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TCL of google no longer works .. By FordLawnmower

Help for those learning Tcl or writing their own scripts.
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Re: google

Post by CP1832 »

Hi taxkick, it looks like your eggdrop doesn't support one of the protocols required for this script to run. Maybe it doesn't support tls?
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Joined: Thu Jul 12, 2007 11:44 am

Post by taxick »

Hi CP1832, thanks for you reply.

I did try to compile the eggdrop again with this command:

Code: Select all

./configure --with-tcllib=/usr/lib64/ --with-tclinc=/usr/include/tcl.h --enable-tls=/usr/include/tls.h
and I getting this:

Code: Select all

Operating System: Linux 4.9.15-x86_64-linode81
IPv6 Support: yes
Tcl version: 8.6.6 (threaded)
SSL/TLS Support: yes (OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
But it still not work for me

More ides???


Here are the loaded modules:

source scripts/http.tcl
source scripts/json.tcl
source scripts/htmlparse.tcl
source scripts/url.tcl
source scripts/google.tcl
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Post by CP1832 »

taxick wrote:Hi CP1832, thanks for you reply.

I did try to compile the eggdrop again with this command:

Code: Select all

./configure --with-tcllib=/usr/lib64/ --with-tclinc=/usr/include/tcl.h --enable-tls=/usr/include/tls.h
and I getting this:

Code: Select all

Operating System: Linux 4.9.15-x86_64-linode81
IPv6 Support: yes
Tcl version: 8.6.6 (threaded)
SSL/TLS Support: yes (OpenSSL 1.0.2g  1 Mar 2016)
Hi taxkick, in your shell type:

Code: Select all

me@shell:~$ tclsh
% package require tls           
% package require http
% package require json 
% package require htmlparse
And check all the google.tcl required packages...
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Post by taxick »


Thanks for trying helping me out! Here are my output:

Code: Select all

ircd@server:/home/ircd# tclsh
% package require tls
% package require http
% package require json
% package require htmlparse
So the versions shut be fine :? Any ide what it can be?
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Post by CP1832 »

taxick wrote:So the versions shut be fine :? Any ide what it can be?
I'm out of clues, I don't have that much tcl knowledge... Sorry.
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Post by taxick »


It's okay! I hope someone else can help me with this problem!?

Thanks for trying CP1832 :)
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Post by Arnold_X-P »

This error that comes out is an error of its version eggdrop version 1.8.1 is full of errors, my bot uses version 1.6.20 and works great..

But try with these additional tcl and tell me if it works

Code: Select all

# http.tcl --
#	Client-side HTTP for GET, POST, and HEAD commands. These routines can
#	be used in untrusted code that uses the Safesock security policy.
#	These procedures use a callback interface to avoid using vwait, which
#	is not defined in the safe base.
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.

package require Tcl 8.4
# Keep this in sync with pkgIndex.tcl and with the install directories in
# Makefiles
package provide http 2.7.12

namespace eval http {
    # Allow resourcing to not clobber existing data

    variable http
    if {![info exists http]} {
	array set http {
	    -accept */*
	    -proxyhost {}
	    -proxyport {}
	    -proxyfilter http::ProxyRequired
	    -urlencoding utf-8
	set http(-useragent) "Tcl http client package [package provide http]"

    proc init {} {
	# Set up the map for quoting chars. RFC3986 Section 2.3 say percent
	# encode all except: "... percent-encoded octets in the ranges of
	# ALPHA (%41-%5A and %61-%7A), DIGIT (%30-%39), hyphen (%2D), period
	# (%2E), underscore (%5F), or tilde (%7E) should not be created by URI
	# producers ..."
	for {set i 0} {$i <= 256} {incr i} {
	    set c [format %c $i]
	    if {![string match {[-._~a-zA-Z0-9]} $c]} {
		set map($c) %[format %.2X $i]
	# These are handled specially
	set map(\n) %0D%0A
	variable formMap [array get map]

	# Create a map for HTTP/1.1 open sockets
	variable socketmap
	if {[info exists socketmap]} {
	    # Close but don't remove open sockets on re-init
	    foreach {url sock} [array get socketmap] {
		catch {close $sock}
	array set socketmap {}

    variable urlTypes
    if {![info exists urlTypes]} {
	set urlTypes(http) [list 80 ::socket]

    variable encodings [string tolower [encoding names]]
    # This can be changed, but iso8859-1 is the RFC standard.
    variable defaultCharset
    if {![info exists defaultCharset]} {
	set defaultCharset "iso8859-1"

    # Force RFC 3986 strictness in geturl url verification?
    variable strict
    if {![info exists strict]} {
	set strict 1

    # Let user control default keepalive for compatibility
    variable defaultKeepalive
    if {![info exists defaultKeepalive]} {
	set defaultKeepalive 0

    namespace export geturl config reset wait formatQuery register unregister
    # Useful, but not exported: data size status code

# http::Log --
#	Debugging output -- define this to observe HTTP/1.1 socket usage.
#	Should echo any args received.
# Arguments:
#     msg	Message to output
proc http::Log {args} {}

# http::register --
#     See documentation for details.
# Arguments:
#     proto	URL protocol prefix, e.g. https
#     port	Default port for protocol
#     command	Command to use to create socket
# Results:
#     list of port and command that was registered.

proc http::register {proto port command} {
    variable urlTypes
    set urlTypes($proto) [list $port $command]

# http::unregister --
#     Unregisters URL protocol handler
# Arguments:
#     proto	URL protocol prefix, e.g. https
# Results:
#     list of port and command that was unregistered.

proc http::unregister {proto} {
    variable urlTypes
    if {![info exists urlTypes($proto)]} {
	return -code error "unsupported url type \"$proto\""
    set old $urlTypes($proto)
    unset urlTypes($proto)
    return $old

