Code: Select all
[03:42] Tcl error [btext:chars]: invalid command name "clock"
[03:42] Tcl error [btext:line]: invalid command name "clock"
03:42] Tcl error [repeat:kick]: invalid command name "clock"
03:42] Tcl error [text:char]: invalid command name "clock"
[03:42] Tcl error [text:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[03:42] Tcl error [bjoinf:lock]: invalid command name "clock"
[03:41] Tcl error [incith::google::public_message]: unknown encoding "ascii"
[03:42] Tcl error [incith::google::public_message]: unknown encoding "ascii"
Sir_Fz wrote:[clock] is a valid Tcl command. This is not a problem with AllProtection, make sure you do not have some other script loaded which renamed the [clock] command.
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[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:char]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [btext:chars]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [btext:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [repeat:kick]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:char]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:13] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:22] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [btext:chars]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:22] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [btext:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:23] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [repeat:kick]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:23] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:char]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:23] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:25] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [massk:kick]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:36] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [bjoinf:lock]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:39] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [btext:chars]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:39] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [btext:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:39] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [repeat:kick]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:40] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:char]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:40] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [text:line]: invalid command name "clock"
[10:12:40] <(HosTer> [05:12] Tcl error [bnickf:lock]: invalid command name "clock"
Code: Select all
.chanset * ap:textl 5:2
.chanset * ap:textc 215:3
.chanset * ap:notcl 1:3
.chanset * ap:notcc 200:3
.chanset * ap:caps 60:90
.chanset * ap:repeatl 3:10
.chanset * ap:repeatc 0
.chanset * ap:codes {r:35 b:35 u:35 c:35}
.chanset * ap:adv +
.chanset * ap:swear +
.chanset * ap:ctcps 2:30
.chanset * ap:massd 5:1
.chanset * ap:massk 8:2
.chanset * ap:massb 18:2
.chanset * ap:limit 0
.chanset * ap:cjoin 3:2
.chanset * ap:partmsgs 0
.chanset * ap:partmsgc r:35 b:35 u:35 c:35
.chanset * ap:revdoor 3
.chanset * ap:nickf 4:12
.chanset * ap:clones 3
.chanset * ap:bnicks +
.chanset * ap:drones +
.chanset * ap:bidents +
.chanset * ap:btextl 15:7
.chanset * ap:btextc 550:3
.chanset * ap:bnotcl 4:2
.chanset * ap:bnotcc 500:3
.chanset * ap:bctcp 4:60
.chanset * ap:massjoin 9:3
.chanset * ap:brevdoor 5:3
.chanset * ap:bpartmsg 5:3
.chanset * ap:bnickf 5:30
.chanset * +dontkickops
.chanset * +seen
Code: Select all
<Avoid> .chaninfo
<(HosTer> Settings for static channel #ChatAway:
<(HosTer> Protect modes (chanmode): +tn
<(HosTer> Idle Kick after (idle-kick): DON'T!
<(HosTer> stopnethack: DON'T!
<(HosTer> aop-delay: 0:0
<(HosTer> revenge-mode: 0
<(HosTer> ban-time: 0
<(HosTer> exempt-time: 60
<(HosTer> invite-time: 60
<(HosTer> Other modes:
<(HosTer> -inactive -statuslog -secret +shared
<(HosTer> -greet +seen -cycle +dontkickops
<(HosTer> -protectops -protectfriends -revenge -revengebot
<(HosTer> -bitch -autoop -autovoice +nodesynch
<(HosTer> -enforcebans -dynamicbans +userbans -autohalfop
<(HosTer> -protecthalfops
<(HosTer> +dynamicexempts +userexempts +dynamicinvites +userinvites
<(HosTer> User defined channel flags:
<(HosTer> -noseendata -quietseens -quietaiseens -nopubseens
<(HosTer> -google -dictionary -ipcheck -voiceall
<(HosTer> User defined channel strings:
<(HosTer> ap:textl: 4:2
<(HosTer> ap:textc: {215:3 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:notcl: {1:3 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:notcc: {200:3 180 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:caps: {60:90 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:repeatl: {3:10 60 k:kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:repeatc: {25 30 w:k:kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:codes: {r:35 b:80 u:80 c:80 90 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:adv: {+ 180 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:swear: {+ 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:ctcps: {2:30 180 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:massd: {5:1 30 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:massk: {8:2 30 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:massb: {18:2 30 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:limit: 0
