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Tomekk's badwords script

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Post by pen »

Thanks, perfect! Does it also work for phrases? Say, if someone keeps repeating a phrase that's annoying, is there a way to add it?
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Post by tomekk »

i allready fix that but i need to add one more thing, later i will post it ;)

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Post by tomekk »

Code: Select all

# description: Kicks/Bans people who say bad words. Words/pharses are stored in a file. Op protect is allowed. You can add/del/list words/pharses via priv msg. You don't need to rehash/restart your bot. You can define ban duration time etc. Script is very simple to use.

# Author: tomekk 
# e-mail:  tomekk/@/oswiecim/./eu/./org 
# home page: 
# Version 0.8
# This file is Copyrighted under the GNU Public License. 

# added: you can now choose 'badwords script' channels
# fixed: want_ban, kick without ban is now working
# added: simple regexps for pharses/words are now supported, see examples
# fixed: priv msgs syntax has changed, you can now add/del only one word/pharse at one time (its because of pharses with spaces, i didn't want to add a new command)
# added: you can now define who can use 'bword' commands (by ident@host)
# fixed: now, script reloads/refreshes words every $reload_words_db_every minutes (default 2 minutes), it better than reload dbase every single char writed by any user on chan, even 'a'
# added: new command addr, if you use 'bword addr test' (if main word doesn't exists, otherwise you have to add the rest of regexps manually by using add command), script will generate regexps for it, like: test, * test, test *, * test *
# added: new command delr, script will delete word with all regexps (if main word exists, if not you have to delete other regexps manually by using del command), if you use 'bword delr test', script will delete regexps for it, like: test, * test, test*, * test *
# both commands addr/delr works only for single words


# old db format:
# word1
# word2
# in new if you want the same effect, will be:
# word
# word2
# word *
# word2 *
# * word
# * word2
# * word1 *
# * word2 *

# if you have many words, and you don't want to rewrite them all again you can use shell tcl converter from:
# or, you can delete whole script dir and restart you bot, script will make new, clean files, but after you have to add all of your 'words' again

# some examples:
	# you want to punish users for word 'test', no matter on which place in text line
	# /msg <botnick> bword add *test*, this will match: test, text test, test text, text test text, texttesttext

	# you want to punish users for single word 'test'
	# /msg <botnick> bword addr test, this will match: test, text test, test text, text test text

	# you want to punish users for 'test' and some text after it
	# /msg <botnick> bword add test *, this will match: test text

	# you want to punish users for pharse which starts with 'test' and ends with 'cool'
	# /msg <botnick> bword add test*cool, this will match: test text cool, testcool

	# you want to punish users for 'test', 'tess', 'tesx', 'tesa'
	# /msg <botnick> bword add test?, this will match: test, tess, tesx, tesa, but no tes - ? means any char, not null

	# you want to punish users for pharse witch starts with 'test', ends with 'cool' and with '*' between
	# /msg <botnick> bword add test*\**cool, this will match: test text* cool, test*cool, test *text cool, test text*text cool,  etc.

	# you want to punish users for 'hello?'
	# /msg <botnick> bword add hello\?, this will match: hello?
	# you want punish users for 'test<single_number>test'
	# /msg <botnick> bword add test[0-9]test, this will match: test0test, test1test, test2test etc.

	# of course you can make more complicated sequences, like:
	# /msg <botnick> bword add hello?*here*, this will match: hello? some1 here?, hello? tom are u here?????, hello! hello! are u here????

