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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by Sir_Fz »

I wrote:Instead of
set nosense(kmsg) "Possible random drone detected. $kckcount(form)"
set nosense(kmsg) "Possible random drone detected. \[%date\] - Banned %btime minutes ·%kcount·"
This will not include %rate in the kick message which will not display "random string". And yes, 4.6 is a beta version but it seems to have no errors - Use it, you will like it.
The same thing applys for the advertising kick. (I thought that was clear)

As for setting advertisement words, the script automatically detects them but you can add words to be exempted from being considered as advertisement via the .ap:add dcc command. Example:
.ap:add adexempts #channel #mychan
This will exempt & #mychan from being considered as advertisement on #channel.
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Post by Domin »

Ohh, thanks i dident quit get that, but it fixed all my problems :-)

Advertisment isent quit usefulle for me so i just disabled it and the put the adresses/pages in the badword section and use that one instead :-)

Thanks for a greate script.

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Post by MenzAgitat »

I'm using the version 4.6b4 on a quiz channel and when people are saying quickly a lot of numbers, i get this error :
Tcl error [::AllProtection::pubms btextl]: wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
my setting for btextl is :
ap:btextl: {15:7 mR-k lines.flood 60}
example of what people say when the error triggers :
<nick1> 41
<nick2> 18
<nick3> 6
<nick2> 17
<nick3> 19
<nick1> 12
any idea to fix that ?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

What's the output of .set errorInfo?
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Post by Sir_Fz »

AllProtection v4.6b5 released.

Fixed bug in bad chans and clones protections.
Enhanced advertising detection to avoid false detections.

These were the bugs reported. If you know more bugs and still haven't reported them, this is the right time to report them with complete errorInfo if existing.

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Post by MenzAgitat »

Sir_Fz wrote:What's the output of .set errorInfo?
I don't know, whenever the bug happens (which is not often because the conditions are not easy to reproduce) I am not looking the quizz channel or I am not in front of my computer, so I can't get the errorinfo.
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Post by Alchera »

Voice the users playing the trivia game. The script does not punish voiced users if set appropriately.

Code: Select all

# Set here any additional exempts, you can use one of the following:
# 0: Neither voices nor halfops are exempted from punishment
# 1: Voices are exempted from punishment
# 2: Halfops are exempted from punishment
# 3: Both halfops and voices are exempted from punishment 
set exmptype 3
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Post by Alchera »

Have just noticed a possible "bug":
Anode dEaMoN is on place #25 out of 406.
<-- Darth-Vader has kicked Anode from #homec (Advertising detected. (* #2*) :: [Tue Jul 11 05:47:39 2006] - Banned 30 minutes ·20·)
--> Anode ( has joined #homec
* Darth-Vader sets ban on *!*Anode@*
The ban should be set first (?), then the kick so the offender cannot re-enter.

Code: Select all

ap:adv: {+ 30 kb 3}
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Post by Sir_Fz »

That may happen because of the queue, if you want immediate banning then set apqueue(time) to 0. This won't happen occasionally though, depends on the time the command is being issued.
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Post by Alchera »

Remind me to clean my glasses next time. :lol:

I completely missed that setting. lmao
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Post by IRCNick »

Hmm I searched the threat about this error but I havent found it. What might be the problem causing it. The egg funtionate without any problems, but it would be nice if I do not get this error

Code: Select all

[13:55] <MyEgg> [13:55] #IRCNick# set errorInfo
[13:55] <MyEgg> Currently: no such binding
[13:55] <MyEgg> Currently:     while executing
[13:55] <MyEgg> Currently: "unbind evnt - loaded [namespace current]::install"
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Post by Sir_Fz »

That's not a bug/error/problem. It only happens when you .rehash (where that bind is not bound - already been unbound on load) and you never actually see the error since it's being caught (via [catch] command).

That's there to assure that the script is loaded only when all modules are loaded so no possible channel setting errors occur.
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Post by MenzAgitat »

I've got some other problems, still on my quiz channel (I pinpoint that it happens on a quiz channel so you can imagine the context (fast answers from a lot of people, flood, and so on...)).
I am running a windrop v1.6.17.

some errors I get :
on clones protection
<Boole> [20:43] AP: Warned Wenesse,anaelle,sanachou on #quizz :Attention : vous avez dépassé le nombre maximum de clones tolérés; enlevez vos clones immédiatement.
<Boole> [20:43] Tcl error in script for 'timer71523':
<Boole> [20:43] invalid command name "::AllProtection::clones"
on advertisement protection :
<Boole> [18:53] AP: Warned Wenesse on #quizz :Attention : vous avez activé la protection contre la publicité; la publicité n'est pas autorisée.
<Boole> [18:53] AP: Warned Eileen on #quizz :Attention : vous avez activé la protection contre la publicité; la publicité n'est pas autorisée.
<Boole> [18:53] Tcl error in script for 'timer70684':
<Boole> [18:53] wrong # args: should be "putquick arg"
The .set errorinfo command, which I use immediately after an error each time I can, keeps saying to me that the errorinfo variable does exist.

At the moment, I am still using the AllProtection v4.6b4 and I intent to update to the latest beta (b5) this evening, hoping that these problems will be gone.

(sorry if I my grammar is sometimes a bit strange, I am a french guy :wink: )
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Post by MenzAgitat »

uhoo when I rode again my bug report I suddenly thought about a detail....
The semicolon I am using in the two quoted warning sentences is interpreted by tcl as a command separator, right ?

I will try \; instead.

If I am right, just ignore my post and shame on me :oops:
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Post by Alchera »

MenzAgitat wrote:The .set errorinfo command, which I use immediately after an error each time I can, keeps saying to me that the errorinfo variable does exist.
# Comment these two lines if you wish to enable the .tcl and .set commands.
# If you select your owners wisely, you should be okay enabling these.
unbind dcc n tcl *dcc:tcl
unbind dcc n set *dcc:set
Restart your bot after doing the above and ".set errorInfo" will be available.
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