<(HosTer> ap:cjoin: {3:2 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:partmsgs: {180 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:partmsgs: {180 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:partmsgc: {r:35 b:35 u:35 c:35 30 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:revdoor: {3 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:nickf: {4:12 60 w:k:kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:clones: {8 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:bnicks: {+ 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:drones: {+ 180 45 2}
<(HosTer> ap:bidents: {+ 120 kb 2}
<(HosTer> ap:btextl: {15:7 mR-k lines.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:btextc: {550:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:bnotcl: {4:2 mR-k lines.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:bnotcc: {500:3 mR-k chars.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:bctcp: {4:60 mR-k ctcp.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:massjoin: {9:3 mR-k join.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:brevdoor: {5:3 mR-k revdoor.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:bpartmsg: {5:3 mR-k partmsg.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:bnickf: {5:30 mR-k nick.flood 60}
<(HosTer> ap:antispam: {- + 10 10}
<(HosTer> ap:pqsadv: {s:1 a:1}
<(HosTer> ap:bchans: {- 90 kb 2 0}
<(HosTer> ap:echans: {0 60 w:kb 2 0}
<(HosTer> ap:bctcrs: {- 120 kb 2 0}
<(HosTer> ap:ctcpchecks: VERSION
<(HosTer> ap:bcodes: {25:3 mR-k codes.flood 60}
<(HosTer> flood settings: chan ctcp join kick deop nick
<(HosTer> number: 0 3 5 0 0 5
<(HosTer> time : 0 60 10 0 0 20
<(HosTer> [12:21] #Avoid# chaninfo #ChatAway
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<(HosTer> [12:17] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins drones]: invalid command name "clock"
<(HosTer> [12:17] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins massjoin]: invalid command name "clock"
<(HosTer> [12:17] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins cjoin]: invalid command name "clock"
<(HosTer> [12:17] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins drones]: invalid command name "clock"
<(HosTer> [12:17] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins massjoin]: invalid command name "clock"
<(HosTer> [12:17] Tcl error [::AllProtection::joins cjoin]: invalid command name "clock"
Sir_Fz wrote:Make sure you .restart after removing all other script (otherwise, the changes are still in effect).
The links to the latest version are posted in this thread's first post.
Edit: If this is a Tcl issue (not Eggdrop) then contact your Shell administrators about the problem.
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# Use: .chanset #channel ap:antispam + <greet> <cycle-time> <idle-time> (to enable)
# the antispam bot will not cycle a channel where last join occured in <idle-time> or more minutes.
# <greet> is either + or - which will enable or disable the on-join message.
# set default value here:
lappend ap:udefs {ap:antispam "- + 10 10"}
# AntiSpamBot basic settings
# You can edit all these settings as you wish
# example: set antispam(nick) AntiSpamBot
set antispam(nick) $altnick
set antispam(altnick) ${altnick}1
# Antispam ident & real name
set antispam(user) AP
set antispam(realname) "AllProtection Anti-Spam"
# example: set antispam(ip)
set antispam(ip) ${my-ip}
# example: set antispam(host)
set antispam(host) ${my-hostname}
Code: Select all
# Use: .chanset #channel ap:antispam + <greet> <cycle-time> <idle-time> (to enable)
# the antispam bot will not cycle a channel where last join occured in <idle-time> or more minutes.
# <greet> is either + or - which will enable or disable the on-join message.
# set default value here:
lappend ap:udefs {ap:antispam "- + 10 10"}
# AntiSpamBot basic settings
# You can edit all these settings as you wish
# example: set antispam(nick) AntiSpamBot
set antispam(nick) $altnick
set antispam(altnick) ${altnick}1
# Antispam ident & real name
set antispam(user) AP
set antispam(realname) "AllProtection Anti-Spam"
# example: set antispam(ip)
set antispam(ip) ${my-ip}
# example: set antispam(host)
set antispam(host) ${my-hostname}
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<k1nderuTza> good evening everybody ... are a nice girl looking nice ... another girl who wants to join me in private to talk ... vam kissed
* k1nderuTza was kicked by HosTer (Advertising detected. (**join **) :: [Wed Oct 28 17:07:12 2009] - Banned 180 minutes ·8308·)
* HosTer sets mode: +b *!*
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set adwords(global) { "*join *" "*plz visit*" }
Code: Select all
set adwords(global) { "" "" }
withset antispam(nick) $altnick
So basically, you just have to modify $altnick to whatever you want. Same goes with all the script's settings.set antispam(nick) YOUR_NEW_NICK
Sir_Fz wrote:The settings I posted are quoted from the script itself.There is no need to copy/paste anything since it's already there. Unfortunately, you're still not reading (which is the single most important thing for you to do in order to correctly use the script). You can modify the settings as you wish, for example:
To use a custom nickname for your antispam bot, replace:withset antispam(nick) $altnickSo basically, you just have to modify $altnick to whatever you want. Same goes with all the script's settings.set antispam(nick) YOUR_NEW_NICK
When you want to change the list of advertising words, use the .ap:add DCC command (which is documented in the script's header, so READ it).