My post dont concern your question about colors, but i see that you use a KAOS questions in french, that i was lookin for quite a while now. Can you be enough kind to tell me where i can get them, or maybe send them to me. Of course, i can give you all the trivia files i have with no problem. Thanks in advance !
Bonjour, je vois que tu utilises un KAOS en francais, ce que je cherche depuis longtemps pour alimenter mon canal de quizz. Ca t embeterai de me dire ou est ce que je pourrai me les procurer, ou carrement me les envoyer ? je suis pret a t envoyer toutes les questions que j ai. Merci d avance !
Thanks for the reply. But actually i m not interested in the script itself, cause i use another script quiz. What i am interested in is that file "kaos.db", that you have in french Like i told you, i m ready to exchange with you the trivia files i have. thanks in advance.
Salut, merci pour ta réponse, mais au fait moi je suis interessé par le fichier de questions qui est en Francais, et non pas le script du quizz. Dans le lien que tu m as filé, kaos.db est en anglais, je cherche kaos.db en Francais. Je suis prêt à échanger avec toi les fichiers des questions que j ai. Merci d avance.
proc KAOS_Start {nick uhost hand chan args} {
global KAOSChannel KAOSRunning KAOSQCount KAOSQNumber KAOSQuestionFile KAOSAdNumber KAOSVersion KDebug
set args [stripcodes bcruag $args]
There are 10 locations for doing this. Simply search for '{nick uhost hand chan args}' and then after the 'global' line add the stripcodes setting (as indcated).
Save and reload the edited file in your bot (.rehash).
The colour problem should then be solved.
Since 1.6.19 eggdrop is passed.
I tested this code found on this site, but does not work.