Thanks in advance
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Post by pentumd »

where i can download the script .. thanks
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Post by caesar »

In the first post it clearly states that it can be found in the TCL Archive.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by willyw »

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Post by Tannn3r »

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Post by Tannn3r »

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Post by Razor »

Hmm. I'm having a new issue with BogusTrivia running on a debian 5 box. It was working fine with no issues, until my VPS provider decided to do some maintenance for several nodes, fixing "kernel bugs" as they said. I'm not blaming them, after all it could be a scripting-issue. After a few, I login and executed the ./eggdrop commands, and this is what i get..
razor@debbox:~/eggdrop$ ./eggdrop eggdrop.conf

Eggdrop v1.6.20 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2010 Eggheads
[20:22:54] --- Loading eggdrop v1.6.20 (Fri May 6 2011)
[20:22:54] Listening at telnet port 3355 (all).
[20:22:54] Module loaded: blowfish
[20:22:54] Module loaded: dns
[20:22:54] Module loaded: channels
[20:22:54] Module loaded: server
[20:22:54] Module loaded: ctcp
[20:22:54] Module loaded: irc
[20:22:54] Module loaded: notes (with lang support)
[20:22:54] Module loaded: console (with lang support)
[20:22:54] Module loaded: uptime
[20:22:54] Loading dccwhois.tcl...
[20:22:54] Loaded dccwhois.tcl
[20:22:54] Userinfo TCL v1.07 loaded (URL BF GF IRL EMAIL DOB PHONE ICQ).
[20:22:54] use '.help userinfo' for commands.
[20:22:54] Loading Trivia.
[20:22:54] Tcl error in file 'eggdrop.conf':
[20:22:54] expected integer but got "Guard"
while executing
"lsort -index 0 -integer -decreasing $t2(S-$y)"
(procedure "TSetStat" line 105)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if {$t2(_cm) eq "s"} { set t2(-stats) 1 ; array unset t2 S-*
set t2(S-dkp) 0 ; set t2(S-wkp) 0 ; set t2(S-mkp) 0 ; set t2(S-ekp) 0
if {$t2(v..."
(file "/home/razor/eggdrop/scripts/t2/t2.commands" line 361)
invoked from within
"source $t2(sfpath)t2.commands "
invoked from within
"if {[info exists t2(_cm)]} { source $t2(sfpath)t2.commands } else { array un set t2 S-* }"
(file "scripts/t-2.tcl" line 687)
invoked from within
"source scripts/t-2.tcl"
(file "eggdrop.conf" line 1394)
My "~/eggdrop/scripts/t2/t2.commands" script:

Kindly advice,
Thank you!
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Post by Trixar_za »

This happened to me before too, but with the older version of Bogus Trivia. I had to clear my settings and history to get it to work again, so try the following:
1. Go to your t2 directory in eggdrop's scripts directory (~/eggdrop/scripts/t2/)
2. Type rm -f t2.* - this will remove all the user history, scores and settings, but won't touch the questions at all. Alternatively, you could just attempt rm -f t2.commands - but I've never tried it like that so I'm not sure if it works or not.
3. Check your eggdrop.conf file and make sure it's JUST loading scripts/t-2.tcl and none of the others. This script automatically loads the other t-2 named scripts.
4. Start eggdrop and see if the error persists.
5. If all else fails, try step 1-2 again with a new copy of the script copied over the old files.
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Post by Razor »

Trixar_za wrote:This happened to me before too, but with the older version of Bogus Trivia. I had to clear my settings and history to get it to work again, so try the following:
1. Go to your t2 directory in eggdrop's scripts directory (~/eggdrop/scripts/t2/)
2. Type rm -f t2.* - this will remove all the user history, scores and settings, but won't touch the questions at all. Alternatively, you could just attempt rm -f t2.commands - but I've never tried it like that so I'm not sure if it works or not.
3. Check your eggdrop.conf file and make sure it's JUST loading scripts/t-2.tcl and none of the others. This script automatically loads the other t-2 named scripts.
4. Start eggdrop and see if the error persists.
5. If all else fails, try step 1-2 again with a new copy of the script copied over the old files.
I removed all of the"user history, scores and settings" files which reside in '~/eggdrop/scripts/t2/', as you instructed me (removing 't2.commands' alone did not help). It works fine now, which is a good thing. I assume, the data/file was corrupted or something, considering I hardy touch those files; and since you yourself had the same issue before - my question is, can this be fixed, without deleting any data/files? I hope the next release will/would take care of this issue.

If there's a way of prevent it from happening again, do tell y'all.

Thank you for your help, Trixar_za, it's much appreciated :D
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Post by Exedore »

How can I reduce the seconds between questions for both kaos and regular questions?.
12 seconds is too high.
Lets say 4 - 8 secs.

This trivia lets you create teams?
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Post by starr »

You can reduce the settings in the t-2settings file.

set t2(qtime) "15" ;# play time between hints (10 to 30 seconds) #
set t2(ptime) "20" ;# play time between questions (12 to 30 seconds) #

set t2(kaos) "25" ;# how often to do a kaos (by qes count) (0=off) #
set t2(ktime) "20" ;# time between hints on kaos (in seconds) #

10 seconds will prevent server floods, however if you choose 8 seconds you should reduce all the time stats settings to 20. Anything lower than that will cause flooding.

And NO Team Play is not available in Bogustrivia.
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Post by Tannn3r »

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