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General support and discussion of Eggdrop bots.
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Jan 17, 2008 12:12 am

Post by HondaATC »

I ran locate on tcl.h and got these results:

[HondaATC@server134 eggdrop1.6.18]$ locate tcl.h
[HondaATC@server134 eggdrop1.6.18]$

So I modified the command you posted earlier to reflect the usr/tcl/include/ path and it still didn't work :(

configure: warning:

The file '/usr/tcl/include/tcl.h' given to option --with-tclinc is not valid.

configure will now attempt to autodetect both the Tcl library and header.

checking for Tcl library... using /lib
checking for Tcl header... using /
checking whether the Tcl system has changed... yes
checking for Tcl version...
checking for Tcl patch level...
configure: error:

Your Tcl version is much too old for Eggdrop to use. You should
download and compile a more recent version. The most reliable
current version is 8.4.6 and can be downloaded from
Revered One
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Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 2:09 pm

Post by nml375 »

It would appear then, that your system only has runtime-libraries installed, and not the "devel" files required for compiling.

If you got admin-access on the system, you probably need to install the tcl-devel or similar package in addition to the "normal" tcl-package.

If you do not, then you have two options; bug whoever is admin to install these (preferred), or link your eggdrop against the library you've installed yourself - and then set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to tell ld to load your rather than the systemwide one. (On a bash shell, this would be done like this: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/HondaACT/tcl/lib/ ).
It is important that this is done each time you need to (re)start your eggdrop, as environment variables do not persist inbetween login-sessions. It must also be done before trying to compiling eggdrop...
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