	# etc etc, i think this is simple ;)
	# remember, if you want to use chars: * ? [ ] \ like non special chars, you need to escape them with \, like: \* \? \[ \] \\

# USE '/msg <botnick> bword' for more information

# check for 'badwords' on channels:
set bdw_channels {#channel #channel2}

# host allowed to use 'bword' commands
set bdw_hosts {janedoe@* *}

# sets ban type 
# 1)  *!*@* 
# 2)  *!* 
# 3)  *nick*!* 
# 4)  *!*ident* 
set btype 4 

# 1 - protect ops, 0 - don't
# 1 means that user with +o can use 'badwords'
set protectops 0

# 1 - enable ban, 0 - disable ban (just kick after bad word)
set want_ban 1

# wait 'waitb' times before ban, works only when want_ban is set to 1
# if you want to ban user after one bad word, set 'waitb' to 0 
set waitb 3 

# 'waitb' info type, works only when want_ban is set to 1
# 1 - kick after bad word and ban after 'waitb' times 
# 2 - write message after bad word to the nick, 'nick: message' and ban after 'waitb' times 
# 3 - do nothing, just ban after 'waitb' times
set waitb_type 2

# kick message.
set kmsg "bad word! - kick"

# ban message.
set bmsg "banned!"

# if you set 'waitb' to 2, then here is a option to set this message 
set waitb_message "watch your language kid !" 

# ban duration time (minutes) 
# 0 - infinite 
set ban_duration 0

# "offence" duration time, how long bot should remember last bad word time (minutes) 
# 0 - infinite 
set offence_duration 0 

# reload words/pharses db every x minutes
set reload_words_db_every 2

# dirs and files, better leave it as it is ;)
# base directory 
set dirname "badwords.db" 

# users directory 
set usersdir "$dirname/lusers" 

# banned hosts file 
set banned_hosts "$dirname/bndhosts" 

# dbase with bad words 
set bw_dbase "$dirname/words_bank.db" 

if {[file exists $dirname] == 0} {
	file mkdir $dirname
	set crtdb [open $bw_dbase a+]
        puts $crtdb "[censored]\nshit\n* [censored] *\n* [censored] *\nfuck *\nshit *\n* [censored]\n* [censored]"
        close $crtdb

if {[file exists $usersdir] == 0} {
	file mkdir $usersdir

proc create_db { dbname definfo } {
	if {[file exists $dbname] == 0} {
		set crtdb [open $dbname a+]
		puts $crtdb "$definfo"
		close $crtdb

proc readdb { rdb } {
	set fs_open [open $rdb r]
	gets $fs_open dbout
	close $fs_open

	return $dbout

proc get_all_bwords { } {
	global bw_dbase

	set bf [open $bw_dbase r]
	set allwords [read $bf]
	close $bf

	set bw_split [split $allwords "\n"]
        return $bw_split

proc add_new_bword { bword } {
	global bw_dbase

	set bfile_handle [open $bw_dbase a]
	puts $bfile_handle "$bword"
	close $bfile_handle

proc add_new_bnd_host { new_host  } {
	global banned_hosts

	set bnd_hosts [open $banned_hosts a]
	puts $bnd_hosts $new_host
	close $bnd_hosts

proc delete_bword { dbword {dlall 0}} {
	global bw_dbase

	set old_bwdb [get_all_bwords]
	set file_tow [open $bw_dbase w]
	if {$dlall == 0} {
		foreach chk_bw $old_bwdb {
			if {$chk_bw != $dbword} {
				if {$chk_bw != ""} {
					puts $file_tow $chk_bw
	close $file_tow

proc check_bw_exist { chword } {
	set old_chbwdb [get_all_bwords]

        set bw_exist 0

	foreach check_bword $old_chbwdb {
		if {$check_bword == $chword} {
			 set bw_exist 1
	return $bw_exist

proc ban_checker_timer { } {

	if {[string match *ban_checker_timer* [utimers]] != 1} {
		utimer 20 ban_checker_timer

proc words_reload_timer { } {
	global nasty_words reload_words_db_every

	set nasty_words [get_all_bwords]

	putlog "tkbadword.tcl - reloading words db"

	if {[string match *words_reload_timer* [timers]] != 1} {
		timer $reload_words_db_every words_reload_timer

set nasty_words [get_all_bwords]

bind pubm - "*" word_fct
bind msgm - "*" bpmsg_fct

proc word_fct { nick uhost hand chan arg } {
  	global botnick protectops usersdir waitb waitb_type waitb_message want_ban kmsg bmsg offence_duration ban_duration bdw_channels nasty_words