# http::config --
#	See documentation for details.
# Arguments:
#	args		Options parsed by the procedure.
# Results:
#        TODO

proc http::config {args} {
    variable http
    set options [lsort [array names http -*]]
    set usage [join $options ", "]
    if {[llength $args] == 0} {
	set result {}
	foreach name $options {
	    lappend result $name $http($name)
	return $result
    set options [string map {- ""} $options]
    set pat ^-(?:[join $options |])$
    if {[llength $args] == 1} {
	set flag [lindex $args 0]
	if {![regexp -- $pat $flag]} {
	    return -code error "Unknown option $flag, must be: $usage"
	return $http($flag)
    } else {
	foreach {flag value} $args {
	    if {![regexp -- $pat $flag]} {
		return -code error "Unknown option $flag, must be: $usage"
	    set http($flag) $value

# http::Finish --
#	Clean up the socket and eval close time callbacks
# Arguments:
#	token	    Connection token.
#	errormsg    (optional) If set, forces status to error.
#       skipCB      (optional) If set, don't call the -command callback. This
#		    is useful when geturl wants to throw an exception instead
#		    of calling the callback. That way, the same error isn't
#		    reported to two places.
# Side Effects:
#        Closes the socket

proc http::Finish {token {errormsg ""} {skipCB 0}} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    global errorInfo errorCode
    if {$errormsg ne ""} {
	set state(error) [list $errormsg $errorInfo $errorCode]
	set state(status) "error"
    if {
	($state(status) eq "timeout") || ($state(status) eq "error") ||
	([info exists state(connection)] && ($state(connection) eq "close"))
    } then {
        CloseSocket $state(sock) $token
    if {[info exists state(after)]} {
	after cancel $state(after)
    if {[info exists state(-command)] && !$skipCB
	    && ![info exists state(done-command-cb)]} {
	set state(done-command-cb) yes
	if {[catch {eval $state(-command) {$token}} err] && $errormsg eq ""} {
	    set state(error) [list $err $errorInfo $errorCode]
	    set state(status) error

# http::CloseSocket -
#	Close a socket and remove it from the persistent sockets table.  If
#	possible an http token is included here but when we are called from a
#	fileevent on remote closure we need to find the correct entry - hence
#	the second section.

proc ::http::CloseSocket {s {token {}}} {
    variable socketmap
    catch {fileevent $s readable {}}
    set conn_id {}
    if {$token ne ""} {
        variable $token
        upvar 0 $token state
        if {[info exists state(socketinfo)]} {
	    set conn_id $state(socketinfo)
    } else {
        set map [array get socketmap]
        set ndx [lsearch -exact $map $s]
        if {$ndx != -1} {
	    incr ndx -1
	    set conn_id [lindex $map $ndx]
    if {$conn_id eq {} || ![info exists socketmap($conn_id)]} {
        Log "Closing socket $s (no connection info)"
        if {[catch {close $s} err]} {
	    Log "Error: $err"
    } else {
	if {[info exists socketmap($conn_id)]} {
	    Log "Closing connection $conn_id (sock $socketmap($conn_id))"
	    if {[catch {close $socketmap($conn_id)} err]} {
		Log "Error: $err"
	    unset socketmap($conn_id)
	} else {
	    Log "Cannot close connection $conn_id - no socket in socket map"

# http::reset --
#	See documentation for details.
# Arguments:
#	token	Connection token.
#	why	Status info.
# Side Effects:
#       See Finish

proc http::reset {token {why reset}} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    set state(status) $why
    catch {fileevent $state(sock) readable {}}
    catch {fileevent $state(sock) writable {}}
    Finish $token
    if {[info exists state(error)]} {
	set errorlist $state(error)
	unset state
	eval ::error $errorlist

# http::geturl --
#	Establishes a connection to a remote url via http.
# Arguments:
#       url		The http URL to goget.
#       args		Option value pairs. Valid options include:
#				-blocksize, -validate, -headers, -timeout
# Results:
#	Returns a token for this connection. This token is the name of an
#	array that the caller should unset to garbage collect the state.

proc http::geturl {url args} {
    variable http
    variable urlTypes
    variable defaultCharset
    variable defaultKeepalive
    variable strict

    # Initialize the state variable, an array. We'll return the name of this
    # array as the token for the transaction.

    if {![info exists http(uid)]} {
	set http(uid) 0
    set token [namespace current]::[incr http(uid)]
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    reset $token

    # Process command options.

    array set state {
	-binary		false
	-blocksize	8192
	-queryblocksize 8192
	-validate	0
	-headers	{}
	-timeout	0
	-type		application/x-www-form-urlencoded
	-queryprogress	{}
	-protocol	1.1
	binary		0
	state		connecting
	meta		{}
	coding		{}
	currentsize	0
	totalsize	0
	querylength	0
	queryoffset	0
	type		text/html
	body		{}
	status		""
	http		""
	connection	close
    set state(-keepalive) $defaultKeepalive
    set state(-strict) $strict
    # These flags have their types verified [Bug 811170]
    array set type {
	-binary		boolean
	-blocksize	integer
	-queryblocksize integer
	-strict		boolean
	-timeout	integer
	-validate	boolean
    set state(charset)	$defaultCharset
    set options {
	-binary -blocksize -channel -command -handler -headers -keepalive
	-method -myaddr -progress -protocol -query -queryblocksize
	-querychannel -queryprogress -strict -timeout -type -validate
    set usage [join [lsort $options] ", "]
    set options [string map {- ""} $options]
    set pat ^-(?:[join $options |])$
    foreach {flag value} $args {
	if {[regexp -- $pat $flag]} {
	    # Validate numbers
	    if {
		[info exists type($flag)] &&
		![string is $type($flag) -strict $value]
	    } then {
		unset $token
		return -code error \
		    "Bad value for $flag ($value), must be $type($flag)"
	    set state($flag) $value
	} else {
	    unset $token
	    return -code error "Unknown option $flag, can be: $usage"

    # Make sure -query and -querychannel aren't both specified

    set isQueryChannel [info exists state(-querychannel)]
    set isQuery [info exists state(-query)]
    if {$isQuery && $isQueryChannel} {
	unset $token
	return -code error "Can't combine -query and -querychannel options!"

