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forked: UNOFFICIAL incith-google 2.0.0c (Sep9,2o11)

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Post by speechles »

Here's the problem I had with this being within the main unofficial thread (keep in mind the unofficial thread was also "split" from another thread in a similar way)...

When you give these fixes, you ramp up dilution of consistency. This means, you create more work for yourself later by not really knowing what code-base people are using anymore. It confuses users basically because it appears hastily written, like not enough testing was done. You have run-on posts, where you yourself merely post again (ie, post bumping), rather than just editing your post to add more, if you are the last one to post this will not show (edit) beacons to others like a revised post would. Doing it this way can go cleverly below radar.

And yeah, I am clearly an asshole at times and I agree. At least that's something we can agree on. I know caeser agree's with me. He thinks I didn't catch that post he "junked" on my behalf. But to be honest, that was a "pre script". It was a "warez" script. Rules are rules not just to look pretty. I thought they were to be enforced, but this is taking me off topic too far... So let's stray back..

I meant no disrespect to what you are doing. Go ahead and keep right up doing that, split thread is easier for me to understand exactly what I am fixing and keeps conversations from merging and cluttering up my build table.. heh

This is why my version shall always be "v2.01x" always that same version, over and over. Because ramping isn't what I'm intending to do. To know if you have the most recent copy of it, simply check the release date and compare against your own. If it's newer take it. ;)

And about that unreleased version. To clarify a bit, it is live, anytime you want join efnet and #roms-isos and try various things against it. The one-boxes I still have yet to fix, there is more to the script than simply google.
<speechles> !webby ... f-8&nfpr=1 --regexp class="g"><div.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)</a-- --override
<sp33chy> regexp: capture1 ( ... cutor.html )
<sp33chy> regexp: capture2 ( iXtreme Burner Max Official Tutorial from Team Xecutor )
<speechles> tuh duh
<speechles> !webby ... f-8&nfpr=1 --regexp class="g"><div.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)</a.*?class="g"><div.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)</a.*?class="g"><div.*?<a href="(.*?)".*?">(.*?)</a-- --override
<sp33chy> regexp: capture1 ( ... cutor.html )
<sp33chy> regexp: capture2 ( iXtreme Burner Max Official Tutorial from Team Xecutor )
<speechles> 3 differing results plz
<sp33chy> regexp: capture3 ( ... orial.html )
<sp33chy> regexp: capture4 ( iXtreme Burner Max Tutorial )
<sp33chy> regexp: capture5 ( ... nload.html )
<sp33chy> regexp: capture6 ( iXtreme Burner Max Download )
<speechles> kk, thats how it should work
<speechles> webby is bombastic
<speechles> thanks webby, i just fixed google usin' u
Hopefully you are using something similar to webby to do all your work. This is why webby exists primarily. To help me fix the google script. And on that I'm out.. Sorry if I pissed anyone off, sometimes I do that... enjoy the scripts even if you wish you could launch a brick into my face. ;)

I can promise that the url:
This will contain my unreleased copy later tonight. My physical copy differs far from the actual production copy I release. My physical copy has extensive debug it sends me so that I can tell when one-boxes are caught incorrectly, and the whole she-bang. I just haven't released it because it slows the entire script down 10x and is only useful to know which parsers pick up what.
Posts: 16
Joined: Fri Sep 09, 2011 8:28 am

Post by tommytom »

Apology accepted. I understand that you wanted it split, but I didn't appreciate the negativity that went with it. Either way, accepted. This new post was actually a big step up from that other one.
speechles wrote:You have run-on posts, where you yourself merely post again (ie, post bumping), rather than just editing your post to add more, if you are the last one to post this will not show (edit) beacons to others like a revised post would. Doing it this way can go cleverly below radar.
I have dwelled on a completely different forum for 12-14 years. Not only more vast of a subject (this is just eggdrop), but also way more traffic. On there, it's perfectly normal to bump a post a few hours later. The members practically live on the "new posts" button/bookmark and only see things if they are new. If an hour has passed, it's best to make a new post so it gets seen. If it isn't important, then it just needs an edit.

So, sorry if I broke some rules here. I don't mean for my (bad) habits to end up here. Honestly, I only came here to get the newest Google script, months later I checked for a newer one again since it broke, then I found that it was outdated/broken still (1.99 or w/e) for a long time and I posted my fixed one (it was months before I figured out my copy could help others), then I found yours, then I had to adapt to the new script which unfixed everything I had fixed (sloppily, probably). Long story short, I didn't really even want to join/post, but I felt it was a crime not to since there might be others out there like me or even less skilled then me waiting for answers/fixes. AFAIK, this is the only working (if only partially) Google script.

IMO, I was just posting some decent-enough fixes that you could look at and fix yourself if it was bad. I thought I was helping you out. I honestly didn't mean "here is what you do, now do it" or anything. Otherwise, I would have just put it in myself and posted the full script or something. It was more like "this is what I did, if you like it put it in". I felt the code was self-explanatory. Didn't realize it could come across as a demand or something. I seen that you were busy (as was I the last few months) and not able to work on the script (as was I, even though I had meant to), I wasn't doing anything at the time and the script had finally completely broken (or seemed like everything normally used was... "spell:" seemed to work, lol), so I just started throwing out my hotfixes as I went.

Anyways, still a little hurt, lost my confidence, and also lost interest. I dunno when I will try to fix anything with this again (will have to see speechles's updated script). Probably when I see something broken again, pissed off that my bot never does what I command it to do, and nothing better to do.
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