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Bomb script from mirc to tcl need help

Requests for complete scripts or modifications/fixes for scripts you didn't write. Response not guaranteed, and no thread bumping!
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Bomb script from mirc to tcl need help

Post by Zecca93 »

Can some one turn this to tcl and add !Activate bomb !deactivate bomb so owner can turn bomb off and command !stop bomb to avoid spam . Thanks

Code: Select all

on *:TEXT:!bomb *:#: {
  if ($2 == $me) { kick # $nick You wanna bomb me?!! | halt }
  elseif ($2 == $nick) {
    set -u10 %bomb 1
    if ($2 ison $chan) && ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) {
      set %bomber $nick   
      set %kicknick $2
      set %sec $rand(10,30)
      set %color $rand(1,3)
      set %time $calc( %sec / 1/2 )
      msg $chan Whoa, u wanna suicide, $nick $+ ? Okay, the bomb will explode in %sec seconds!
      msg $chan  $+ $2 $+ , type 4!red, 12!blue or 3!green to cut the wire and deactive the bomb!
      if (%color == 1) { set %color !red }
      if (%color == 2) { set %color !blue }
      if (%color == 3) { set %color !green }
      .timer 1 %time msg #  $+ %time seconds remaining!!
      .timer 1 %sec kick # %kicknick 4(((~~~~~KABOOOOOMMM!!!!~~~~~))) Time's up, dude!
  elseif (%bomb == $null) {
    set -u10 %bomb 1
    if ($2 ison $chan) && ($me isop $chan) || ($me ishop $chan) {
      set %bomber $nick   
      set %kicknick $2
      set %sec $rand(10,30)
      set %color $rand(1,3)
      set %time $calc( %sec / 1/2 )
      msg $chan  $+ $nick planning a bomb on $2 $+ 's butt and will explode in %sec seconds!
      msg $chan  $+ $2 $+ , type 4!red, 12!blue or 3!green to cut the wire and deactive the bomb!
      if (%color == 1) { set %color !red }
      if (%color == 2) { set %color !blue }
      if (%color == 3) { set %color !green }
      .timer 1 %time msg #  $+ %time seconds remaining!!
      .timer 1 %sec kick # %kicknick 4(((~~~~~KABOOOOOMMM!!!!~~~~~))) Congratulation, You were bombed by $nick $+ !

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick == %kicknick) {
    if ($1 == %color) {
      msg $chan Great, the bomb is off!
      .timers off
      unset %kicknick
      unset %bomber
    if ($1 == !red) {
      kick $chan %kicknick 4(((~~~~~KABOOOOOMMM!!!!~~~~~))) You just pick up the wrong wire!
      .timers off
      unset %kicknick
      unset %bomber
    if ($1 == !yellow) {
      kick $chan %kicknick 4(((~~~~~KABOOOOOMMM!!!!~~~~~))) You just pick up the wrong wire!
      .timers off
      unset %kicknick
      unset %bomber
    if ($1 == !green) {
      kick $chan %kicknick 4(((~~~~~KABOOOOOMMM!!!!~~~~~))) You just pick up the wrong wire!
      .timers off
      unset %kicknick
      unset %bomber
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Re: Bomb script from mirc to tcl need help

Post by caesar »

This has been made before, have you checked Timebomb from the TCL Archive?
Timebomb wrote: Timebomb is a game where one person asks the Eggdrop bot to plant a timebomb in another user's pants. The target user then needs to diffuse the bomb by cutting the correct wire, or be kicked from the channel.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.
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Re: Bomb script from mirc to tcl need help

Post by Zecca93 »

No that is not it. First there are more wiers and bot puts on random 1-2-3 wires to cut. There isnt option to do suicide and i dont have option !bomb stop if i am owner of bot. Thanks man but i will try to work my script to tcl. If some one could help it would be nice.
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Post by speechles »

From the forum rules, you agree to when you registered on this forum...

>>> This is an Eggdrop/TCL related forum, Neither ask for mIRC Scripts Nor post a new topic for any (mIRC) assistance.

In short... this thread should be locked, junked, similar
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