    # Validate URL, determine the server host and port, and check proxy case
    # Recognize user:pass@host URLs also, although we do not do anything with
    # that info yet.

    # URLs have basically four parts.
    # First, before the colon, is the protocol scheme (e.g. http)
    # Second, for HTTP-like protocols, is the authority
    #	The authority is preceded by // and lasts up to (but not including)
    #	the following / or ? and it identifies up to four parts, of which
    #	only one, the host, is required (if an authority is present at all).
    #	All other parts of the authority (user name, password, port number)
    #	are optional.
    # Third is the resource name, which is split into two parts at a ?
    #	The first part (from the single "/" up to "?") is the path, and the
    #	second part (from that "?" up to "#") is the query. *HOWEVER*, we do
    #	not need to separate them; we send the whole lot to the server.
    #	Both, path and query are allowed to be missing, including their
    #	delimiting character.
    # Fourth is the fragment identifier, which is everything after the first
    #	"#" in the URL. The fragment identifier MUST NOT be sent to the server
    #	and indeed, we don't bother to validate it (it could be an error to
    #	pass it in here, but it's cheap to strip).
    # An example of a URL that has all the parts:
    # The "http" is the protocol, the user is "jschmoe", the password is
    # "xyzzy", the host is "", the port is "8000", the path is
    # "/foo/bar.tml", the query is "q=foo", and the fragment is "changes".
    # Note that the RE actually combines the user and password parts, as
    # recommended in RFC 3986. Indeed, that RFC states that putting passwords
    # in URLs is a Really Bad Idea, something with which I would agree utterly.
    # Also note that we do not currently support IPv6 addresses.
    # From a validation perspective, we need to ensure that the parts of the
    # URL that are going to the server are correctly encoded.  This is only
    # done if $state(-strict) is true (inherited from $::http::strict).

    set URLmatcher {(?x)		# this is _expanded_ syntax
	(?: (\w+) : ) ?			# <protocol scheme>
	(?: //
		    [^@/\#?]+		# <userinfo part of authority>
		) @
	    ( [^/:\#?]+ )		# <host part of authority>
	    (?: : (\d+) )?		# <port part of authority>
	( [/\?] [^\#]*)?		# <path> (including query)
	(?: \# (.*) )?			# <fragment>

    # Phase one: parse
    if {![regexp -- $URLmatcher $url -> proto user host port srvurl]} {
	unset $token
	return -code error "Unsupported URL: $url"
    # Phase two: validate
    if {$host eq ""} {
	# Caller has to provide a host name; we do not have a "default host"
	# that would enable us to handle relative URLs.
	unset $token
	return -code error "Missing host part: $url"
	# Note that we don't check the hostname for validity here; if it's
	# invalid, we'll simply fail to resolve it later on.
    if {$port ne "" && $port > 65535} {
	unset $token
	return -code error "Invalid port number: $port"
    # The user identification and resource identification parts of the URL can
    # have encoded characters in them; take care!
    if {$user ne ""} {
	# Check for validity according to RFC 3986, Appendix A
	set validityRE {(?xi)
	    (?: [-\w.~!$&'()*+,;=:] | %[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] )+
	if {$state(-strict) && ![regexp -- $validityRE $user]} {
	    unset $token
	    # Provide a better error message in this error case
	    if {[regexp {(?i)%(?![0-9a-f][0-9a-f]).?.?} $user bad]} {
		return -code error \
			"Illegal encoding character usage \"$bad\" in URL user"
	    return -code error "Illegal characters in URL user"
    if {$srvurl ne ""} {
	# RFC 3986 allows empty paths (not even a /), but servers
	# return 400 if the path in the HTTP request doesn't start
	# with / , so add it here if needed.
	if {[string index $srvurl 0] ne "/"} {
	    set srvurl /$srvurl
	# Check for validity according to RFC 3986, Appendix A
	set validityRE {(?xi)
	    # Path part (already must start with / character)
	    (?:	      [-\w.~!$&'()*+,;=:@/]  | %[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] )*
	    # Query part (optional, permits ? characters)
	    (?: \? (?: [-\w.~!$&'()*+,;=:@/?] | %[0-9a-f][0-9a-f] )* )?
	if {$state(-strict) && ![regexp -- $validityRE $srvurl]} {
	    unset $token
	    # Provide a better error message in this error case
	    if {[regexp {(?i)%(?![0-9a-f][0-9a-f])..} $srvurl bad]} {
		return -code error \
		    "Illegal encoding character usage \"$bad\" in URL path"
	    return -code error "Illegal characters in URL path"
    } else {
	set srvurl /
    if {$proto eq ""} {
	set proto http
    if {![info exists urlTypes($proto)]} {
	unset $token
	return -code error "Unsupported URL type \"$proto\""
    set defport [lindex $urlTypes($proto) 0]
    set defcmd [lindex $urlTypes($proto) 1]

    if {$port eq ""} {
	set port $defport
    if {![catch {$http(-proxyfilter) $host} proxy]} {
	set phost [lindex $proxy 0]
	set pport [lindex $proxy 1]

