hi caesar
it is possible to add to the tcl a part where the bot should ignore the ircop
my ircops change of vhost and for error they of assistance
I would like to know if it is possible to add a section where the tcl should ignore or should exclude to the ircops in general
After a bit of digging looks like IRC raw numeric unfortunately aren't standardized so while on Undernet I get this on raw 330 on your IRC Network can be something else. So, if you got a mIRC client do this command in status window:
bind raw - "302" IRCopScan302
proc IRCopScan302 {from key text} {
global operscan scanoperchan
set text "[lindex $text 1]"
set nick [lindex [split "$text" :=*] 1]
if {($operscan(start)) && ([info exists scanoperchan($nick)]) && ([string match *\\* [lindex [split "$text" =] 0]])} {
set chan $scanoperchan($nick)
Then the raw I was looking for is actually 313 (like it says on RAW Events Reference), not 302.
<- :underworld.se.eu.dal.net 313 cez SaD :is an IRC Operator - Services Administrator
<- :MustyHay.eu.ix.Undernet.org 313 cez Buster :is an IRC Operator
For future reference if others look for something similar then instead of doing a whois on a each member of a channel you can use "/who 0 o" and will get a list of ircops that are at least on one channel as you. The result will be in a raw 352.
But there's a catch.. the output will have the last channel you joined where one ircop is on, so it doesn't mean he's only on that channel. But, as long as we got his name is more than enough to get all common channels or whatnot.
Once the game is over, the king and the pawn go back in the same box.