I can actually, do one better than that. I've expanded the Wikipedia section of the script to now allow for regional dialects within each country. Below is a small demonstration of how this looks on irc.pobunjeni wrote:Wikipedia on serbian have (Cyrillic/Latinic) http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el is for latinic and http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-ec is for cyrillic, can you make script display results only for sr-el?
!wikipedia [.country.code[@region-dialect]] <search terms><speechles> !w .sr@sr-el dilan dog
<sp33chy> Dilan Dog | Dilan Dog (engl. Dylan Dog) je lik iz stripa koji je stvorio italijanski pisac i novinar Ticijano Sklavi za italijansku izdavaÄku kuću SerÄ‘o Boneli Editore, tj. Boneli Komiks. Prvi broj je izaÅ¡ao u Italiji 1986. Dilan Dog je već nakon nekoliko brojeva postigao veliku popularnost. PoÄetkom 1990ih, Dilan je u celom svetu izlazio u meseÄnom tiražu većem od 1.000.000 primeraka. Dark
<sp33chy> Hors Komiks je izdavao englesku verziju Dilana Doga, a u bivšoj Jugoslaviji objavljivao ga je novosadski Dnevnik. Trenutno Ludens objavljuje stripove u Hrvatskoj i Srbiji. @ http://sr.wikipedia.org/sr-el/%D0%94%D0 ... 0%BE%D0%B3 [1 Redirect(s)]
The syntax hasn't changed but been expanded upon. Parts not bolded aren't required, in cases where they are omitted defaults will be applied.
This is only an Wikipedia update to address the problem with languages such as serbian above (Wikimedia addition coming later), this is just something in the meantime up for a beta test... You WILL need to check the encode strings section, and change the entry given for sr-el. Otherwise it will be as I have it presently set to fall to utf-8, which displays badly on irc as you see in my quote above. Your better off using a proper encoding. All regional dialects encodings and country encodings can be added/expanded upon in this way.
Get the new script HERE <v1.9.7a>. If you have problems or see an obvious bug or two let's me hear about it.
Also, as a side-note you might not already know. To force this as default for latinc serbians in the script set the config as such variable wiki_country "sr@sr-el". Wikipedia will now behave this way without using switches, this changes the default behavior. Hope you understand.