Sorry guys. I am new to tcl scripting. I didnt know what that meant.
Thanks for being as kind as you have been to someone as ignorant as myself. I will take better care in reading, as I normally do. I guess I got too twitchy on this one.
That was part of the unofficial release by a 3rd party who had no business modifying someone else's script.speechles wrote:User error indeed. You read all of that and missed the above? Next time actually read, don't skim.Code: Select all
# Uncomment these if you want to use the channel udef flags (.chanset) instead of the above channel configs for # setting the triggerchans, broadcastchans and repeatchans. #catch {setudef flag "symtrigger"} #catch {setudef flag "symbroadcast"} #catch {setudef flag "symrepeat"}