    # OK, now reassemble into a full URL
    set url ${proto}://
    if {$user ne ""} {
	append url $user
	append url @
    append url $host
    if {$port != $defport} {
	append url : $port
    append url $srvurl
    # Don't append the fragment!
    set state(url) $url

    # If a timeout is specified we set up the after event and arrange for an
    # asynchronous socket connection.

    set sockopts [list -async]
    if {$state(-timeout) > 0} {
	set state(after) [after $state(-timeout) \
		[list http::reset $token timeout]]

    # If we are using the proxy, we must pass in the full URL that includes
    # the server name.

    if {[info exists phost] && ($phost ne "")} {
	set srvurl $url
	set targetAddr [list $phost $pport]
    } else {
	set targetAddr [list $host $port]
    # Proxy connections aren't shared among different hosts.
    set state(socketinfo) $host:$port

    # See if we are supposed to use a previously opened channel.
    if {$state(-keepalive)} {
	variable socketmap
	if {[info exists socketmap($state(socketinfo))]} {
	    if {[catch {fconfigure $socketmap($state(socketinfo))}]} {
		Log "WARNING: socket for $state(socketinfo) was closed"
		unset socketmap($state(socketinfo))
	    } else {
		set sock $socketmap($state(socketinfo))
		Log "reusing socket $sock for $state(socketinfo)"
		catch {fileevent $sock writable {}}
		catch {fileevent $sock readable {}}
	# don't automatically close this connection socket
	set state(connection) {}
    if {![info exists sock]} {
	# Pass -myaddr directly to the socket command
	if {[info exists state(-myaddr)]} {
	    lappend sockopts -myaddr $state(-myaddr)
        if {[catch {eval $defcmd $sockopts $targetAddr} sock]} {
	    # something went wrong while trying to establish the connection.
	    # Clean up after events and such, but DON'T call the command
	    # callback (if available) because we're going to throw an
	    # exception from here instead.

	    set state(sock) $sock
	    Finish $token "" 1
	    cleanup $token
	    return -code error $sock
    set state(sock) $sock
    Log "Using $sock for $state(socketinfo)" \
        [expr {$state(-keepalive)?"keepalive":""}]
    if {$state(-keepalive)} {
        set socketmap($state(socketinfo)) $sock

    if {![info exists phost]} {
	set phost ""
    fileevent $sock writable [list http::Connect $token $proto $phost $srvurl]

    # Wait for the connection to complete.
    if {![info exists state(-command)]} {
	# geturl does EVERYTHING asynchronously, so if the user
	# calls it synchronously, we just do a wait here.
	http::wait $token

	if {![info exists state]} {
	    # If we timed out then Finish has been called and the users
	    # command callback may have cleaned up the token. If so we end up
	    # here with nothing left to do.
	    return $token
	} elseif {$state(status) eq "error"} {
	    # Something went wrong while trying to establish the connection.
	    # Clean up after events and such, but DON'T call the command
	    # callback (if available) because we're going to throw an
	    # exception from here instead.
	    set err [lindex $state(error) 0]
	    cleanup $token
	    return -code error $err

    return $token

proc http::Connected { token proto phost srvurl} {
    variable http
    variable urlTypes

    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state

    # Set back the variables needed here
    set sock $state(sock)
    set isQueryChannel [info exists state(-querychannel)]
    set isQuery [info exists state(-query)]
    set host [lindex [split $state(socketinfo) :] 0]
    set port [lindex [split $state(socketinfo) :] 1]

    set defport [lindex $urlTypes($proto) 0]

    # Send data in cr-lf format, but accept any line terminators

    fconfigure $sock -translation {auto crlf} -buffersize $state(-blocksize)

    # The following is disallowed in safe interpreters, but the socket is
    # already in non-blocking mode in that case.

    catch {fconfigure $sock -blocking off}
    set how GET
    if {$isQuery} {
	set state(querylength) [string length $state(-query)]
	if {$state(querylength) > 0} {
	    set how POST
	    set contDone 0
	} else {
	    # There's no query data.
	    unset state(-query)
	    set isQuery 0
    } elseif {$state(-validate)} {
	set how HEAD
    } elseif {$isQueryChannel} {
	set how POST
	# The query channel must be blocking for the async Write to
	# work properly.
	fconfigure $state(-querychannel) -blocking 1 -translation binary
	set contDone 0
    if {[info exists state(-method)] && $state(-method) ne ""} {
	set how $state(-method)

    if {[catch {
	puts $sock "$how $srvurl HTTP/$state(-protocol)"
	puts $sock "Accept: $http(-accept)"
	array set hdrs $state(-headers)
	if {[info exists hdrs(Host)]} {
	    # Allow Host spoofing. [Bug 928154]
	    puts $sock "Host: $hdrs(Host)"
	} elseif {$port == $defport} {
	    # Don't add port in this case, to handle broken servers. [Bug
	    # #504508]
	    puts $sock "Host: $host"
	} else {
	    puts $sock "Host: $host:$port"
	unset hdrs
	puts $sock "User-Agent: $http(-useragent)"
        if {$state(-protocol) == 1.0 && $state(-keepalive)} {
	    puts $sock "Connection: keep-alive"
        if {$state(-protocol) > 1.0 && !$state(-keepalive)} {
	    puts $sock "Connection: close" ;# RFC2616 sec
        if {[info exists phost] && ($phost ne "") && $state(-keepalive)} {
	    puts $sock "Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive"
        set accept_encoding_seen 0
	set content_type_seen 0
	foreach {key value} $state(-headers) {
	    if {[string equal -nocase $key "host"]} {
	    if {[string equal -nocase $key "accept-encoding"]} {
		set accept_encoding_seen 1
	    if {[string equal -nocase $key "content-type"]} {
		set content_type_seen 1
	    set value [string map [list \n "" \r ""] $value]
	    set key [string trim $key]
	    if {[string equal -nocase $key "content-length"]} {
		set contDone 1
		set state(querylength) $value
	    if {[string length $key]} {
		puts $sock "$key: $value"
	# Soft zlib dependency check - no package require
        if {
	    !$accept_encoding_seen &&
	    ([package vsatisfies [package provide Tcl] 8.6]
		|| [llength [package provide zlib]]) &&
	    !([info exists state(-channel)] || [info exists state(-handler)])
        } then {
	    puts $sock "Accept-Encoding: gzip, identity, *;q=0.1"
	if {$isQueryChannel && $state(querylength) == 0} {
	    # Try to determine size of data in channel. If we cannot seek, the
	    # surrounding catch will trap us

