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incith:weather (2.8p) (Dec. 18th, 2008)

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Post by incith »

ron wrote:Hi all, I am new to using eggdrop/windrops. I am starting to get the hang of it. I downloaded this weather script however the !w for the weather does not work and I get the following error:
Yeah, as mentioned above, until the Tcl archive here updates with the latest version, it can be obtained at (I know it must seem like I whore this URL a fair bit come to think of it. But there's nothing there that I am trying to attract people to, other than the availability of updates.)
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Post by ron »

The update to version p did the trick. I had version n installed. Thanks for a great script!!
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Post by lailoken »

incith wrote:
Branden wrote:Tcl error [incith::weather::weather_handler]: invalid command name "clock"
Um, what version of Tcl are you using? Windrop or eggdrop? etc etc

There's no reason your Tcl should be missing the clock command..
I'm getting this error as well, I submitted a support ticket with my shell provider, and got this response back.


Since this is a LINUX command it won't work on our servers as they're FreeBSD.

Please let us know if we can be any further assistance.
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Post by incith »

Strange... :/

I'll look into this and find a solution hopefully.
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Post by incith »

lailoken wrote:

Since this is a LINUX command it won't work on our servers as they're FreeBSD.

Please let us know if we can be any further assistance.
The Tcl devs confirmed my belief that your shell provider does not know what they are talking about.

DKF's profile can be found @ who is a member of the Tcl Core Team ( You can also see Donald Porter ("dgp"), another member of the Core Team, saying they (your shell provider) is misinformed. Clock manpage for Tcl 8.5 (Tcl 8.4). So, take this to your shell provider and tell them WTF?:
#tcl wrote:(10:30:08) +|+ Irssi: Join to #tcl was synced in 0 secs
(10:30:45) <incith> Hi.. I have a user who submitted a ticket to there shell provider, and they told them [clock] is a Linux command and therefore will not work on FreeBSD. Is this true? o.O?
(10:31:06) <incith> [clock] is a built in Tcl command I thought, and thus should work everywhere?
(10:31:11) <dkf> [clock] is an inherent part of Tcl
(10:31:19) <dkf> has been for ages
(10:31:27) <incith> Right, so, his shell provider is high?
(10:31:33) <dgp> misinformed
(10:31:36) <incith> :)
(10:31:37) <dkf> full of it :)
(10:31:49) <incith> Thank you, I thought it was absurd
Sorry, but there is nothing I can do. [clock] as mentioned should be working, regardless of your flavor of BSD/Linux. Works well on the Windows Windrop I just installed, too.
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Post by lailoken »

Submitted a new ticket to santrex and asked them to clarify and see if they are up to date with tcl.

If all else fails, well, it's just a 3 month prepaid shell account, there's others I can take my eggy to.
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Post by lailoken »

Ah well.

The response back:

I already explained to you the situation that it's a Linux command and we run unix/FreeBSD servers so it won't work. Please try finding a unix/freebsd tcl script.
Guess I'm looking for a new eggdrop shell provider.
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Post by incith »

lailoken wrote:Ah well.

The response back:

I already explained to you the situation that it's a Linux command and we run unix/FreeBSD servers so it won't work. Please try finding a unix/freebsd tcl script.
Guess I'm looking for a new eggdrop shell provider.
Rofl, man.. even the response is arrogant. I feel bad for you. Crap like this kind of pisses me off. I sent them ( an email of my own, too, fwiw. (Edit: Heh, they told me I need to google more. *sigh*)

Another Core Team member, Kevin Kenny:
kbk wrote:<kbk> incith - "We already explained to you that the hosting provider is clueless. Please try finding a clueful provider."
<kbk> And FWIW a disembuggerated Tcl runs fine on the BSD's - [clock] and all.
Update 12/23: In fact I am still e-mailing these guys. They seem to confusing /bin/clock with Tcl [clock], maybe this will get resolved yet.
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Post by NWH »

Hi .

running eggdrop v1.6.17
script v2.8p

I have a strange error .

[18:18] <bot> User defined channel flags:
[18:18] <bot> +weather

[18:18] <bot> [18:18] Ask for weather on #xmen-fr by User, but script not active here

What wrong ?

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Post by incith »

.chanset #xmen-fr +weather

What happens when you do a search? Can you paste some more output?
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Post by NWH »

Hi .

Yes i do the .chanset .
The chaninfo told me :

[18:18] <bot> User defined channel flags:
[18:18] <bot> +weather

And the !weather city give no answer.
The partyline just told me

[18:18] <bot> [18:18] Ask for weather on #channel by User, but script not active here .

I haven't more output . !!
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Post by incith »

Doesn't look like my script... "[18:18] <bot> [18:18] Ask for weather on #channel by User, but script not active here ." is not something my code says.
eggdrop wrote:(08:50:33) (incith) .chanset #incith +weather
(08:50:33) <visitant> Successfully set modes { +weather } on #incith.
Is the output you should receive.

Try messaging your bot "!w", private messages will always work as long as variable private_messages is set to 1 in the Tcl file.
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Post by sn1ck »

This weather script has been working wonderfully. I've tried to stay up to date and am currently running 2.8p. The last couple of days when triggering the script i've gotten an error mesg of "The operation timed out after 15 seconds."

wunderground is up, so i'm assuming there's some kind of change in how the shell talks to the website. any suggestions?
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Post by incith »

Hmm.. honestly, not really. There is a 'variable timeout' for setting it higher/lower, but this isn't really what you want I'm sure.

What happens if you try to ping from the shell (if available)? And what happens if you ping the IP ( It's possible that maybe DNS lookups are just going slowly or something and perhaps the IP method below will help. Otherwise I cannot think of many options.

Original lines:

Code: Select all

    proc fetch_html {query {query_url ""} {no_format 0}} {

            array set output [fetch_html "$loop_url" "" 1]
Modified (

Code: Select all

    proc fetch_html {query {query_url ""} {no_format 0}} {

            array set output [fetch_html "$loop_url" "" 1]
Modified (IP address):

Code: Select all

    proc fetch_html {query {query_url ""} {no_format 0}} {

            array set output [fetch_html "$loop_url" "" 1]
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Post by sn1ck »

yes, it would appear the shell can't ping wunderground. When trying to load the website in lynx no data is displayed. I wonder if wunderground is blocking them.

is it possible to modify your script to query seems to me they had a way of doing this thru telnet...and web browser of course.

edit: nevermind, that'd limit the scope of the script to the usa
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