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[SOLVED] Check if a website is down or not using

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[SOLVED] Check if a website is down or not using

Post by sadnem »

Hello, I´m currently searching for a tcl script that will retrieve info from (aka )
an example output would be like:

Code: Select all

<bot> It's just you. is up.

Code: Select all

<bot> It's not just you! looks down from here. 

Code: Select all

!isup website
<bot> Huh? http://website doesn't look like a site on the interwho. 
To directly access to the site´s output of a website you can directly access to retrieve the desired information.

It doesn´t seems complicated although I have no tcl skills at all and my curl knowledge it´s pretty poor so I don´t really know where to start, if someone could do this script for me I'd be very grateful.
Last edited by sadnem on Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Trixar_za »

Ok, I tested it and it works:

Code: Select all

# Script by Trixar_za
# Type in partyline: .chanset #channel +isup to enable it.

# Sets the user agent
set isup(agent) "Mozilla/4.75 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.17; i586; Nav)"

setudef flag isup

if {[catch {package require http 2.5} e] != 0} {
  set isup(noutf8) 1
  package require http

bind pub - !isup proc:isup

proc proc:isup {nick uhand handle chan input} {
  if {[channel get $chan isup]} {
     global isup

    if {![llength [split $input]]} {
       putquick "PRIVMSG $chan Please supply a website address. Ex: !isup"
    } else {
       if {[info exists isup(noutf8)]} {
          set http [::http::config -useragent $isup(agent)]
       } else {
          set http [::http::config -useragent $isup(agent) -urlencoding "utf-8"]

       catch { set http [::http::geturl "$input" -timeout 10000]} error
       if {![string match -nocase "::http::*" $error]} {
          putquick "PRIVMSG $chan [string totitle [string map {"\n" " | "} $error]] \( $input \)"
          return 0

       if {![string equal -nocase [::http::status $http] "ok"]} {
          putquick "PRIVMSG $chan [string totitle [::http::status $http]] \( $input \)"
          return 0

       set html [::http::data $http]

       # Clean up :P
       regsub -all {\n} $html { } html
       regsub -all {\t} $html { } html
       regsub -all {<br/>} $html { } html
       regsub -all { } $html { } html
       regsub -all {    } $html { } html
       regsub -all {   } $html { } html
       regsub -all {  } $html { } html
       regsub -all {<a.+?>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {</a>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {<span.+?>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {</span>} $html {} html
       regsub -all {—} $html {-} html
       regsub -all {>} $html {>} html
       regsub -all {<} $html {<} html
       regsub -all {&} $html {\&} html
       regsub -all {×} $html {*} html
       regsub -all {(?:\x91|\x92|’|‘|')} $html {'} html
       regsub -all {(?:\x93|\x94|“|”|")} $html {"} html
       regsub -all {×} $html {x} html

       if {[regexp -- {<div.+?>(.+?)<p>} $html - upsite]} {
          set upsite [string trim $upsite]

       if {[info exists upsite]} {
          putquick "PRIVMSG $chan $upsite"
       } else {
          putquick "PRIVMSG $chan Ironically, I couldn't get anything from!"

putlog " Script by Trixar_za Loaded"
Last edited by Trixar_za on Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by sadnem »

It´s working as a charm, thank you.
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Post by caesar »

It's me or you forgot to define $isup(logo)? :) Also, shouldn't it be:

Code: Select all

putquick "PRIVMSG $chan :$upsite"
(notice the missing ':' after the $chan variable)?
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Post by Trixar_za »

I forgot to remove that last $isup(logo) yes and in the strictest sense you don't need that : in privmsg, except on IRCds that STRICTLY adheres to the IRC protocol. So far I've found only one such server and that's with bitlbee, the rest seem to work just as well without it :P
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Post by caesar »

I see. What happens if I would do !isup [die] for instance? :)
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Post by Trixar_za »

caesar wrote:I see. What happens if I would do !isup [die] for instance? :)
[@GameBot] Illegal characters in url path ( [die] ) <--- that happens :P
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Post by Ashoq »

something wrong :P

i tested a down website on it said 'down' on tcl it said 'up'
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Post by Trixar_za »

Eh, then it was down for a bit. All the script does is grab the text from the website each time the command is invoked. So what your seeing isn't cached at all and is the website's response as it happens.
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Post by teegg »

this script was not working for i played around with it a. It turns out the following codes were not pasted correctly into vi. Maybe vi doesnt support these codes?

Code: Select all

regsub -all {—} $html {-} html
regsub -all {(?:\x91|\x92|’|‘|')} $html {'} html
regsub -all {(?:\x93|\x94|“|”|")} $html {"} html
But anyhow I commented them out and the script works again.
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Post by Cerberus »

with a few edit script worked great.

removed extra close brace from end of script

changed useragent to:

Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; el-GR; rv:1.8.1) Gecko/2010112223 Firefox/3.6.12

and removed the -urlencode section.

i also added this so script can be turned on or off via public command by bot master.

Code: Select all

bind pub m|m &isup-script WSS-Settings

proc WSS-Settings {nick host hand chan text} {

	if {![channel get $chan isup] && $text == "on"} {
		catch {channel set $chan +isup}
		putserv "notice $nick :Web Site Statuc Checker: enabled for $chan"
		putlog "Web Site Statuc Checker: script enabled (by $nick for $chan)"
	} elseif {[channel get $chan isup] && $text == "off"} {
		catch {channel set $chan -isup}
		putserv "notice $nick :Web Site Statuc Checker: disabled for $chan"
		putlog "Web Site Statuc Checker: script disabled (by $nick for $chan)"
	} else {
		putserv "notice $nick :Web Site Statuc Checker: &isup-script (on|off) enables or disables script for active channel"
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