	    set start [tell $state(-querychannel)]
	    seek $state(-querychannel) 0 end
	    set state(querylength) \
		    [expr {[tell $state(-querychannel)] - $start}]
	    seek $state(-querychannel) $start

	# Flush the request header and set up the fileevent that will either
	# push the POST data or read the response.
	# fileevent note:
	# It is possible to have both the read and write fileevents active at
	# this point. The only scenario it seems to affect is a server that
	# closes the connection without reading the POST data. (e.g., early
	# versions TclHttpd in various error cases). Depending on the
	# platform, the client may or may not be able to get the response from
	# the server because of the error it will get trying to write the post
	# data.  Having both fileevents active changes the timing and the
	# behavior, but no two platforms (among Solaris, Linux, and NT) behave
	# the same, and none behave all that well in any case. Servers should
	# always read their POST data if they expect the client to read their
	# response.

	if {$isQuery || $isQueryChannel} {
	    if {!$content_type_seen} {
		puts $sock "Content-Type: $state(-type)"
	    if {!$contDone} {
		puts $sock "Content-Length: $state(querylength)"
	    puts $sock ""
	    fconfigure $sock -translation {auto binary}
	    fileevent $sock writable [list http::Write $token]
	} else {
	    puts $sock ""
	    flush $sock
	    fileevent $sock readable [list http::Event $sock $token]

    } err]} then {
	# The socket probably was never connected, or the connection dropped
	# later.

	# if state(status) is error, it means someone's already called Finish
	# to do the above-described clean up.
	if {$state(status) ne "error"} {
	    Finish $token $err


# Data access functions:
# Data - the URL data
# Status - the transaction status: ok, reset, eof, timeout
# Code - the HTTP transaction code, e.g., 200
# Size - the size of the URL data

proc http::data {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    return $state(body)
proc http::status {token} {
    if {![info exists $token]} {
	return "error"
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    return $state(status)
proc http::code {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    return $state(http)
proc http::ncode {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    if {[regexp {[0-9]{3}} $state(http) numeric_code]} {
	return $numeric_code
    } else {
	return $state(http)
proc http::size {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    return $state(currentsize)
proc http::meta {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    return $state(meta)
proc http::error {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    if {[info exists state(error)]} {
	return $state(error)
    return ""

# http::cleanup
#	Garbage collect the state associated with a transaction
# Arguments
#	token	The token returned from http::geturl
# Side Effects
#	unsets the state array

proc http::cleanup {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    if {[info exists state]} {
	unset state

# http::Connect
#	This callback is made when an asyncronous connection completes.
# Arguments
#	token	The token returned from http::geturl
# Side Effects
#	Sets the status of the connection, which unblocks
# 	the waiting geturl call

proc http::Connect {token proto phost srvurl} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    set err "due to unexpected EOF"
    if {
	[eof $state(sock)] ||
	[set err [fconfigure $state(sock) -error]] ne ""
    } then {
	Finish $token "connect failed $err"
    } else {
	fileevent $state(sock) writable {}
	::http::Connected $token $proto $phost $srvurl

# http::Write
#	Write POST query data to the socket
# Arguments
#	token	The token for the connection
# Side Effects
#	Write the socket and handle callbacks.

proc http::Write {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    set sock $state(sock)

    # Output a block.  Tcl will buffer this if the socket blocks
    set done 0
    if {[catch {
	# Catch I/O errors on dead sockets

	if {[info exists state(-query)]} {
	    # Chop up large query strings so queryprogress callback can give
	    # smooth feedback.

	    puts -nonewline $sock \
		[string range $state(-query) $state(queryoffset) \
		     [expr {$state(queryoffset) + $state(-queryblocksize) - 1}]]
	    incr state(queryoffset) $state(-queryblocksize)
	    if {$state(queryoffset) >= $state(querylength)} {
		set state(queryoffset) $state(querylength)
		set done 1
	} else {
	    # Copy blocks from the query channel

	    set outStr [read $state(-querychannel) $state(-queryblocksize)]
	    puts -nonewline $sock $outStr
	    incr state(queryoffset) [string length $outStr]
	    if {[eof $state(-querychannel)]} {
		set done 1
    } err]} then {
	# Do not call Finish here, but instead let the read half of the socket
	# process whatever server reply there is to get.

	set state(posterror) $err
	set done 1
    if {$done} {
	catch {flush $sock}
	fileevent $sock writable {}
	fileevent $sock readable [list http::Event $sock $token]

    # Callback to the client after we've completely handled everything.

    if {[string length $state(-queryprogress)]} {
	eval $state(-queryprogress) \
	    [list $token $state(querylength) $state(queryoffset)]

# http::Event
#	Handle input on the socket
# Arguments
#	sock	The socket receiving input.
#	token	The token returned from http::geturl
# Side Effects
#	Read the socket and handle callbacks.

