set nicksNpasses {
nick1 pass1
nick2 pass2
nick3 pass3
# Change "10 days" to "1 min" so you won't have to wait that long :P
set tenDays [clock scan "1 min"]
# change {00 00 *} to * so it'll run every minute
bind time - * identify:nicks
proc identify:nicks args {
global nicksNpasses tenDays
if {[unixtime] >= $tenDays} {
identifyNicks $nicksNpasses
set tenDays [clock scan "1 min"]
proc identifyNicks np {
set items 0
foreach {nick pass} $np {
if {$items < 5} {
# show identification in partyline
putlog "Identifying $nick with password: $pass"
# comment the line below so the script doesn't send real identification
#puthelp "NickServ :identify $nick $pass"
incr items
} {
utimer 15 [list identifyNicks [lrange $nicksNpasses [expr {$items*2}] end]]
Try this code. It's supposed to print "Identifying <nick> with password: <password>" in your bot's partyline for each nickname every minute (with the 15 seconds queue between every 5 nicknames of course). If it works, then there's nothing wrong with the script.
set nicksNpasses {
nick1 pass1
nick2 pass2
nick3 pass3
# Change "10 days" to "1 min" so you won't have to wait that long :P
set tenDays [clock scan "1 min"]
# change {00 00 *} to * so it'll run every minute
bind time - * identify:nicks
proc identify:nicks args {
global nicksNpasses tenDays
if {[unixtime] >= $tenDays} {
identifyNicks $nicksNpasses
set tenDays [clock scan "1 min"]
proc identifyNicks np {
set items 0
foreach {nick pass} $np {
if {$items < 5} {
# show identification in partyline
putlog "Identifying $nick with password: $pass"
# comment the line below so the script doesn't send real identification
#puthelp "NickServ :identify $nick $pass"
incr items
} {
utimer 15 [list identifyNicks [lrange $np [expr {$items*2}] end]]
Try to test it with a small list since it's just for testing purposes and will *NOT* send actual identification to the services.