4everlearning wrote:Thanks for the reply, yes the channel allows both bold and colors. both nets run Unrealircd with Anope and neostats.
One more thing. I have installed Fordlawnmower's horoscope script to make sure that the bot is working correctly. I did ".chanset #revolusongs +horo" for that script and all works fine with that script. Just for some reason this weather script isn't responding.
FordLawnmower's script isn't really that great. Sure he has that "hawkee" forum where he has a few things eggdrop related offered. But his eggdrop/tcl scripts look more like bad ports of mIRC scripts. Basically, there are better ways to do all this and Incith was quite efficient and simplistic in his approaches. I keep this same style in my modifications to his scripts. So these are written to be eggdrop scripts taking advantage of everything eggdrop can do. In that, they afford you some extra features: flood system, trigger system, configuration options, split options, user defaults, etc. Most of Incith's script have a constant set of configuration settings that are always present in every single one. I've also kept this in any scripts of mine based off Incith's scripts. This allows you to become familiar with the "Incith family" of scripts easily.
This is my official repository for my scripts. Most of these scripts cannot be found on egghelp's tcl archive. They can only be found within forum threads.
Finally, the reason the script isn't working for you is because it relies on http package. Specifically, http package 2.3 .... Is this other bot an windrop (windows + eggdrop)?. If so, you may be able to simply source http package like a tcl script, as basically that is all the http package really is. There is no actual "object" compiled and created. It's entirely written in tcl. So sourcing it can suffice the same as having it natively in your environment paths. Just make sure that you do not have it provided via your environment _AND_ provide it via sourcing. You cannot have conflicting packages present this will crash eggdrop.
Incith has quit the scene for a bit, but his spirit shall live on forever within his scripts.
Incith, if you are reading this. To Jordan, I apologize. If were anything I said or did caused your departure.. My bad... Sorry ;/