proc http::Event {sock token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state

    if {![info exists state]} {
	Log "Event $sock with invalid token '$token' - remote close?"
	if {![eof $sock]} {
	    if {[set d [read $sock]] ne ""} {
		Log "WARNING: additional data left on closed socket"
	CloseSocket $sock
    if {$state(state) eq "connecting"} {
	if {[catch {gets $sock state(http)} n]} {
	    return [Finish $token $n]
	} elseif {$n >= 0} {
	    set state(state) "header"
    } elseif {$state(state) eq "header"} {
	if {[catch {gets $sock line} n]} {
	    return [Finish $token $n]
	} elseif {$n == 0} {
	    # We have now read all headers
	    # We ignore HTTP/1.1 100 Continue returns. RFC2616 sec 8.2.3
	    if {$state(http) == "" || ([regexp {^\S+\s(\d+)} $state(http) {} x] && $x == 100)} {

	    set state(state) body

	    # If doing a HEAD, then we won't get any body
	    if {$state(-validate)} {
		Eof $token

	    # For non-chunked transfer we may have no body - in this case we
	    # may get no further file event if the connection doesn't close
	    # and no more data is sent. We can tell and must finish up now -
	    # not later.
	    if {
		!(([info exists state(connection)]
			&& ($state(connection) eq "close"))
		    || [info exists state(transfer)])
		&& ($state(totalsize) == 0)
	    } then {
		Log "body size is 0 and no events likely - complete."
		Eof $token

	    # We have to use binary translation to count bytes properly.
	    fconfigure $sock -translation binary

	    if {
		$state(-binary) || ![string match -nocase text* $state(type)]
	    } then {
		# Turn off conversions for non-text data
		set state(binary) 1
	    if {
		$state(binary) || [string match *gzip* $state(coding)] ||
		[string match *compress* $state(coding)]
	    } then {
		if {[info exists state(-channel)]} {
		    fconfigure $state(-channel) -translation binary
	    if {
		[info exists state(-channel)] &&
		![info exists state(-handler)]
	    } then {
		# Initiate a sequence of background fcopies
		fileevent $sock readable {}
		CopyStart $sock $token
	} elseif {$n > 0} {
	    # Process header lines
	    if {[regexp -nocase {^([^:]+):(.+)$} $line x key value]} {
		switch -- [string tolower $key] {
		    content-type {
			set state(type) [string trim [string tolower $value]]
			# grab the optional charset information
			if {[regexp -nocase \
				 {charset\s*=\s*\"((?:[^""]|\\\")*)\"} \
				 $state(type) -> cs]} {
			    set state(charset) [string map {{\"} \"} $cs]
			} else {
			    regexp -nocase {charset\s*=\s*(\S+?);?} \
				$state(type) -> state(charset)
		    content-length {
			set state(totalsize) [string trim $value]
		    content-encoding {
			set state(coding) [string trim $value]
		    transfer-encoding {
			set state(transfer) \
			    [string trim [string tolower $value]]
		    proxy-connection -
		    connection {
			set state(connection) \
			    [string trim [string tolower $value]]
		lappend state(meta) $key [string trim $value]
    } else {
	# Now reading body
	if {[catch {
	    if {[info exists state(-handler)]} {
		set n [eval $state(-handler) [list $sock $token]]
	    } elseif {[info exists state(transfer_final)]} {
		set line [getTextLine $sock]
		set n [string length $line]
		if {$n > 0} {
		    Log "found $n bytes following final chunk"
		    append state(transfer_final) $line
		} else {
		    Log "final chunk part"
		    Eof $token
	    } elseif {
		[info exists state(transfer)]
		&& $state(transfer) eq "chunked"
	    } then {
		set size 0
		set chunk [getTextLine $sock]
		set n [string length $chunk]
		if {[string trim $chunk] ne ""} {
		    scan $chunk %x size
		    if {$size != 0} {
			set bl [fconfigure $sock -blocking]
			fconfigure $sock -blocking 1
			set chunk [read $sock $size]
			fconfigure $sock -blocking $bl
			set n [string length $chunk]
			if {$n >= 0} {
			    append state(body) $chunk
			if {$size != [string length $chunk]} {
			    Log "WARNING: mis-sized chunk:\
				was [string length $chunk], should be $size"
			getTextLine $sock
		    } else {
			set state(transfer_final) {}
	    } else {
		#Log "read non-chunk $state(currentsize) of $state(totalsize)"
		set block [read $sock $state(-blocksize)]
		set n [string length $block]
		if {$n >= 0} {
		    append state(body) $block
	    if {[info exists state]} {
		if {$n >= 0} {
		    incr state(currentsize) $n
		# If Content-Length - check for end of data.
		if {
		    ($state(totalsize) > 0)
		    && ($state(currentsize) >= $state(totalsize))
		} then {
		    Eof $token
	} err]} then {
	    return [Finish $token $err]
	} else {
	    if {[info exists state(-progress)]} {
		eval $state(-progress) \
		    [list $token $state(totalsize) $state(currentsize)]

    # catch as an Eof above may have closed the socket already
    if {![catch {eof $sock} eof] && $eof} {
	if {[info exists $token]} {
	    set state(connection) close
	    Eof $token
	} else {
	    # open connection closed on a token that has been cleaned up.
	    CloseSocket $sock

# http::getTextLine --
#	Get one line with the stream in blocking crlf mode
# Arguments
#	sock	The socket receiving input.
# Results:
#	The line of text, without trailing newline

proc http::getTextLine {sock} {
    set tr [fconfigure $sock -translation]
    set bl [fconfigure $sock -blocking]
    fconfigure $sock -translation crlf -blocking 1
    set r [gets $sock]
    fconfigure $sock -translation $tr -blocking $bl
    return $r

