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On join msg; doesn't work when users have no record in bot

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On join msg; doesn't work when users have no record in bot

Post by rapattack »

Dear all,

I was creating something that mentions which score a user has and also which rank he has got when he joins the trivia chan.

Below is the code:

Code: Select all

proc tgjoinmsg {nick host hand chan} {
	global botnick tgplaying tgcmdhelp tgcmdstart tgflagsstart tgcmdstop tgflagsstop tgchan tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname
	if {$nick != $botnick} {
		set _msg ""
		append _msg "Welcome $nick! You're on the [tgcolmisc2][ordnumber $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])][tgcolmisc1] rank with [tgcolmisc2]$tgscoresbyname([strlwr $nick])[tgcolmisc1] points."
		if {$tgplaying==1} {
			append _msg ""
		} else {
			append _msg ""
		if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstart $tgchan]&&$tgplaying==0} {
			append _msg "!!!Enter !start to start the game!!!"
		append _msg ""
		[tgpriv] $chan "$_msg"
It works when the user already has a score (1 or above), but it doesn't work for unknown users... I'd like the bot to say Welcome to the new user, and tell him that he currently doesn't have any scores.

Thanks for all help in advance !!!!!!! :-)

Oh yeah this is the error I get when an unknown user joins the channel:
[13:09:20] Tcl error [tgjoinmsg]: can't read "tgranksbyname(maagd15m)": no such element in array

But I don't know how to fix it :) Thanks!
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Trivia with a working onjoin message:)

Post by SpiKe^^ »

Try BogusTrivia for a trivia game with a working on join message for unknown players.

Get BogusTrivia at
or visit the New Tcl Acrhive at
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Re: On join msg; doesn't work when users have no record in b

Post by speechles »

rapattack wrote:It works when the user already has a score (1 or above), but it doesn't work for unknown users... I'd like the bot to say Welcome to the new user, and tell him that he currently doesn't have any scores.

Code: Select all

proc tgjoinmsg {nick host hand chan} {
	global tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgflagsstart tgplaying tgchan
	# is it the trivia channel?
	if {![string equal $chan $tgchan]} { return }
	# yes, is it the bots nickname?
	if {![botnick $nick]} {
		# no, does an entry exist for this nickname?
		if {[info exists tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])]} {
			# yes, set the message
			set _msg "Welcome $nick! You're on the [tgcolmisc2][ordnumber $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])][tgcolmisc1] rank with [tgcolmisc2]$tgscoresbyname([strlwr $nick])[tgcolmisc1] points."
			# is trivia off, but this person can start it?
			if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstart $tgchan]&&$tgplaying==0} {
				# yes, append the message
				append _msg " !!!Enter !start to start the game!!!"
		} else {
			# no, an entry doesn't exist for this person, set the message
			set _msg "Welcome $nick. You currently have no score for trivia."
		# output
		tgpriv $chan "$_msg"
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Post by caesar »

Why not call only the tgchan variable and if the channel is it the trivia channel proceed with also calling the rest of the variables? In theory should save up precious some resources.

Also, why not store nick in a lower format (strlwr $nick) and use it instead of transforming it 3 times.
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Re: On join msg; doesn't work when users have no record in bot

Post by pektek »

Code: Select all

proc tgjoinmsg {nick host hand chan} {
	global tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgflagsstart tgplaying tgchan
	# is it the trivia channel?
	if {![string equal $chan $tgchan]} { return }
	# yes, is it the bots nickname?
	if {![botnick $nick]} {
		# no, does an entry exist for this nickname?
		if {[info exists tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])]} {
			# yes, set the message
			set _msg "Welcome $nick! You're on the [tgcolmisc2][ordnumber $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])][tgcolmisc1] rank with [tgcolmisc2]$tgscoresbyname([strlwr $nick])[tgcolmisc1] points."
			# is trivia off, but this person can start it?
			if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstart $tgchan]&&$tgplaying==0} {
				# yes, append the message
				append _msg " !!!Enter !start to start the game!!!"
		} else {
			# no, an entry doesn't exist for this person, set the message
			set _msg "Welcome $nick. You currently have no score for trivia."
		# output
		tgpriv $chan "$_msg"
this shape change

Code: Select all

#triggered when someone joins trivia chan. 

proc tgjoinmsg {nick host hand chan} {
	global botnick tgscoresbyname tgranksbyname tgflagsstart tgplaying tgchan
	# is it the trivia channel?
	if {![string equal $chan $tgchan]} { return }
	# yes, is it the bots nickname?
	if {$nick != $botnick} {
		# no, does an entry exist for this nickname?
		if {[info exists tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])]} {
			# yes, set the message
			set _msg "Welcome $nick! You're on the [tgcolmisc2][ordnumber $tgranksbyname([strlwr $nick])][tgcolmisc1] rank with [tgcolmisc2]$tgscoresbyname([strlwr $nick])[tgcolmisc1] points."
			# is trivia off, but this person can start it?
			if {[matchattr $hand $tgflagsstart $tgchan]&&$tgplaying==0} {
				# yes, append the message
				append _msg " !!!Enter !start to start the game!!!"
		} else {
			# no, an entry doesn't exist for this person, set the message
			set _msg "Welcome $nick. You currently have no score for trivia."
		# output
		[tgpriv] $nick "$_msg"

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