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Mass Kick Protection

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Post by caesar »

Meh.. I should take a break. I'm too tiered from work. :(
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Post by gamble27 »

emmm so many errors, perhaps caesar must be tired :) take a break bro. Speechless thanks for pointing out the errors. Caesar take ure time with the code, ill wait. Sincere appreciation for both of u thanks :)
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Post by caesar »

Code: Select all

namespace eval MassKick {

  # self explanatory
  set mass(limit) "3:10"
  set memo(mass) "The AOP of %nick user on %chan channel has been deleted due to attempt to masskick."
  set memo(bot) "The AOP of %nick user on %chan channel has been deleted cos he kicked me."

  # don't count or do anything to people with local/global friend flag or whatever you wish
  set mass(friends) "f|f"

  # don't edit below this line
  setudef flag massKick
  setudef str massKicker
  setudef str massCount

  # binds
  bind kick * * [namespace current]::kicked
  bind part - * [namespace current]::remove
  bind sign - * [namespace current]::remove
  bind nick - * [namespace current]::nickCh

  # AOP removal and memo
  proc takeAction {chan nick pos} {
    dropAOP $chan $nick "1"
    doThis "2" $chan $nick $pos

  # bot kicked
  proc botKicked {chan nick} {
    dropAOP $chan $nick "2"
    resetChan $chan

  # reset
  proc resetChan {chan} {
    channel set $chan massKicker {}
    channel set $chan massCount {}

  # remove AOP, deop and send memo
  proc dropAOP {chan nick act} {
    variable memo
    switch -- $act {
      "1" {
        set message [string map -nocase [list "%chan" "$chan" "%nick" "$nick"] $memo(mass)]
      "2" {
        set message [string map -nocase [list "%chan" "$chan" "%nick" "$nick"] $memo(bot)]
    putserv "Memoserv send $chan $message"
    putserv "Chanserv aop $chan del $nick"
    putserv "Chanserv deop $chan $nick"

  # triggers:
  # 1 - add, 2 - remove, 3 - replace nick, 4 - replace count
  proc doThis {act chan nick {pos ""} {count ""} {newNick ""}} {
    set massKicker [channel get $chan massKicker]
    set massCount [channel get $chan massCount]
    switch -- $act {
      "1" {
        lappend massKicker $nick
        lappend massCount 1
      "2" {
        set massKicker [lreplace $massKicker $pos $pos]
        set massCount [lreplace $massCount $pos $pos]
      "3" {
        set massKicker [lreplace $massKicker $pos $pos $newNick]
      "4" {
        set massCount [lreplace $massCount $pos $pos $count]
    channel set $chan massKicker $massKicker
    channel set $chan massCount $massCount

  # triggers:
  # 1 - part & sign, 2 - nick change
  proc eventThis {event chan nick {newNick ""}} {
    set massKicker [channel get $chan massKicker]
    if {$nick ni $massKicker} return
    set pos [lsearch $massKicker $nick]
    switch -- $event {
      "1" {
        doThis "2" $chan $nick $pos
      "2" {
        doThis "3" $chan $nick $pos "0" $newNick    

  # part & sign
  proc remove {nick uhost handle chan {text ""}} {
    if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return
    if {[isbotnick $nick]} {
      resetChan $chan
      } else {
      eventThis "1" $chan $nick

  # nick
  proc nickCh {nick uhost handle chan newnick} {
    if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return
    if {[isbotnick $nick]} return
    eventThis "2" $chan $nick $newNick

  # kick
  proc kicked {nick uhost hand chan target reason} {
    if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return
    variable mass
    if {[matchattr $hand $mass(friends) $chan]} return
    if {[isbotnick $nick]} return
    if {$nick eq "Chanserv"} return
    if {[isbotnick $target]} {
      botKicked $chan $nick
    set massKicker [channel get $chan massKicker]
    if {$nick ni $massKicker} {
      doThis "1" $chan $nick
    set pos [lsearch $massKicker $nick]
    set massCount [channel get $chan massCount]
    set count [lindex [split $massCount] $pos]
    set info [split $mass(limit) :]
    if {$count >= [lindex $info 0]} {
      takeAction $chan $nick $pos
      } else {
      incr count
    utimer [lindex $info 1] [list [namespace current]::doThis "2" $chan $nick $pos]
    doThis "4" $chan $nick $pos $count
Hope I've finally nailed down all bugs. :roll: 12 hours of work every day for past 3 weeks is finally gaining on me.. I need a break. :?