# http::CopyStart
#	Error handling wrapper around fcopy
# Arguments
#	sock	The socket to copy from
#	token	The token returned from http::geturl
# Side Effects
#	This closes the connection upon error

proc http::CopyStart {sock token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    if {[catch {
	fcopy $sock $state(-channel) -size $state(-blocksize) -command \
	    [list http::CopyDone $token]
    } err]} then {
	Finish $token $err

# http::CopyDone
#	fcopy completion callback
# Arguments
#	token	The token returned from http::geturl
#	count	The amount transfered
# Side Effects
#	Invokes callbacks

proc http::CopyDone {token count {error {}}} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    set sock $state(sock)
    incr state(currentsize) $count
    if {[info exists state(-progress)]} {
	eval $state(-progress) \
	    [list $token $state(totalsize) $state(currentsize)]
    # At this point the token may have been reset
    if {[string length $error]} {
	Finish $token $error
    } elseif {[catch {eof $sock} iseof] || $iseof} {
	Eof $token
    } else {
	CopyStart $sock $token

# http::Eof
#	Handle eof on the socket
# Arguments
#	token	The token returned from http::geturl
# Side Effects
#	Clean up the socket

proc http::Eof {token {force 0}} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state
    if {$state(state) eq "header"} {
	# Premature eof
	set state(status) eof
    } else {
	set state(status) ok

    if {($state(coding) eq "gzip") && [string length $state(body)] > 0} {
        if {[catch {
	    if {[package vsatisfies [package present Tcl] 8.6]} {
		# The zlib integration into 8.6 includes proper gzip support
		set state(body) [zlib gunzip $state(body)]
	    } else {
		set state(body) [Gunzip $state(body)]
        } err]} then {
	    return [Finish $token $err]

    if {!$state(binary)} {
        # If we are getting text, set the incoming channel's encoding
        # correctly.  iso8859-1 is the RFC default, but this could be any IANA
        # charset.  However, we only know how to convert what we have
        # encodings for.

        set enc [CharsetToEncoding $state(charset)]
        if {$enc ne "binary"} {
	    set state(body) [encoding convertfrom $enc $state(body)]

        # Translate text line endings.
        set state(body) [string map {\r\n \n \r \n} $state(body)]

    Finish $token

# http::wait --
#	See documentation for details.
# Arguments:
#	token	Connection token.
# Results:
#        The status after the wait.

proc http::wait {token} {
    variable $token
    upvar 0 $token state

    if {![info exists state(status)] || $state(status) eq ""} {
	# We must wait on the original variable name, not the upvar alias
	vwait ${token}(status)

    return [status $token]

# http::formatQuery --
#	See documentation for details.  Call http::formatQuery with an even
#	number of arguments, where the first is a name, the second is a value,
#	the third is another name, and so on.
# Arguments:
#	args	A list of name-value pairs.
# Results:

proc http::formatQuery {args} {
    set result ""
    set sep ""
    foreach i $args {
	append result $sep [mapReply $i]
	if {$sep eq "="} {
	    set sep &
	} else {
	    set sep =
    return $result

# http::mapReply --
#	Do x-www-urlencoded character mapping
# Arguments:
#	string	The string the needs to be encoded
# Results:
#       The encoded string

proc http::mapReply {string} {
    variable http
    variable formMap

    # The spec says: "non-alphanumeric characters are replaced by '%HH'". Use
    # a pre-computed map and [string map] to do the conversion (much faster
    # than [regsub]/[subst]). [Bug 1020491]

    if {$http(-urlencoding) ne ""} {
	set string [encoding convertto $http(-urlencoding) $string]
	return [string map $formMap $string]
    set converted [string map $formMap $string]
    if {[string match "*\[\u0100-\uffff\]*" $converted]} {
	regexp {[\u0100-\uffff]} $converted badChar
	# Return this error message for maximum compatability... :^/
	return -code error \
	    "can't read \"formMap($badChar)\": no such element in array"
    return $converted

# http::ProxyRequired --
#	Default proxy filter.
# Arguments:
#	host	The destination host
# Results:
#       The current proxy settings

proc http::ProxyRequired {host} {
    variable http
    if {[info exists http(-proxyhost)] && [string length $http(-proxyhost)]} {
	if {
	    ![info exists http(-proxyport)] ||
	    ![string length $http(-proxyport)]
	} then {
	    set http(-proxyport) 8080
	return [list $http(-proxyhost) $http(-proxyport)]

# http::CharsetToEncoding --
#	Tries to map a given IANA charset to a tcl encoding.  If no encoding
#	can be found, returns binary.

proc http::CharsetToEncoding {charset} {
    variable encodings

    set charset [string tolower $charset]
    if {[regexp {iso-?8859-([0-9]+)} $charset -> num]} {
	set encoding "iso8859-$num"
    } elseif {[regexp {iso-?2022-(jp|kr)} $charset -> ext]} {
	set encoding "iso2022-$ext"
    } elseif {[regexp {shift[-_]?js} $charset]} {
	set encoding "shiftjis"
    } elseif {[regexp {(?:windows|cp)-?([0-9]+)} $charset -> num]} {
	set encoding "cp$num"
    } elseif {$charset eq "us-ascii"} {
	set encoding "ascii"
    } elseif {[regexp {(?:iso-?)?lat(?:in)?-?([0-9]+)} $charset -> num]} {
	switch -- $num {
	    5 {set encoding "iso8859-9"}
	    1 - 2 - 3 {
		set encoding "iso8859-$num"
    } else {
	# other charset, like euc-xx, utf-8,...  may directly map to encoding
	set encoding $charset
    set idx [lsearch -exact $encodings $encoding]
    if {$idx >= 0} {
	return $encoding
    } else {
	return "binary"

