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AllProtection.tcl (Stable: v4.8 / Beta: v4.9b4)

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Post by MenzAgitat »

I never disabled these two commands because I am the only one to have access to the partyline. The errorinfo variable is just not set when I query it. Thank you anyway for trying to help me :wink:
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Post by Alchera »

Do know what is meant by "commenting"? What I pasted are the default eggrop.conf settings - disabled. You have to place a '#' in front of the respective line(s) and then .restart your bot for it to take effect (enable).

That is the reason why '.set errorInfo' does "not exist". :P
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Post by MenzAgitat »

Ok I understand ^^
When I said
The .set errorinfo command, which I use immediately after an error each time I can, keeps saying to me that the errorinfo variable does exist.
i meant
The .set errorinfo command, which I use immediately after an error each time I can, keeps saying to me that the errorinfo variable does not exist.
And i also understood my problem with the .set errorInfo command : I was omitting to capitalize the I when i was typing the command, I didn't know tcl variables were case sensitive. :roll:

suggestion : the bot should be immunized against clone detection. It is hosted by me and when my wife connects to the channel, we are 3 on the same connection so we are detected as clones and the bot kicks himself.

I also got a problem with the bad words list.
Example : If I set it to

Code: Select all

set bwords(global) {
only the badword "connard" makes the bot react and punish, (saying "enculé" or "salope" does nothing). I can't understand why.
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Ok, next time paste the outcome of .set errorInfo so we can know where the error exactly occurs. I'll check out the clone detection problem, as for bad words protection - never witnessed such a problem and neither did anybody report it, I don't see why it shouldn't work.
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Post by Domin »

Remember to delete aplists in scripts dir, since i also had that problem and it seems ap:reset * dont reset that list, but if you delete the file and do a restart it will work.

Btw, thanks for a greate script :wink:
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Post by MenzAgitat »

Thank you Domin, the problem I have with the badwords list is because aplist is not updated when I restart the bot. :D

Sir_Fz maybe you should make a separate command to update global variables in aplists (other than .ap:reset). My bot manages security on 5 channels with different settings for each, and I don't want to reset ALL settings back to default ones each time I add a badword.

Keep up the good work Sir_Fz :)
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Post by Domin »

I dont think you have to, try eding the apllist file, and then just do a restart (perhaps even a rehash is enough) and see if it dont load the right words now.

Remember to make a backup of the aplist file before you edit so you can restore to original settings :-)
Domin @ efnet
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Post by Sir_Fz »

So I understand that the aplists file is not being updated when you add new elements to the lists?

I've tested it on my bot and it seems to be updating just fine, can you explain more on where and when does your problem occur?
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Post by Domin »

I first discoverede the problem when updating from b4 to b5 since i did not know that the bot had made the fil aplist, and i couldt not understand that it did not get any of my settings that i had set in the tcl file, even thou i tried .ap:reset global and i tried rehash, restart, and even die and then start the bot again from shell, until i found the aplist file and saw that it was still holding default settings from before i startede to edit the config, i then deletede that file startede the bot again, and did a ap:reset global and i createde a new file with the settings i specifyed in the tcl file and everything was fine

Im running it on eggdrop v1.6.18+RC1
Tcl library: /usr/local/lib/tcl8.4
Tcl version: 8.4.11 (header version 8.4.11)

Btw, is it possible to add exempts to drone scanner with the ap:add setting since i dont seem to be able to finde that setting.
Domin @ efnet
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Post by Sir_Fz »

The aplists file is used to store badchans, badwords, badnicks, badidents and adexempts lists and has nothing to do with the .ap:reset command. The .ap:reset command is used to reset the channel's AP settings to their default values (set in the script) - so I don't see any relation with what you're talking about.

As for adding drone exempts via .ap:add, I'm going to implement it (don't know how I missed it).
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Post by Domin »

Well i hardcoded a few badwords in the tcl file, and they dont show up in the aplist even if i do a ap:reset, a rehash, a restart or completly shut down the bot and start the bot again, only way i can get them to change is if i delete the aplist file and start the bot again, then it will create a new aplist with the right settings taken from the tcl file.

That was what i ment, sorry if it dident come out as cleare as it shouldt but english is not my native language.

Sounds nice with the drone settings ;-)
Domin @ efnet
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Post by exhuman »

I using BETA, and i getting this error, i am new in using TCL scripts.

(23:30) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:55] Tcl error [::RusTeD::parts partmsgs]: can't read "v": no such variable
(23:30) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:56] Tcl error [::RusTeD::control]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:31) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:56] Tcl error [::RusTeD::joins bidents]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:31) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:56] Tcl error [::RusTeD::joins clones]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:31) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:57] Tcl error [::RusTeD::control]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:31) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:57] Tcl error [::RusTeD::joins bidents]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:31) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:57] Tcl error [::RusTeD::joins clones]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:32) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:58] Tcl error [::RusTeD::control]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(23:33) · (Cosa_Nostra · [23:59] Tcl error [::RusTeD::control]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
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Post by Sir_Fz »

Domin, if by "hardcoded" you mean added them in the default variables inside the script then it won't work. AllProtection will override the default settings (for the lists) if they exist in the aplists file, that's why you need to use the .ap:add command to edit lists.

exhuman are you sure you're using my AllProtection script? if yes, then paste the output of .set errorInfo.
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Post by Alchera »

Another "simple" solution:

I also altered the badwords directly in the script, deleted the aplists file and simply rehashed the bot to reflect the changes.
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Post by exhuman »

(15:11) · RuSTeD-FaiTH · .set errorInfo
(15:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · What? You need '.help'
(15:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [15:36] Tcl error [::RusTeD::joins bidents]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(15:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [15:36] Tcl error [::RusTeD::joins clones]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(15:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [15:37] Tcl error [::RusTeD::control]: wrong # args: should be "scan nick uhost hand chan"
(15:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [15:37] #izzat: mode change '+l 6' by Cosa_Nostra!
(15:11) · (Cosa_Nostra · [15:37] #izzat: mode change '-l ' by Cosa_Nostra!

and problem is in limit

(15:02) ›› Mode change: +l 6 by Cosa_Nostra
(15:02) ›› Mode change: -l by Cosa_Nostra
(15:03) ›› Mode change: +l 6 by Cosa_Nostra
(15:04) ›› Mode change: -l by Cosa_Nostra
(15:04) ›› Mode change: +l 6 by Cosa_Nostra
(15:04) ›› Mode change: -l by Cosa_Nostra
(15:05) ›› Mode change: +l 6 by Cosa_Nostra
(15:05) ›› Mode change: -l by Cosa_Nostra
(15:06) ›› Mode change: +l 6 by Cosa_Nostra
(15:06) ›› Mode change: -l by Cosa_Nostra
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