As always, haven't tested anything, so you will be my guinea piggy. :) Just load it on a test bot and report back if anything goes wrong.

PS: Do a .chanset #channel +massKick to activate it on #channel

Edit: fixed for good hopefully. :)
Edit: #2 adjusted the defaults.
Last edited by caesar on Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by gamble27 »

im afraid there is still errors :
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:31] Tcl error [::MassKick::kicked]: bad index "": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:31] Tcl error [::MassKick::kicked]: bad index "": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:31] Tcl error [::MassKick::kicked]: bad index "": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:32] -ChanServ ( vinkan has been successfully removed from the AOP list of #idsf
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:32] -ChanServ ( DEOP of vinkan on #idsf was successful.
[15:00] -ChanServ:#makaveli- import has deopped vinkan
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:33] Tcl error in script for 'timer144':
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:33] bad index "": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:33] Tcl error in script for 'timer145':
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:33] bad index "": must be integer?[+-]integer? or end?[+-]integer?
[15:00] <(im> [07:00:35] -MemoServ ( Im does not wish to receive memos.
[15:00] -MemoServ- New memo from Import. For more information, use: /msg LIST
It sent me 3 memos of same thing so thts an error too. Thanks and take ure time :)
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Post by caesar »

Looks like I'll have to load this on a bot myself to debug this. :roll:
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Post by caesar »

Alright, I've loaded this on an eggdrop, ran some tests and finally I've nailed down all bugs. It should work smoothly now.
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Post by gamble27 »

now its working fine, but how can i set that it only deletes op when they reach certain kicks. for example i wanted 4 kicks in 1 sec or 2 sec but currently even 2 kicks its deleting the aop and sending memo. Working fine but where are the settings tht i can set and play ard with ? is it here --> set mass(limit) "1:20"

Thanks : )
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Post by Regex »

@caesar how can we use this without .chanset #channel <<

i need this script without .chanset option. my bot have to work in everychannel.. :)
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Post by heartbroken »

.chanset * +masskick <-- for to run this script on all channels ...
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Post by caesar »

@gamble27 : yes, isn't that option self explanatory? :P I left it with 1 to see if it's working or not.

@Clubber : first remove setudef flag massKick line then find and remove all instances of:

Code: Select all

if {![channel get $chan massKick]} return 
and it will work on all channels or do what heartbroken said. :)
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Post by gamble27 »

working extremely perfect now caesar, just wondering if we can add a check on the tcl to only works on aop. it shud nt affect sops and above. Tcl should only affect aops. Its wonderful job caesar :) Thanks :)
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Post by caesar »

Is there a command to to get the level of a certain user?
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Post by willyw »

Is this useful?

and see: Arbitrary chanmodes (+q, +a)
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Post by caesar »

Not exactly, cos that script only maintains a list with users that the bot has seen them gaining a +/- a and o flags. I was looking for a way to view the access of a person and found the command I was looking for in Dalnet's Chanserv Info page.
Syntax: /chanserv acc/access #channel [nick]

Information: This command lets an AOp or higher see what access he/someone else has to the channel. The access is displayed numerically, below are the definitions:
-2 = Channel is frozen or closed
-1 = AutoKICKed from the channel
0 = basic
10 = AutoOp
20 = SuperOp
30 = User has MANAGER access
40 = Has founder access via a NickServ access list mask
50 = Has founder access via identification to NickServ
60 = Has founder access via identification to ChanServ

If the USER is not online, the access will be 0.
Note: You must be an AOp or higher to use that command.
Give me some time and will make it "forgive" higher ranked users. :)
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Post by gamble27 »

sure caesar take your time,another way to find out the access level its /chanserv why #channel nick, if it returns Sop,manager or founder. ignore it. It should only be activated for aops. Appreciate your work and take your time. Thanks :)
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