# http::Gunzip --
#	Decompress data transmitted using the gzip transfer coding.

# FIX ME: redo using zlib sinflate
proc http::Gunzip {data} {
    binary scan $data Scb5icc magic method flags time xfl os
    set pos 10
    if {$magic != 0x1f8b} {
        return -code error "invalid data: supplied data is not in gzip format"
    if {$method != 8} {
        return -code error "invalid compression method"

    # lassign [split $flags ""] f_text f_crc f_extra f_name f_comment
    foreach {f_text f_crc f_extra f_name f_comment} [split $flags ""] break
    set extra ""
    if {$f_extra} {
	binary scan $data @${pos}S xlen
        incr pos 2
        set extra [string range $data $pos $xlen]
        set pos [incr xlen]

    set name ""
    if {$f_name} {
        set ndx [string first \0 $data $pos]
        set name [string range $data $pos $ndx]
        set pos [incr ndx]

    set comment ""
    if {$f_comment} {
        set ndx [string first \0 $data $pos]
        set comment [string range $data $pos $ndx]
        set pos [incr ndx]

    set fcrc ""
    if {$f_crc} {
	set fcrc [string range $data $pos [incr pos]]
        incr pos

    binary scan [string range $data end-7 end] ii crc size
    set inflated [zlib inflate [string range $data $pos end-8]]
    set chk [zlib crc32 $inflated]
    if {($crc & 0xffffffff) != ($chk & 0xffffffff)} {
	return -code error "invalid data: checksum mismatch $crc != $chk"
    return $inflated

# Local variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: t
# End:
and tcl of json

these three add tcl in the conf:
source scripts/http.tcl
source scripts/json.tcl

Once done all those steps turn off your bot and turn it on again do not run the rehash
I recommend you use version 1.6.20 is the most stable and without many errors
Version 1.8. Is full of errors
.:an ideal world:.
my programming place /server
Posts: 76
Joined: Tue Apr 01, 2008 2:59 pm

Post by thommey »

There is so much wrong information in this thread, I don't even know where to begin. But the most dangerous one is clearly
Arnold_X-P wrote: This error that comes out is an error of its version eggdrop version 1.8.1 is full of errors, my bot uses version 1.6.20 and works great..
Eggdrop1.6.x does simply not compile on modern systems without a heap of ./configure options and extra compiler flags. Eggdrop1.8.x is based on 1.6.21 and fully compatible, you might as well think of it as 1.6.24. If you find any problems using Eggdrop1.8.x, please report them to us at It is actively developed and 1.6.x is not. We will fix every single bug you find that is an Eggdrop bug. The problems mentioned in this thread are exclusively related to Tcl installations, and Eggdrop1.6.20 will have just the same problems on that system as Eggdrop1.8.1 and in addition is a lot more work to get to compile and find Tcl, etc. Eggdrop1.8.1 should compile using ./configure only, without all those arguments you have to figure out first. If it can't find Tcl, make sure you have the tcl-dev or tcl-devel package from your operating system installed. The fact that "it works for you" on 1.6.20 has nothing to do with the Eggdrop version, Tcl version or http version but with the environment, Tcl installation paths, and package installation paths (tcllib, tls), and age of the system (/usr/lib vs. /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu).

Recommending to manually find and load http.tcl (which isn't even the right format used by Tcl to ship it anymore), json.tcl, htmlparse.tcl and others is completely wrong and dangerous. Those scripts won't update with your operating system, might rely on other packages, are incompatible with the ones you already have installed, and manually sourcing them prevents the loading of newer ones. It is also much more effort than the real solutions below.

Now to the whole package situation, where a lot of confusion is spread.

The http package

The http package is shipped with Tcl. You never ever need to manually source or download http.tcl. Start "tclsh" on your shell, try "package require http", it will work in 99.99% of the cases. Same situation in Eggdrop. Please avoid loading or sourcing any http.tcl you got from anywhere, including the one posted here. If you get an error about "http::geturl is an unknown command" or similar, make sure the script you are trying to load has "package require http" in one of its first lines. Do make sure you have the usual operating system packages installed to compile Eggdrop with Tcl (tcl-dev or tcl-devel). If it still fails, recompile Eggdrop.

The tcllib packages (json, htmlparse)

The json and htmlparse packages are part of Tcllib. The usual package name is "tcllib" on debian and other operating systems (apt-get install tcllib). The path to Tcllib could be non-standard and if Eggdrop fails to find a package at a "package require json" line or similar, you can either set the TCLLIBPATH environment variable in your shell before starting it, set it in your config (set env(TCLLIBPATH) /path/to/that/file) or go find tcllib's main "pkgIndex.tcl" file and add its path to the auto_path variable (see below, "Fixing package require errors").

The tls package

The tls package is, like the json and htmlparse packages, independent from Tcl and shipped separately, but not part of tcllib. The debian package name to install is "tcl-tls". If a "package require tls" in Eggdrop does not find it, see below ("Fixing package require errors"). If it loads fine but the script in question doesn't seem to be able to connect to https:// sites, change its

Code: Select all

http::register https 443 tls::socket
line to

Code: Select all

http::register https 443 {tls::socket -tls1 1}
Or upgrade your tcl-tls package to at least version 1.7.

Fixing package require errors

Fixing packages that can't be found (does NOT apply to http, msgcat, clock, because they are always shipped with Tcl itself):
  1. Find the relevant most top-level pkgIndex.tcl file associated with it. e.g.

    Code: Select all

    find /usr -name pkgIndex.tcl
  2. Add its path (without the filename) to your config to the auto_path variable like so:

    Code: Select all

    lappend ::auto_path /usr/share/tcltk/tcllib1.14

    Code: Select all

    lappend ::auto_path /usr/share/tcltk/tls1.6
    Do this before sourcing any scripts.
That's it, the package should now be found and load fine. You can have multiple of those lines, each one adds a package search path to Tcl.
Post Reply