How did you enable channel #EPL ? via dcc using .chanset #epl +announcer?Football wrote:[17:53:20] -> *EPL* !timeron
[17:53:20] <EPL> [14:53] Tcl error [msg_timer_on]: can't set "line_counter(#EPL)": variable isn't array
[17:53:44] -> *EPL* !timeron #EPL
[17:53:45] <EPL> [14:53] Tcl error [msg_timer_on]: can't set "line_counter(#EPL)": variable isn't array
or via !enable?
Also, that command does not need a #channel.
Just curious - at the time you got the error, did the message file for #EPL exist?# ( !timeron , !timeroff, and !settimer via /msg do not require a #channel )
I will try to duplicate that error, in the meantime.