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help me with indonesian-english/englis-indonesian tcl please

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Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:33 am

help me with indonesian-english/englis-indonesian tcl please

Post by dondong »

please need help :D,thanks before and sorry f trouble,
i need translator tcl, wich translating indonesian to english and english to indonesian.

below is the site translaitor >> or either its good

thanks for helping us sir
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Re: help me with indonesian-english/englis-indonesian tcl pl

Post by speechles »

<speechles> !tr @id hello indonesians how is the weather?
<sp33chy> Google: (auto->id) English to Indonesian translation
<sp33chy> halo Indonesia bagaimana cuaca?

<speechles> !tr halo Indonesia bagaimana cuaca?
<sp33chy> Google: (auto->en) Spanish to English translatio
<sp33chy> Indonesia bagaimana halo quack?

<speechles> !tr id@ halo Indonesia bagaimana cuaca?
<sp33chy> Google: (id->en) Indonesian to English translation
<sp33chy> Indonesia hello how the weather?
On auto (a !tr request with no source), it sometimes makes mistakes. Notice when using "auto" it wrongly guesses the source as Spanish? This supports every single language pair google translate offers as well as knowing which aren't available... yet.

Code: Select all

    # set your default translation language here, this is what will be assumed
    # if the user omits the 'translate to' portion of their input.
    # en, es, it, nl, de, etc.. these are merely some examples, there are more available.
    # ------
    variable trans "en"
Change that above to "id" and it translates to Indonesian by default when no destination language to translate to is given.

This "feature" is found within this script. It fully supports Indonesian in several sites (Of course most are google related), and supports literally any language you can imagine in requests, if your eggdrop is patched for utf-8 support.
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:33 am

Post by dondong »

thanks sir :D
pretty much help,let me try now,ill be back here for result soon...
Posts: 6
Joined: Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:33 am

Post by dondong »

i aplied the incith-google-v2.00b.tcl. and setted my channel using it,
i typed the command such ass,!tr,!google, bot no repply at all and no result in channel...

is there somethng wrong with me,or its require another tcl..
sorry f trouble.
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