	if {[lsearch $bdw_channels $chan] == -1} {

	if {$protectops == 1} {
		if {[isop $nick $chan] == 1} {

	set kill 0

	set ban_status 0

	set bb_msg $kmsg

	if {[isop $botnick $chan]} {
		foreach i [string tolower $nasty_words] {
			if {$i != ""} {
				if {[string match $i [string tolower $arg]]} {
					set kill 1
		if {$kill == 1} {
			if {$want_ban == 1} {
				set time_in_seconds [clock seconds]
				set user_ban_mask [banmask $uhost $nick]

				if {$waitb == 0} {
					putquick "MODE $chan +b $user_ban_mask"

					if {$ban_duration > 0}  {
						add_new_bnd_host "$chan&$user_ban_mask&$time_in_seconds"

					set bb_msg $bmsg

					putkick $chan $nick $bb_msg

					set ban_status 1
				} {
					if {[file exists $usersdir/$nick] == 0} {
						create_db "$usersdir/$nick" "$uhost&1&$time_in_seconds"
					} { 
						set each_user_data [split [readdb "$usersdir/$nick"] "&"]
						set ident [lindex $each_user_data 0]
						set times [lindex $each_user_data 1]
						set first_time [lindex $each_user_data 2]

						if {([expr $time_in_seconds - $first_time] >= [expr $offence_duration * 60]) && ($offence_duration > 0)} {
							file delete $usersdir/$nick
							create_db "$usersdir/$nick" "$uhost&1&$time_in_seconds"
						} {
							file delete $usersdir/$nick

							set overall [expr $times + 1]

							create_db "$usersdir/$nick" "$ident&$overall&$first_time"
							set ident [lindex [split [readdb "$usersdir/$nick"] "&"] 0]

							if {$uhost == $ident} {				
								if {$overall >= $waitb} {
									putquick "MODE $chan +b $user_ban_mask"

									if {$ban_duration > 0} {
										add_new_bnd_host "$chan&$user_ban_mask&$time_in_seconds"

									file delete $usersdir/$nick
									set bb_msg $bmsg

									putkick $chan $nick $bb_msg

									set ban_status 1
							} { 
								file delete $usersdir/$nick
								create_db "$usersdir/$nick" "$uhost&1"

					if {($ban_status == 0) && ($waitb_type < 3)} {
						if {$waitb_type == 1} {
							putkick $chan $nick $bb_msg
						} {
							putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$nick: $waitb_message"
			} {
				putkick $chan $nick $bb_msg

proc bpmsg_fct { nick uhost hand arg } {
	global bdw_hosts

	set check_host 0

	foreach def_host $bdw_hosts {
		if {$def_host != ""} {
			if {[string match $def_host $uhost]} {
				set check_host 1

	if {$check_host == 0} {

	set all_bargs [split [string tolower $arg]]
	set bargs_opt1 [lindex $all_bargs 0]
	set bargs_opt2 [lindex $all_bargs 1]
	set bargs_opt_neword [lindex $all_bargs 2]
	set bargs_opt_newords [join [lrange $all_bargs 2 end]]

	set bw_list [list]
	# yeah, can be switch, who cares! ;-)
	if {$bargs_opt1 == "bword"} {
		if {$bargs_opt2 != ""} {
			if {$bargs_opt2 == "add"} {
				if {$bargs_opt_newords != ""} {
					if {[check_bw_exist $bargs_opt_newords]} {
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word/pharse: $bargs_opt_newords allready exists"
					} {
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word/pharse: $bargs_opt_newords has been added"
						add_new_bword $bargs_opt_newords
				} {
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :use: /msg <botnick> bword add <word/pharse>"
			} elseif {$bargs_opt2 == "addr"} {
				if {$bargs_opt_neword != ""} {
					if {[check_bw_exist $bargs_opt_neword]} {
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word: $bargs_opt_neword allready exists"
					} {
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word: $bargs_opt_neword with regexps has been added"
						add_new_bword $bargs_opt_neword
						add_new_bword "$bargs_opt_neword *"
						add_new_bword "* $bargs_opt_neword"
						add_new_bword "* $bargs_opt_neword *"
				} {
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :use: /msg <botnick> bword addr <word>"
			} elseif {$bargs_opt2 == "list"} {
				set list_bwords [get_all_bwords]

