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Eggdrop Telnet Client

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Eggdrop Telnet Client

Post by arfer »

Looking for feedback from users of my Eggdrop Telnet Client (for windows OS) which I have called

It is supplied as a .exe windows installer. The stored connection strings are held in a .xml file
which is automatically created in a subdirectory of the users personal folder.

The software has been tested with Eggdrop versions 1.6.17 through 1.6.20 plus a recent snapshot
of 1.8.0. I can't comment on performance with older bots. I have also not yet tested it with
Windrop, though I see no valid reason why it wouldn't work.

Just a reminder for those new to telnet connections with Eggdrop bots. The standard Telnet port 23
is NOT generally used. Make sure you have set a port in the bot's configuration file. Look for
'listen xxxxx all' where xxxxx is the port used. The host is the one the bot is using and not
necessarily the base address of the machine it is on.

I made the client in order to facilitate rapid switching between multiple bots, without the need to
continually input username/password manually. When connected to one bot, simply click connect again
and select a different bot (after creating the connections of course). The client will disconnect
from one and connect to the other immediately.

The client should also be suitable where users are finding that dcc and ctcp methods of getting on
the partyline are not possible.

Additionally, there are some Bot/Shell/Tcl commands available from the menu bar. These are largely
dependent on access to Tcl/Set commands in the partyline, hence they would need to be enabled in
the bot's configuration file and by default only function for the bot owner. This is not a
necessity for using the software.

There is also an ident server included. For users with a router, incomming ident requests on port
113 would have to be directed to the internal IP address of the machine running the Telnet Client.
This is likewise not a necessity. It simply prevents the annoying few seconds wait, before the
Eggdrop allows connection (unless you have access to the configuration file and can reduce the
default ident-timeout).

I am rather hoping that much of the functionality is self explanatory. Simply install it by double
clicking the .exe. Run the program and click connect. Take it from there.

Note that it cannot be used as a telnet client for connection to other devices. It is designed for
Eggdrop only. Note also that the underlying technology merely emulates a Telnet Client. If you
can't already connect using alternative windows clients such as putty, then you will not be able to
use this software either.

If you are able to find time, thanks for trying it. There is an email at the bottom of the web page
for feedback on possible bugs and ideas for enhancements.

*** edited 4th Oct 2011 .. identd port should have read 113 and not as per my original post 110.

*** edited 5th Oct 2011 .. as per responses from CrazyCat below, indicated that the client only works with English language Eggdrops

*** edited 6th Oct 2011 .. removed warning that client only works correctly for English language bots. Hopefully fixed.
Last edited by arfer on Thu Oct 06, 2011 1:37 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Post by Get_A_Fix »

Very cool, thanks arfer :)
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Post by Sicelo »

Great client here. 8)
One of the features i like at the moment is command history.
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Post by arfer »

Thanks for comments, the command history feature was a bit of a pig to code.

I really need more ppl to try the client and enjoy the benefits. Generally connection to Eggdrop partyline is done by way of dcc chat (or failing that /ctcp chat) with telnet is seen as a last resort. Very 1980's.

I'm sure that if ppl gave my client a fair run, they would discover that automatic sending of user/password information (once added through the connection manager) plus the ease with which they can disconnect and reconnect to a different bot is of considerable advantage. The connection protocol itself (telnet), is essentially unseen.

Note my edit to the original post. Identd port is 113 and not 110. Sorry about that.
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Post by iRoc »

Thanks Nice Soft :D
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Post by CrazyCat »

Seems very useful, I'll try it soon and give you my feedback.

Just a little question: is it possible to make it multilingual (or translate it) ? I manage a french speaking community about eggdrops and a lot of my users don't speak any word of english :)
I can give you the translations if you need them.

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Post by arfer »

Thanks for your input CrazyCat.

I have to be possitive about suggestions whatever they are and however difficult to code they might be, after all I posted this thread to obtain helpful feedback.

