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Public Quotes System (current version: 1.32)

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Post by MenzAgitat »

@ scooterh :
Did you read the description ?
On the first message of this thread, you can read :
This script adds the following commands:
  • !addquote <quote>
    • To add a quote.
    !quote <quote number> [#chan]
    • To display a quote.
    !quoteinfo <quote number> [#chan]
    • To display some informations about a given quote.
    !delquote <quote number>
    • To delete a quote.
    !randquote [#chan]
    • To display a random quote.
    !lastquote [#chan]
    • To display the last quote.
    !findquote [-all/#chan] <search argument(s)>
    • To look for a quote.
      Put some quotation marks around your search arguments to look for an exact match.
      Use the -all option to do a global search in every channel's databases OR specify a chan.
    !deletedquoteinfo <quote number>
    • To display some informations about a deleted quote (admin command)
    !undelquote <quote number>
    • To restore a deleted quote (admin command)
    !forcedelquote <quote number>
    • To delete a quote, even if you are not its author. (admin command)
    !cancelquote <latest quote number>
    • To cancel the latest stored quote (Does not leave any remains in the database). (admin command)
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Post by ajc13 »

Good script, but some thoughts:

Re sharing quotes I made a symlink from an existing quote file which appears to work for the quote script, allowing one file for multiple rooms.

cd ~/eggdrop/quotes.db
ln -s quotes.exists

Also, it'd be useful if one could specify the command character in one place such that it's changed in all commands and examples.

IE, I use .{quotestuff} not !{quotestuff}

Since there are so many commands, a .quotehelp to summarize things would be helpful.

Lastly any thoughts of integrating into .chanset ?

Thanks again,
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Re: This script using eggdrop v1.6.18

Post by demonicpagan »

jagular wrote:I have added the following line to my eggdrop's .conf file: source scripts/public_quotes_system.tcl.

Made settings to the public_quotes_system.tcl file as indicated by the commented documentation. The directory named quotes.db is not created.

Is this an script/eggdrop version problem? Is anyone using this script currently? I would love some feedback. Looks like a great script. What am i doing wrong?

This is a really old thread, but I just recently downloaded this script and am having this similar issue. I'm not having any errors returned, the eggdrop is able to write to the directory because I issued the file mkdir quotes.db via tcl on the bot and it created it.

I am finding that the bot isn't responding to any of the commands given from this script and I have the channel specified in the variable allowed_chans. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
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Post by Football »

Would be nice if the script could maintain a website and update it with the quote, a full list of the quotes.
Idling at #Football, Quakenet.
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Post by x0x »

How to support networks with &, % and ~ user modes?

This is what I've set in my eggdrop config file: set opchars "@%&~"

And this is what I've set in the quote script config:

variable delquotecmd "!delquote"
# authorizations for !delquote
variable delquoteauth "-|o"

Still, nobody can delete quotes. Help? My chan ops do not have an account at the bot.
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Post by Madalin »

Why dont you add you chanops to the eggdrop and then -|o will work
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Post by x0x »

Because they change quite often in this particular example.
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Post by Madalin »

In this case i dont know if i would be in that situation i would have created an auth system or a script with whom i could add users to the eggdrop somehow so that they will remember or make the script work on another system like [isvoice]
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Post by speechles »

x0x wrote:How to support networks with &, % and ~ user modes?

This is what I've set in my eggdrop config file: set opchars "@%&~"

And this is what I've set in the quote script config:

variable delquotecmd "!delquote"
# authorizations for !delquote
variable delquoteauth "-|o"

Still, nobody can delete quotes. Help? My chan ops do not have an account at the bot.

This only lets those with the opchars you have selected modify everything if they have these modes in a channel. It does not use eggdrop user flags any longer. Those "auth" settings within the cofnig are removed as they no longer have any meaning. This should accomplish the task now. There are string/list (shimmering) issues all over in this script (using join on strings? using lindex on strings? forgetting to split a string before using lindex?? >_<) They should only cause issues with special characters, the shimmering effect only slows the code down a little (so little you dont notice combined with irc lag).

Also, to enable in your channel:
.chanset #yourchan +quotes

It no longer requires editing the script to add/remove channels. You must trust your channel operators, they have full control over this script now.
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

But that disables this setting completely and makes the script reply in all channels the bot is on...

Code: Select all

  variable allowed_chans {#yourchan}

Maybe something more like this??

Code: Select all

proc pubqsys::channel_check {chan nick} {
  if {[isop $chan $nick] && [lsearch -exact $pubqsys::allowed_chans $chan]>"-1"} { return 1 } { return 0 }

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Post by speechles »

SpiKe^^ wrote:But that disables this setting completely and makes the script reply in all channels the bot is on...

Code: Select all

setudef flag quotes
if {[pubqsys::channel_check $chan $nick] == 0} {
proc pubqsys::channel_check {chan nick} {
  if {[channel get $chan quotes] && [isop $chan $nick]} { return 1 }
  return 0
I've altered the procedure to check for more than it originally did and altered every invocation as well. Then changed how it builds allowed_channels internally in each procedure.

Code: Select all

set allowed_chans [list]; foreach chan [channels] { if {[channel get $chan quotes]} { lappend allowed_chans $chan } }
This behaves identically to having it "static" within the config as a variable. But with the benefit you can dynamically at any time turn it on/off in channels on a whim. The quotes are different for each channel by the way. You use the -all switch to make the channel irrelevant.

So really, I took the limitations the script had away and made it perform exactly as x0x has requested. ;)
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Post by x0x »

Very, very nice! THANK you!
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Post by x0x »

Don't think it works, there is no "-quotes" so no option to set "+quotes".
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Post by SpiKe^^ »

Search for this line in the script and see if it's there...

Code: Select all

setudef flag quotes
If it's not, add it to the top of the script.

Then in dcc chat with the bot, enable the script for each channel you want the script to run in, with...
.chanset #yourchan +quotes

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Post by x0x »

Ok, it was missing indeed. Added it, enabled it with the bot. Still does not work.

When someone tries one of the commands:

[16:47:11] Tcl error [pubqsys::quote]: illegal channel: USERSNICKNAME
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