<&dd> !addbl n1nj4 aha
-bot- SYNTAX: !addbl <nick>!<user>@<host> [reason] [bantime]
How to make, if i'm set only nick, no <user>@<host>, script will ban host, example:
<user> !addbl n1nj4 haha
* bot sets mode: +b *!*@
How to make, if i'm set only nick, no <user>@<host>, script will ban host, example:
<user> !addbl n1nj4 haha
* bot sets mode: +b *!*@
That is probably because it is best to ban people by their host, as it prevents simply changing nick to gain reentry.
You could try following the instructions and use the following:
The script only adds hostmasks into the black list, that's why you can't specify just the nickname. However, if blackl(bansame) is set to 0 then you can choose which ban-type you want the script to ban by changing the blackl(btype) setting. For example if blackl(btype) is set to 2 (*!*@host) then if you type
!addbl n1nj4!*@* haha
the bot bans n1nj4's *!*@host instead of the blacklisted banmask.
I raise the topic because I encounter a problem with the nickname with special character. When I type !addbl [OrS ]*!*@* it adds the nick \[OrS \]*!*@* and thus the nickname join the show what it does not ban, but just kick and ban the bot poses Like this \[OrS \]*!*@* and hence the nick back each time can someone help me please?
kickban on the blacklist and I vhost kickban what the user is in the record. txt so for that I replace
I'm using this script for a while, and I think that is great. But I would add a feature:
If I add an entry like nick2!*@* and an user changes his nick to nick2, the bot doesn't nothing. It would be great if script binds nick change events to check if is in blacklist.
<SinSoLe> .addbl nick2!*@*
Guest0001 (ident@host.com) joined #channel
Guest0001 is now known as nick2
Eggdrop sets mode +b *!*@host.com
nick2 was kicked from #channel by Eggdrop
I tried to do myself adding "bind nick - * bl:cop", but I don't know how to do.