I must admit I had not considered languages. This does pose an important issue. The client does capture text from the Eggdrop at certain stages, for example nickname prompt, password prompt, confirmation that user is on the partyline plus other errors/events. If these are not in English then the client will not function as expected. So, if this is the case, I would appreciate some help :-

1. Can you confirm whether or not the client functions correctly if your bot's primary language is French. Does it automatically login using the credentials you input via the connection manager and does it recognise you are on the partyline (<partyline> appears in the title bar)?

2. If your bot's primary language is French, then are the partyline commands in French too? For example, .console (to set/edit current console modes) might be something else entirely. Also, if the commands you use are in French, will the bot still respond to English commands?

These would be the things I must consider 'fixing' before considering, in the longer term, complete translations.
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Post by CrazyCat »

I'll test it tonight and gives you the results about connection and credential usage.
Concerning the commands, they are still in english, even if the eggdrop is in french, I wonder you may not have trouble with this point.
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Post by CrazyCat »

After testing, two points:
1) the automatic login doesn't work with french. Here's my putty log, if it can help you:

Code: Select all

Artus  (Eggdrop v1.6.20 (C) 1997 Robey Pointer (C) 2010 Eggheads)

Entrez votre surnom.

Entrez votre mot de passe.

Connected to Artus, running eggdrop v1.6.20
2) No trouble with the commands, as said before, they are english only, all works well.
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Post by arfer »

Thanks again for your help even though your findings are disappointing.

For the time being I will have to edit my original post here and the download website to indicate that the client only functions correctly with English language Eggdrops.

I will make every attempt to modify the code to include other language Eggdrops as soon as possible, at least as far as auto login is concerned. I will advise you when this is done.

I will modify the client interface at a later date.
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Post by CrazyCat »

Ok, I think that the language influences only the login sequence, so it may be quite simple to have the most common sentences.

To help you:
messages 0x53e and 0xc1c in language/core.[lang].lang

Small edit: why don't you use SQLite to store datas ? It could be a cool way to have connexions and history. Peharps isn't it possible, but it's a suggestion :)
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Post by arfer »

I will include simplistic language units to match against the login sequences for all 5 Eggdrop languages, if I am able. There are actually three sequences I need, the first two of which you have kindly given French translations for :-

Please enter your nickname. == Entrez votre surnom.
Enter your password. == Entrez votre mot de passe.
*** arfer joined the party line.

Could you please post what would be the French translation for the 3rd of the above.

As for inclusion of SQLite. The requirements for data storage are very simplistic. At the moment 5 field values per bot login. Doesn't really justify packaging a database engine with the code. The client is written in Delphi which provides ready made components for creating and manipulating XML files.
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Post by CrazyCat »

Hi arfer,
the last sentence is in english even when the eggdrop is setted in french.
So, don't worry about it :)
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Post by arfer »

CrazyCat, could you please confirm your last post.

According to the core english language file the acknowledgement that a user has joined the partyline is as follows :-

0xe13,*** %s has joined the party line.\n

This should translate to the French :-

0xe13,*** %s a rejoint la party line.\n

Is this not the case?
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Post by CrazyCat »

I think this notice is the one showned on the botnet.

I'm connecting to Excalibur:

Code: Select all

Connected to Excalibur, running eggdrop v1.6.20
     ____                __
    / __/___ _ ___ _ ___/ /____ ___   ___
   / _/ / _ `// _ `// _  // __// _ \ / _ \
  /___/ \_, / \_, / \_,_//_/   \___// .__/
       /___/ /___/                 /_/

Hey CrazyCat!  My name is Excalibur and I am running eggdrop v1.6.20, on Linux

Local time is now 12:28
You are an owner of this bot. Only +n users can see this! For more info,
see .help set motd. Please edit the motd file in your bot's 'text'
Use .help for basic help.
Use .help <command> for help on a specific command.
Use .help all to get a full command list.
Use .help *somestring* to list any help texts containing "somestring".

Have fun.

Commands start with '.' (like '.quit' or '.help')
Everything else goes out to the party line.

Vous n'avez pas de messages.
*** CrazyCat joined the party line.
In Artus (linked bot):

Code: Select all

*** (Excalibur) CrazyCat a rejoint la party line.
The two bots are in french.

Hope it'll help you
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