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DCC problems

Old posts that have not been replied to for several years.

Post by astroboy »

heh well my server funs FreeBSD 4.5, the ver of eggdrop is 1.4.4 (but same thing happened with the lastest release). My computer is Windows2K. My connection is cable.
I have natd, identd, ipfw running on the server.
I have 2 network cards in the server, one for the net, one for the network
i use the 192.168.0.X series of IP's for my LAN.

anything else?
Revered One
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Location: Liverpool, England

Post by ppslim »

OK - Still not being clear about your setup, here we go.

I am guessing your FreeBSD server is the one with 2 nics in (you did not make this clear).

I am also guessing you are having the trouble connecting to the bot via DCC, using a client on the Win2K box.

From this, the answer to the your my-ip question would be to use the net IP.

The reason you can't DCC chat the bot, is due to the fact you are using NATD.

To get around this, you need to pick a range of ports in your IRC client, that will be allowed to be used for DCC. You should then configure the FreeBSD system to forward all connections to these ports, to the Win2K box.

When you ask for a DCC chat fromt he client, it sends the IP it thinks is your external IP (in your case, it will be the IP of the external cable IP) and a port picked from the range in your settings.

Shen the eggdrop receives the request, it tries to connect to the IP. The problem being, the IP it has sent applies to the FreeBSD box.
Posts: 70
Joined: Sun Jul 28, 2002 6:23 am
Location: Stockholm, Sweden

Post by gk^ »

if you are lazy /ctcp botnick chat should work... I have the same problem but I am way too lazy to fix it :P .. have enough with comp during those 10h of work...