				if {$list_bwords != ""} {
					foreach bw_word $list_bwords {
						lappend bw_list "$bw_word"
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :[join $bw_list ", "]"
				} else {
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :db is empty"
			} elseif {$bargs_opt2 == "delr"} {
				if {$bargs_opt_neword != ""} {
					if {[check_bw_exist $bargs_opt_neword]} {
						delete_bword $bargs_opt_neword
						delete_bword "$bargs_opt_neword *"
						delete_bword "* $bargs_opt_neword"
						delete_bword "* $bargs_opt_neword *"
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word: $bargs_opt_neword with regexps has been deleted"
					} {
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word: $bargs_opt_neword not found"
				} {
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :use: /msg <botnick> bword delr <word>"
			} elseif {$bargs_opt2 == "del"} {
				if {$bargs_opt_newords != ""} {		
					if {$bargs_opt_newords == "delall"} {
						delete_bword 0 1
						putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :all words/pharses have been deleted"
					} {
						if {[check_bw_exist $bargs_opt_newords]} {
							delete_bword $bargs_opt_newords
							putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word/pharse: $bargs_opt_newords has been deleted"
						} {
							putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :word/pharse: $bargs_opt_newords not found"
				} {
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :use: /msg <botnick> bword del <word/pharse>"
					putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :if you want to delete all words use: /msg <botnick> del delall"
		} {
			putquick "PRIVMSG $nick :use: /msg <botnick> bword <add|addr|del|delr|list>"

proc banmask { host nick } {
	global btype

	switch -- $btype {

		1 {
			set mask "*!*@[lindex [split [maskhost $host] "@"] 1]"

                2 {
			set mask "*!*@[lindex [split $host @] 1]"

                3 {
  			set mask "*$nick*!*@[lindex [split $host "@"] 1]"

		4 {
		        set mask "*!*[lindex [split $host "@"] 0]*@[lindex [split $host "@"] 1]"

		  return $mask

proc ban_checker { } {
	global banned_hosts ban_duration

	if {([file exists $banned_hosts]) && ($ban_duration > 0)} {
		set hosts_hand [open $banned_hosts r]
		set give_me_hosts [read $hosts_hand]
		close $hosts_hand

		set time_in_seconds [clock seconds]

		set rewrite_hosts_hand [open $banned_hosts w]
		foreach banned_h [split $give_me_hosts "\n"] {
			if {$banned_h != ""} {
				set split_banned_h [split $banned_h "&"]
				set host_ban_chan [lindex $split_banned_h 0]
				set host_ban_mask [lindex $split_banned_h 1]
				set need_ban_time [lindex $split_banned_h 2]
				if {[expr $time_in_seconds - $need_ban_time] >= [expr $ban_duration * 60]} {
					putquick "MODE $host_ban_chan -b $host_ban_mask"
				} {
					puts $rewrite_hosts_hand "$host_ban_chan&$host_ban_mask&$need_ban_time"
		close $rewrite_hosts_hand

if {[string match *ban_checker_timer* [utimers]] != 1} {
	utimer 20 ban_checker_timer

if {[string match *words_reload_timer* [timers]] != 1} {
	timer $reload_words_db_every words_reload_timer

putlog "tkbadword.tcl ver 0.8 by tomekk loaded"
pharses are now working, see comments, i think its easy...

if you want to convert your old dbase with words to new format with regexs, use this:

Code: Select all


set db_path [lindex [split $argv] 0]

if {$db_path != ""} {
        set get_old_lines [open $db_path r]
        set gimme_old_lines [split [read $get_old_lines] "\n"]
        close $get_old_lines

        set new_lines_db [open $db_path w]
        foreach old_line $gimme_old_lines {
                if {$old_line != ""} {
                        puts $new_lines_db "$old_line"
                        puts $new_lines_db "$old_line *"
                        puts $new_lines_db "* $old_line"
                        puts $new_lines_db "* $old_line *"
        close $new_lines_db
} {
        puts "use: $argv0 /path/to/words_bank.db"
this shell script will convert your db from:



word *
word2 *
* word
* word2
* word1 *
* word2 *

try it,

don't forget to add your host to '# host allowed to use 'bword' commands'
Last edited by tomekk on Wed Jun 03, 2009 6:35 pm, edited 11 times in total.
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Post by speechles »

arfer wrote:*word*
This is incorrect, as the last two are redundant. Those aren't words. The first will match for all these, um, segments? syllables? chunks?
arfer wrote:*word*
This is sooooo misleading. Suppose for sake of demonstration this is what we actually ban, literally "*word*". Now someone comes along and says, let's just say for the sake of argument the guy likes WoW (the game! if you don't know what WoW is, you shouldn't be on the internet!), and gets some new weapon. Afterwhich he innocently and foolishly bursts into the channel with "ME GOTS SWORD!!!11!". Now besides the obvious uppercase and exaggerated exclamation along with the miss-hitting-the-shift-key-a-few-times-for-added-effect which usually results in quite the same treatment. This guy now is banned because it isn't a word.

"* word *"

This is how you _should_ attempt your matching imo. In this way your actually considering it a word, because you've added the spacing to signify this to your string match.
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Post by tomekk »

yeah, good hint speechles,
i you want 'smth word smth' should be '* word *'

*word* will match 'swords' ;-)


i prefer Lineage 2 ;-p

for the newest version always check the TCL archive
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Post by taxick »


I cant get my bot to kick / ban with this script..

I have try to add this: "hello?" with this command: /msg mybot bword add hello\?

My friend have try to join my channels and say "hello?" and nothing happing...

(he only have +r, and not added to the bot on any way)

I have try to restart / rehash the bot many times...

I can add words / delete words to the script (no errors)

and the script is set correct up....

I use this irc network

Hope someone can help me....

SORRY for my very bad english..
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Post by tomekk »

14:07:42 <tomekk> bword add hello\?
14:07:42 <botty> word/pharse: 'hello\?' has been added
[tomekk@zonk]:~/eggdrop# grep hello badwords.db/words_bank.db
14:08 < franek> hello?
14:08 -!- franek was kicked from #thechan by botty [bad word! - kick]
did you supply the channel name?

Code: Select all

set bdw_channels {#channel #channel2}
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Post by heartbroken »

hi :)

how can we change this code for working with channel triggers .
.i mean only for OPs and higher accesses can set-remove and see the list of badwords for the channel with chan-trigs like :

!addbadword word reason
!delbadword word and !listbadword

these changes will be better for bot usage on channel and for all of us ..i guess.. if its possible...i've been looking for that kinda code in a long time..

Thanks ..
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Post by tomekk »


I have some TODO with this script, will try to look into that and maybe in few days I will release 0.10 version.

btw. what do you mean 'higher accesses', higher than OP, owner?
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Post by heartbroken »

re - hi :)

yep .i meant like who has opchars "@&~" on channel(s) ..

Thank you so much - Dzien Dobry ^^
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Post by tomekk »

What is the network name with those weird modes?
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Post by Anahel »

unrealircd/inspircd/hybrid use @&~ for op/super(op/admin)/owner
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Post by tomekk »


I've made couple nice fixes in this script, now is much better.
Triggers rights still based on users hosts but I will work on it,
Tomorrow I'm going on vacation and I will be away for about 3 weeks.

changes desc in header:

Best regards,
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Post by heartbroken »

Hi :)

Thank you tomekk^^

have phun into your vocation 'g'

dzieki :)
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Post by tomekk »

I have some problem with those special modes.
I think triggers rights will stay on users hosts, don't rly have time to test it.

But, thanks anyway.
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